After bowing, Agnar still kept his head down and stopped talking. Maybe he was afraid that talking too much would anger Ariel and kill him! After all, since ancient times, people die from talking too much.

Shirahi looked at the earl in front of him. He looked like a general and was so polite. This Earl Agnar must be a very capable person.

Then Shirahi looked at Kamiyagiin again, and immediately thought:"Well, speaking of capability, Kamiyagi is still the most capable. Yes, that's right."

Thinking of this, Shirahi seemed to think of something else. She glanced at Kamiyagiin again, her pretty face blushed, and she stopped thinking. As for what she thought specifically afterwards, no one knew.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Seeing that Agner had finished his introduction and didn't dare to speak, Ariel asked

"I just heard that the Demon King has returned, so I came here to say hello. There is nothing wrong."Yagna knelt down again, lowering his head to answer her questions.

Although he lowered his head, he could still see his nervous expression.

"The Demon Prince is so proud. The Lord has to come over to greet him overnight when he knows about it. When can I become the Queen~" Bai Zhi thought to herself that if there was a chance for her to become the Queen, she would definitely accept it. It would be such a proud thing to be worshipped by thousands of people.

Ariel shook the red wine in her hand and smiled playfully,"Oh! Are you really just here to greet me?" The followers around Agner were shaking with their hands. No one had ever been so disrespectful to their Lord and even questioned his words.

If it were any other demons, they would have stood up and killed them long ago, but the person in front of them was the Demon King of the Demon Clan. Even if they had this idea, they could only clench their fists and hold it back. The huge sense of humiliation made them tremble unconsciously.

Agner did not respond to Ariel’s question, but only replied respectfully,"Yes, I am here to greet the Demon King."

It turned out that she was an old fox who had lived long enough. She could hold back from such things. If it were Bai Zhi or Shang Liuyuan, no matter who it was, they would have to fight.

"In that case, then you can go back. You have seen that we need to rest."Ariel really didn't give Agner any face. She sent him away just after coming.

The vampire looked at Ariel with disdain. The image of the devil became more and more humble in the vampire's mind. Even if she was a vampire, she would not be so ruthless.

"Oh, by the way, please make time for me at noon tomorrow. We may need to have a good talk tomorrow." Ariel must have thought of something else and gave Agner another instruction.

"Okay, I will arrange the time tomorrow at noon." Agna seemed to be willing to refuse any conditions of the Demon King, but the reaction of his subordinates proved that the time was indeed squeezed out.

"Tomorrow afternoonThis this"The subordinate was about to say something, but when Agner looked at him, he swallowed his words back into his throat.

He was obviously very busy, and perhaps he couldn't make time for lunch tomorrow, but under Ariel's unreasonable request, he still agreed. It seems that he has to rearrange his schedule.

"Oh, by the way, this wine is pretty good, can you bring me two more barrels?"Ariel obviously felt that she was not physical enough, and continued to make more physical requests.

This kind of wine is obviously an extremely precious wine. Not to mention a barrel, even a small bottle may be enough for the income of an ordinary demon for most of his life. Ariel actually wanted two barrels, which was simply asking for Count Yagnar's life, or almost killing him.

However, Count Yagnar actually agreed. He actually agreed:"Okay, I'll send someone to deliver the wine later."There was no excitement in his eyes. Could it be that the wine was really cheap, or fake? If he didn't want to be killed, he wouldn't do such an unwise thing.

Seeing that Ariel had nothing else to do, Agner saluted, glanced at Ariel and Shang Liuyuan, and slowly withdrew. From beginning to end, he only glanced at the crowd when he came in and glanced at the two when he left. The rest of the time he kept his head down.

Why did he keep his head down? Maybe he was guilty of something, so he didn't dare to look at everyone, afraid of being discovered.

Or maybe Ariel was really that scary, They were so scared that they didn't dare to look up. Of course, only Agna knew all this.

Agna went out of the door, to a place where no one could see him, wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and slowly left.

In the room, Shang Liuyuan and others were silent. Everyone had many questions in their hearts, but they didn't speak. After all, Ariel's look just now was too ruthless.

Bai Zhi stared at Ariel, and didn't speak because he didn't react to what happened just now.

The vampire muttered something, and she could vaguely hear her say:"There are people who are more ruthless than me,"What else was said afterwards? Because it was too quiet, I don't know what it said.

"Yes, that’s right. Actually, I wanted to say that too, but I didn’t know how to start."Baizhi thought to herself, looking at Ariel. She was sure that Ariel must have heard what the vampire said.

Shang Liuyuan, who had been silent all the time, spoke up. Perhaps to ease the current awkward situation, she said to the vampire:"The Demon Prince must have her own ideas, which is why she has this attitude. When have you ever seen her with this attitude?"

"Oh my god, my boyfriend didn't faint, and his analysis seems to be very accurate."Bai Zhi thought to himself. Shang Liuyuan didn't say a word from the beginning, and closed his eyes to rest. Bai Zhi thought he was fainted.

But after Shang Liuyuan said this, Bai Zhi also felt that it seemed to be true. After all, how could what his lover said be wrong? Well, he must be right.

"But I felt a little sad. I really wished he was speaking for me. But it doesn't matter. The Demon Prince is the former body minister. If he helps her, he is helping me. Hmm, I always feel something is wrong."Bai Zhi didn't realize that her thoughts seemed to be more and more consistent with the Demon Prince's.

"That's too heartless, isn't it? Others have treated us so warmly."The vampire was still indignant. He agreed with Shang Liuyuan's explanation, but from a moral point of view, it was not very good, in short: immoral.

Ariel looked at Shang Liuyuan who was sitting, and her heart warmed. Sure enough, he also understood me.

I don't know since when, she found that she seemed to have some special feelings for Shang Liuyuan. Every time she saw Shang Liuyuan, her heart was warm, as if... I wanted to hug him, and as if there was something else.

Of course, she wouldn't show it. After all, Shang Liuyuan had a girlfriend. If she knew, she would tear me apart. Ariel glanced at Baizhi casually, then turned back to Shang Liuyuan and said.

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