He kept jumping and chopping in Shangliuyuan.

He didn't know how long he had been chopping. After chopping one batch, another batch came. After chopping one batch, another batch came. It was as if there were nothing else in the world except baboons.

At the end of the chopping, Shangliuyuan felt that his strength was almost exhausted. He still had nearly half of the

"If they don't get bitten to death, they will probably die of exhaustion. Even Potimas is not that difficult to deal with."Umiyanagi was distressed, but he was helpless. If he didn't deal with these baboons, they might attack Shiraori one day when he was not around. He didn't want his beloved girlfriend to be hurt.

"If the Demon Prince were here, perhaps he would have disappeared immediately!"Shang Liuyuan glanced at the direction of Ariel on the top of the mountain, and thought of how Ariel had caused a huge avalanche with just a small magic.

"Well. Never mind. I'm afraid there's not much left on this mountain."

These baboons were like fearless robots. No matter how you killed them, no matter how many of their companions were killed or injured, they were still fearless and rushed towards Shang Liuyuan one by one.

After about half a day, the last baboon was finally cleared.

At this time, Shang Liuyuan had completely become a bloody man. There was no trace of white in his originally white clothes, as if the clothes were originally blood red. His hair was also stained with blood, and a few drops of blood dripped from time to time, not to mention his pants.

The only thing without blood was the sharp knife. As the last drop of blood dripped from the blade, there was no trace of blood on the knife, as if everything around it was not chopped by this knife.

Shang Liuyuan stood proudly in the center of the sea of blood, holding the handle of the knife tightly with one hand, like a demon from hell.

In fact, he also wanted to sit down and rest, but the surroundings, or rather, from himself as the top downwards, were all a sea of blood made up of the flesh and blood of baboons. This sea of blood split all the way down the mountain. Even if every inch of blood would be frozen a little, it still could not stop the blood from flowing to the corner of the mountain.

On this day, a part of the snow-white area of the Demon Mountain Range completely turned blood red, and under the freezing of ice and snow, it was permanently preserved here. On this day, the white mist of the Demon Mountain Range turned into red mist.

Because all this was too obvious, both the demons and the human race saw this change. Some people said that this was caused by the ice dragon on the mountain killing hundreds of thousands of lives, and some people said that it was caused by the blood of the warriors who went up the mountain to kill the evil dragon on the mountain.

More people felt that this was a sign of the coming of the end of the world. Of course, the end of the world is indeed coming. Under the planning of the demons, perhaps in a short time, there will be corpses everywhere here. After all, this is the border between the human race and the demon race, and it will definitely be the most brutal place in the war.

In short, this day was recorded in the history of the continent and will be passed down forever.

The instigator of this incident, Kamiyagiin, returned to Shangding after washing and changing clothes.

Shirachi had been waiting for Kamiyagiin outside. After all, these baboons were so difficult to deal with, and she was worried that something might happen to Kamiyagiin. Even though she knew that Kamiyagiin was very capable and might have no rival under the Demon King, she was still worried.

But the Demon Prince was not worried at all. After all, the Demon Prince had lived for so long that he still had some judgment. If he couldn't even deal with these baboons, he would be useless.

Seeing Kamiyagiin coming over unscathed, Shirachi hugged him:"I thought you were eaten by a baboon."

Recently, Shirachi had been unusually clinging to Kamiyagiin, giving him a hug from time to time, and he was used to it.

Kamiyagi's heart warmed, and he could see that Shirachi had been waiting for him:"I still have to protect you, how could you be eaten by a baboon?""

"I said you are too slow. If I go, it will only take two minutes, but you took half a day."The Demon Prince walked out of the tent and teased.

Seeing Shirachi hugging Uemuragi, she didn't know why she also had the urge to hug him. She didn't know why.

Only Shirachi knew that this might be because of the former body minister. After all, the former body minister and Shirachi had the same idea.

Speaking of this, Uemuragi also found that he didn't seem to have any sword skills that could cause large-scale damage.

"Well, I should think about it in this way, otherwise it will be troublesome if I encounter this situation again."Shang Liuyuan thought to himself.

Then he came to his senses and replied to the Demon Prince:"I am not as powerful as you, the Demon Prince. You can blow up this mountain with just a wave of your hand!"

"My weakest skill can blow up a part of the Demon Mountain Range."Ariel was not at all excited about Shang Liuyuan's praise, as if it was supposed to be like this. Judging from her expression, she must have blown up many mountains in the past.

After hearing what Ariel said, Shirahiro remembered that Ariel had killed her and the surrounding soldiers with just a wave of her hand.

‘If the Demon Prince thought about it, maybe this world would really disappear in an instant! Fortunately, we are teammates now, otherwise, with such a powerful enemy, we might be wiped out when we sleep. 'Bai Zhi thought to himself. After

Shang Liuyuan finished speaking, he sat down to rest. He has been fighting for six or seven hours since early morning, and he has been fighting non-stop. His physical strength has been exhausted long ago. If possible, he really hopes to take a nap.

‘Well, the Demon Prince and his family must agree that I can take a nap. Shang Liuyuan thought to himself, and prepared to go back to the tent to lie down for a while. As soon as Shang Liuyuan lay down, the vampire came out of the tent, stretched out his short hand and slapped him. It was obvious that when Shang Liuyuan was fighting hard just now, this guy was trying to sleep. He was really heartless.

After beating Hanhan, the vampire looked at Ariel and the others around him, then looked around and found that Shang Liuyuan was not there, so he went to his tent and closed it tightly.

The vampire pouted, raised his little fist and slapped Shang Liuyuan twice fiercely.

He seemed to be calm, and seemed to be saying,"Why are you so lazy? Get up quickly, everyone get up."

Seeing this, everyone laughed at the tent.

Shang Liuyuan had been fighting for the whole morning and didn't care about what was happening outside. There is a saying: 'You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.'

Shang Liuyuan is like this now. Gradually, he really fell asleep. Maybe he was too tired.

"Hey, I have a good idea!"The Demon Prince smiled evilly and whispered to everyone.

On the road of the Demon Mountain Range, a horse dragon was slowly driving towards the demon territory.

It was the horse dragon that Bai Zhi and the others were riding in. Unlike the previous one, this horse dragon had a tent on it. Nothing was tied to the tent. It kept shaking on the bumpy road. Every time it shook, the tent would move out a little bit, and it always felt like it was about to fall off.

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