After Ariel and the others had stayed in Count Agner's mansion for a few days, or in other words, after eating, drinking and having fun to their heart's content, they were finally ready to leave the count's territory.

On the day of departure, almost everyone in the earl's mansion came to see them off. It was a real farewell, an extremely happy one, and this kind of farewell from the heart could not be faked.

After all, the recent arrival of Ariel and the others had caused everyone in the earl's mansion to be on edge, fearing that the devil would kill them if he was unhappy.

Before this, that is, before the former Minister of the Body influenced the devil prince, she had really done this before. Just because she was unhappy, a lord's mansion would be reduced to ashes.

""My Lord Demon, have you ever done something that is so harmful to the world that they are so afraid of you?" Bai Zhi asked curiously. After staying there for so many days, the servants in the Earl's Mansion looked truly terrified. It can be said that they were trembling when they got close to them.

"Well, it was just that one time, a servant sneezed, and I was in a bad mood that day, so I cast a small spell. Although Ariel's personality is slowly changing, she still has all her memories, and she said lightly

"Is it really a small spell?" Bai Zhi questioned. No one would believe that she cast a small spell. If it was a small spell, the servants wouldn't be so scared. With Ariel's personality, she could easily blow up a mountain.

"Hehe, anyway, that area is about ten kilometers long, and there is not a single living thing."Ariel smiled awkwardly. This was her personality before. If she was in a bad mood, she might do something horrible.

"Ah~ ten kilometers! Sure enough, I knew it was like this, no wonder they are so afraid of you, if I were them, I would dig a hole and hide underground rather than see you, a devil."Bai Zhi exclaimed.

Sure enough, the Demon King is not called in vain, he is the real Demon King. Bai Zhi feels more and more that the Demon King is not the king of the demon clan at all, but the real Demon King.

Vampire also has an expression of"so that's it".

After Ma Long left the lord's territory, he did not go directly to the Demon King's castle, but went to the full road.

Sasajima was making a magic sword in the cave. Hearing the sound of the carriage outside, he found a place to hide. When Shang Yanyuan left, he told him not to fight again before sealing his anger.

""Hello, Sasajima-san, we're here to see you~" Shiraori shouted. Although she didn't have many memories of Sasajima-san, she was particularly enthusiastic when she heard from Kamiyagiin that Sasajima-san was her good friend.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Sasajima walked out with heavy steps. Under his huge body, Kamiyagiin and others looked particularly small.

Seeing Sasajima come out, Kamiyagiin smiled and said,"How is it? No one found you, right?"

"No, I have been hiding in the cave and have not come out." Sasajima said with an ugly smile.

Then, he didn't know what to say. For one thing, Kamiyagiin didn't like to talk, and for another, Sasajima was too big to be approached.

At this time, Ariel said doubtfully:"I say, are you going to talk to us in this state all the time?" Kamiyagiin turned around, as if he thought of something, and said:"Are there any other states?"

"Have you ever seen a monster named after a human? Only creatures that look like humans are called ghosts."Ariel looked at Shang Liuyuan and replied.

"So, you mean he can become a human, right?" Shiraori said quickly. If Sasajima-san can really become a human, Kamiyanagi-san won't have to worry so much. By the way, Kamiyanagi-san always seems to be a little worried about Sasajima-san.


Hearing Ariel's answer, Sasajima's eyes suddenly widened. After all, this matter has always been a worry in his heart. If he can really turn into a human, at least he doesn't have to hide everywhere, and it will be more convenient to communicate with Yanagiin and others.

"Ah~ So you knew it all along, why didn't you say it earlier!"Bai Zhi looked at Ariel and shouted, this woman is really hard to figure out. The vampire looked at her with contempt again. Recently, Ariel's score in the vampire's heart has dropped significantly.

"Who told you not to read the book? I just saw it yesterday. Because of Sasashima, I went to look up the book when I was in the Earl's Mansion and found the relevant information."Ariel didn't care about everyone's attitude and explained that she was not just playing these days, but more busy with her own things.

"So, how can Sasajima-san become human?"Umiyanagi asked the question that everyone was most concerned about. Everyone looked at Ariel, who felt embarrassed.

"Uh... this... the book doesn't say that, it just says that you can change your body shape at will." Ariel smiled awkwardly and said weakly

"Then it's the same as if you didn't say anything." Bai Zhi rolled his eyes, thinking that all the words he said were nonsense.

"I don't know, but generally, you can change your form just by thinking about it. Sasashima-san, try to change back to human form by thinking about it."

After hearing what Ariel said, Sasashima stayed still, thinking about changing back to human form.

After a few minutes, there was still no movement.

"Is the book you read fake?"Shirahi looked at Ariel and teased.

Ariel ignored Shirahi and continued to say to Sasajima:"Look at your skill list, are there any relevant skills?"

"So, since Sasashima turned into a troll, he has not looked at his skills again, because there are too many skills, and he can't see them all at once."

Finally, after searching for a long time, he found a skill in a small corner of the skill bar:"Remove Transformation."

The explanation of Removing Transformation is:"Remove the caster's violent state and restore to a non-violent state."

Seeing this explanation, Sasashima seemed to suddenly know why he suddenly became so easy to get angry, because violent state would also cause him to lose part of his rationality. Under the blessing of anger and violent state, he could not recover at all.

Sasashima was speechless. He didn't even know when he cast the violent state. In his memory, he clearly hadn't cast this spell.

No matter what, let's change back first! Thinking of this, Sasashima took the initiative to cast the deformation removal.

Under the gaze of everyone, Sasashima's four or five-meter-tall body gradually became smaller and smaller, and then became a boy with nothing on.

Because everyone was too focused just now, the girls didn't react for a while.

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