Above the gray fog

Chapter 1237 Spore Tunnel, Invisible Species

The woman in red?

Zhao Xiaoan?

Hongyi went to the Apostle Galaxy. Combining these two characteristics, Lin Shan immediately thought of Zhao Xiaoan.

He was sent to find Zhao Xiaoan's clone, but he didn't know where he died.

is truly dead.

It was just a body that wasn't too strong, so Lin Shan didn't pay much attention to it.

When the clone died, Lin Shan thought it would be difficult for him to see Zhao Xiaoan again.

But I never thought that when people were being robbed, Zhao Xiaoan would take the first step to return to the human race...

Suddenly, Lin Shan felt an inexplicable twitch in his heart.

Every time the human race suffers a disaster, a pioneer will inexplicably become extremely powerful to prevent the disaster.

But the consequence is that everyone will forget this pioneer, except the clan weapon.

Zhao Xiaoan... Go back at this time, could it be...

Lin Shan felt uneasy in his heart. He didn't realize that Grande in front of him had been pressed to the ground by his aura.

"God, God, don't be impulsive..." Grande's hoarse voice brought Lin Shan back to reality.

"Where has the woman in red you talked about gone?" Lin Shan asked coldly. A tentacle stretched out from the air, strangled Grande's neck, and slowly lifted it up until it was suspended in the air.

The repressive force of the big world is omnidirectional. As long as Lin Shan kills his physical body, he will most likely not be able to be resurrected.

"She entered the spore tunnel. She may be in the Apostle Galaxy, or she may have gone to other places. The spore tunnel is very uncontrollable..."

"Take me to that spore tunnel." The tentacles let go, and Grande fell to the ground with a thud.

"I just said that the spore tunnel is very uncontrollable. If you are sent to another place..."

"As long as you are not deliberately playing tricks, I will not come back to take your life." Another meaning of Lin Shan is that as long as he dares to play tricks, Lin Shan will definitely come back to take his life.

"You come with me. The robe tunnel is a jump method that is still under research. Very few people know about it at present. I hope you won't spread the word. I am not responsible for the consequences." Grande sighed, reluctantly Lead the way.

The three of them walked along the corridor and reached a place shrouded in light.

Grande clicked on the transparent light screen in front of him, and an extreme pulling force sent them to an unknown floor.

When her vision returned again, Lillian exclaimed.


Even in an extremely sci-fi world, she had never seen such a sci-fi scene. No, it was not just sci-fi, it was sci-fi plus magic. Both elements were in full bloom in this vast room.

Lin Shan raised his head and saw a huge vortex above, with transparent pipes constantly squirming in it.

The particles floating in the tunnel are a bit like spiritual particles, mixed with other unknown auras.

The surface of the vortex seems to be constantly changing, as if countless black particles are constantly reorganizing to form complex patterns one after another.

A little below the vortex is filled with countless devices. These devices are connected to the vortex through a series of complex pipes and cables, and seem to be providing energy to the vortex, or drawing energy from the vortex.

Below the vortex, thousands of staff are performing their duties. Some are maintaining equipment, some are nervously monitoring data flows, and some are conducting emergency communication and dispatch. Their expressions are serious, and they can I felt a tense atmosphere permeating the entire space.

The surrounding walls were all translucent screens displaying complex data and charts.

"The tunnel above is the spore tunnel. Theoretically, it can reach anywhere in the gray fog universe." Grande proudly pointed to the tunnel above. "If the technology of the spore tunnel can mature, the distance between the universes will be No longer a problem."

"This tunnel... can go to any place in the universe?" Lin Shan frowned slightly. If this technology is really achievable, the distance between the gray fog will no longer be a problem.

Similarly, the distance that is infinitely shortened will inevitably lead to a more tragic war.

A scientific researcher wearing glasses was frowning and staring at a set of data on the light screen. He suddenly heard Lin Shan's inquiry and instinctively regarded Lin Shan as one of his own. He turned around and explained to Lin Shan:

"Spore entanglement was accidentally discovered by a junior scientist. He discovered that two unknown particles could instantly switch positions regardless of distance. After that, many senior scholars on the star gathered to study this phenomenon. The reason why this phenomenon is called The reason for spore entanglement is that the small particles floating in the tunnel are somewhat similar to the spores spread by some fungal organisms. Each particle contains one or more "cells" of the organism. The only difference is that these spores Doesn't seem to grow and reproduce."

"This discovery, if announced, will definitely subvert many people's ideas. The existence of these robes proves that there are creatures we can't see sowing robes in the void. If you are extraordinary, you should be able to find that these spores contain spiritual particles. It We need spirituality as much as we do, and from this we can see that spirituality is an energy that all living things in the universe must possess.”

"Imagine that we and the species that spread the spores live in this universe at the same time. We can't see them, and they can't see us. The only thing that intersects is spirituality..."

"Ahem." Grande coughed lightly, "Let me introduce you. This is Lin Shan, the God of Astrology in the Original Source Court. He works in the Existence Court and has now left the Source Court..."

Upon hearing Grande's prompt, the bespectacled clerk immediately closed his mouth and silently turned his head to continue his work.

Lin Shan glanced at Grande, making him tremble, but he still pretended to be calm and pointed somewhere and said, "God, you stand on the middlemost device."

The clerk's words reminded Lin Shan of the story the Scarecrow told him before. Could it be that...the invisible existence in the Scarecrow's story is the species that spreads spores?

Lin Shan walked towards where Grande was pointing. He seemed to have remembered something. He looked back at Grande and said, "This is my friend. Take him back to the main passage."

Lilian, who was originally at a loss, breathed a sigh of relief.

"God, please don't worry." Grande responded and walked straight towards the clerks sitting in a row not far away.

"Apostle Galaxy." Grande said.


Lin Shan raised his head and stared at the entrance of the spore tunnel. The light on the vortex gradually became more intense. The staff were busy making final calibrations, their fingers beating rapidly on the control panel.

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