Above the gray fog

Chapter 271 Winning at the Starting Line

It is useless to think more at the moment, so I can only suppress my doubts in my heart.

A pile of books recording history in front of me disappeared, and Lin Shan thought in his heart, what important things have he forgotten.

"The key to the original technology."

Lin Shan whispered again, but he didn't have much hope this time.

No matter how generous the fox tribe is, the fox tribe should not share things like technology keys.

To Lin Shan's surprise, a book really appeared in front of him.

"Original Technology from Beginner to Mastery"

"No way..."

Lin Shan quickly flipped through the book in front of him, and the result disappointed him greatly. This was just a theory about the original technology.

The book said:

Original technology is the most suitable technology for the gray fog world. There is no cost to use the original technology. When the original technology develops to a certain extent, it can also be on par with the gods. It is a new technology that is on par with the old technology.

However, many races will abandon the original technology when they obtain the key to the old technology.

Because the primary and intermediate stages of the original technology need to follow the conservation of "characteristics".

For example, a Sequence 8 weapon must have a carrier with Sequence 8 characteristics as its core.

Characteristic carriers can also be used to make potions. Compared to making spiritual weapons, most races prefer to have a Sequence 8 strongman born in their tribe.

Moreover, ‘spiritual energy’ is extremely difficult to obtain, and even requires extraordinary people to act as ‘batteries’ to replenish spiritual energy.

The fatal flaws of the above two points make it difficult for small tribes to develop original technology, while large tribes choose the old technology with a wider coverage.

In essence, both technologies are transformed by the supreme authority. If a race takes any of the technological paths to the end, they will be on par with the master.

New races cannot master the old technology. If they get the key to the old technology, they should not study it easily. The old technology, especially the old weapons, is transformed by the supreme authority of the old days.

If the power reaches a certain level, it will be like a guiding light in the dark night for the old gods in the empty prison.

Seeing this, Lin Shan finally understood why the old weapons attracted the terrifying monster.

The sound of turning pages resounded in the silent space, mixed with the sound of tearing books.

There was also a note on the last page of the book.

This has a special term in Origin Technology, "pseudo-spirit."

For example, pseudo-spirit weapons, pseudo-spirit special items, and the level of these weapons or items is divided according to the level of the person who gave the characteristics.

"Pseudo-spirit" requires the assistance of spiritual instruments to be made, and the production process is recorded in detail later. These are technologies that the human race has already mastered, the basics of the basics.

This note should be for the races that have just come into contact with Origin Technology. After all, as long as the key is mastered, this will be studied sooner or later. The human race has been studying spiritual instruments for nearly a hundred years.

As for the pseudo-spirit weapons mentioned here.

At the beginning, the "divination paper" he made, if classified according to the classification, should belong to the pseudo-spirit special items of Sequence 8. This type of item only uses keys, spiritual instruments, and extraordinary materials.

Because the characteristics of "pseudo-spirit" items are temporarily given by extraordinary people, their abilities are very weak and there is a limit on the number of uses.

But the gray fog world has countless characteristics. In terms of change, the original technology far exceeds the old technology.

There is also a small note at the end:

The cover of the book is an original key - Lingbo.

May the connection between my fox clan and them last forever.

"Lingbo" is used for information transmission, communication, detection, etc., one of the original keys.

Lin Shan closed the whole book and checked the cover.

Sure enough, there was a spiritual pattern on the cover of the book. The cover of the whole book was composed of this spiritual pattern. If you don't study it deliberately, you will just think it is a special picture.

Lin Shan didn't expect that the fox clan was actually willing to disclose the key to the original technology. Mastering this key means mastering the possibility of communication, such as... using spirituality to make a phone call?

Communication is definitely a great help to the development of a civilization, although it is just a key, not a complete technical inheritance.

The fox clan gave a possibility, which would invisibly make those affiliated races owe a great favor.

Even Lin Shan had a flash of thought in his mind at this moment. If he became powerful in the future, he could repay the fox clan.

No matter how you think about it, it is difficult to have hostile feelings towards the fox tribe at this moment.

Thinking of the subordinate races, Lin Shan couldn't help but think of the Ten Thousand Races. The Ten Thousand Races are all the "sparks" that were previously preserved. Although it is unknown what form this so-called "spark" is, the Ten Thousand Races that have been preserved should have a complete civilization heritage.

Just like the human race, these heritages may be passed down in the form of myths, or in other ways.

So... what is the situation of the shrimp tribe that we met before?

There are many races similar to the shrimp tribe in the gray fog world. Their civilization and their IQ are obviously much lower than some civilizations.

Are they also the "sparks" of the Ten Thousand Races returning?

"Books about races."

Before, I could only grope in the dark when I encountered problems, but now I am in the Fox Tribe Library. With the development of the Fox Tribe for 170,000 years, there should be a lot of research on races.

Sure enough, a mountain of books appeared in my sight the next moment.

Lin Shan flipped through the pile of books casually. Most of these books recorded the Plant Tribe and the Fallen Tribe. Basically, each branch race has its own book.

"The Plant Tribe - Bamboo Soil"

"The Plant Tribe - Wanzhangli"

"The Fallen Tribe - Baiyan"

"The Fallen Tribe——Li Ya"

And there is not a single book about all races.

Lin Shan thought about it and realized that the key to it was probably not that it didn't exist, but that it had not been made public by the Fox Clan.

Just imagine, any race would feel uncomfortable if they saw themselves being studied so thoroughly by others.

Rather than bring bad influence, it is better not to disclose these. There is definitely no shortage of research on all races in the hidden database of the Fox clan, and it may be a key project.

"No records of the Zhizuo clan and the Fallen clan."

"No records of a single race."


As Lin Shan continued to sift through, there were only two books left in front of him.

"The Native Race of the Gray Mist World"

"On the butterfly effect brought about by the crossing of all races"

These two books were exactly what Lin Shan was looking for.

"Native Races of the Gray Mist World" mainly records that in addition to the Zhi tribe and the fallen tribe, there are many native races in the gray mist world. They have no civilization inheritance and they need to complete the entire development of civilization in the cruel gray mist world.

From upright walking to slash-and-burn cultivation, from the barbarian period to the ancient and decadent dynasty period, or other strange social forms, these native races need tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of development before they can form a civilization.

Only then will they reach the starting line of all races.

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