Above the gray fog

Chapter 295 Lucia, Ascension Game

Beautiful flowers of flesh and blood bloomed in the deep pit.

This bloody carnival lasted for half an hour before it ended.

Lin Shan witnessed everything.

In the air, like a god, he looked down at the creatures below.

He didn't expect that under the superficial brilliance of the fox clan, there was such a bloody darkness hidden.

The girl who had been observing at the beginning had disappeared from his sight.

Maybe she was smashed to death, or was killed by other creatures, or maybe she had found enough supplies and planned to spend a while in peace.

After more than ten minutes, the black shadows in the field gradually dissipated, leaving only the deep pit stained with blood.

The airship suspended above the garbage dump started again and prepared to return.

The direction of the return trip was exactly the direction where the fortune line extended.

Lin Shan was hesitating whether to catch up with the airship, but seeing the slow speed of the airship, he gave up the idea.

This area is unusual. These creatures below... there should be some who can speak fox language. I can ask them first, Lin Shan thought in his heart.

He had just checked the bracelet. The Goddess of Light, who was known as the encyclopedia of the fox tribe, did not have any record of the Sin City.

This area must have been deliberately blocked by the fox tribe. The record of this area should have been eliminated by the high-level permission.

However, the fox tribe did not completely block this area. Although no clues could be found, if the entrance was found, it could be directly entered.

Only B-level fox people can enter. To reach B-level fox people, you must have the strength of Sequence 8.

This is a place that requires strength to come...

Lin Shan slowly landed on the ruins and stopped above a cave.

This cave was very poorly covered by several large stones, and there were small stones all around. It was a real-life version of - there is no silver here.

Lin Shan stood in front of the two large stones. He did not see any movement. The large stone floated in the air and moved to the side.


In the gap between the two large stones.

A cold light flashed.


With a "bang", a steel bar more than one meter long and covered with mud was firmly stuck 10 centimeters in front of Lin Shan.

There was a white barrier there.

The next second, the steel bar suddenly burned and turned into molten iron dripping on the ground.


Due to heat conduction, the creatures in the cave immediately made a miserable cry and rushed out of the cave, trying to escape.

How could Lin Shan do as he wished? He immediately used pure spirituality to form a transparent cage and covered him in it.

When he saw the creatures in the cage clearly, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

This man is a fox, and he is also an old man.

How can he survive in such a place where people eat each other at his age?

"Can you speak?" Lin Shan looked at him.

He had never heard of Lin Shan's words, and he continued to slap the transparent cage with his hands. His eyes were full of wildness, and he didn't look like a highly intelligent life at all.

Looking at his appearance, Lin Shan knew that he couldn't communicate.

Lin Shan walked around the transparent cage and found something strange.

This 'old fox' actually had two tails. He ignored the other tail because it was too small.

"Is this... mutated?"

"Maybe... this area is used by the fox tribe to study some kind of biotechnology?"

Lin Shan waved his hand to remove the cage, and the 'old fox' in the cage immediately used his hands and feet to quickly hide behind the bunker and disappeared.



Under the depressing sky, the girl in a cotton coat, carrying a patched sack on her back, walked through the ruins street vigilantly.

The cold wind blew.

The girl shuddered involuntarily, frowned slightly, shrank her clothes, made a sound of inhalation, and lifted the sack behind her.

Lucia, her name is Lucia, and she has lived in the Sin Realm for five years.

That's right, it's the Sin Realm, not the Sin City. This space is a world of its own, with a complete alternation of four seasons, and its size is not even smaller than the Abyss.

If the Abyss is the chaotic place on the surface of the Fox Clan, then the Sin Realm is the darkest manifestation of the Fox Clan.

Before she was ten years old, she lived in the Abyss. Although her life was hard, she also had a relatively complete family.

Her mother was from the Mei Clan and her father was from the Snake Clan. She was conceived by a different race, which meant that she could no longer have fertility.

Children conceived by a different race could not be conceived again. This is the rule of the world, which meant that the population of the Abyss could not be replenished by natural reproduction.

One day, when she was only 10 years old, she was doing heavy farm work. Suddenly, a silver-white "cube" flew in the sky and sucked her into it. When she woke up again, she found herself in the Sin Realm.

The "system" that inexplicably appeared in her mind told her that she was selected to participate in a game called "ascension".

A game where she could not be resurrected. The information about the Sin Realm was also told to her by the "system".

Here, you only need to do three things.

Survive, kill all opponents, and become stronger.

Killing other creatures can gain "experience points" to improve your strength.

When you reach a certain level, you can even obtain mysterious "skills". Creatures with "skills" are all genuine strong ones.

The scramble for garbage just now is the daily supply of materials. The system will mark the nearest location in advance.

She is called a ‘player’. There are many players like her, but not all creatures are players. Players have one thing in common: they are extremely cunning, including her.

With a slight thought, she summoned the player’s panel.

A light blue screen appeared in front of her that only she could see.


Level: 9 (89%)

Faction: Player

Race: Charm, Snake

Occupation: Scavenger


Physical Strength - 5Y

Attack - 9Y

Defense - 2Y

Speed ​​- 8Y

Auxiliary Ability - None

Talent - Heat Sensing (Racial Talent)

“89%… As long as I kill three more weak creatures, I can gain skills and go to a richer area.” Lucia said to herself.

She clenched her fists, and her dirty hair covered her face.

She suddenly looked up.

The black clouds overlapped and intertwined with each other, spreading crimson lightning and rumbling thunder.

"It's going to rain..."

This is the border of the novice area. She has only been in this area for a few days and does not have a fixed 'home'.

If you get wet in the rain, you may get sick, and if you get sick, your physique will become weak, thus reducing your ability to protect yourself.

If you don't want to get wet in the rain, the best way is to find a 'home'.

Find a 'home'... The fastest way is to rob!

Lucia quickly passed by the dilapidated buildings, all of which had no roofs. She didn't dare to provoke the few buildings with intact roofs.

The strength of the owner who could get a complete building would definitely not be lower than hers. He was about to upgrade and gain skills. She didn't want to take risks at this time.

The ruins passed by quickly, and after running for more than ten minutes, she stopped.

Her eyes were already locked on a hole in the ground.

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