Shangyuan Liu returned to Spider-Girl and asked softly,"How is it?"

Spider-Girl smiled charmingly and patted Shangyuan Liu's head with relief.……

Shangyuan Liu smiled bitterly and said,"Are you praising me?"


Spider nodded repeatedly, stroking Shangyuan Liu's head, his expression full of comfort and sighing.

「Damn! When Liu grows up, there will be no chance to touch his head like this.」

「Well, let's enjoy it while we have the chance.」


Shangyuan Liu stared at his girlfriend in front of him. He didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong with Ji Se-chan now...!

She seemed to be more attached to him than before.


This is a good thing, isn't it?

Shangyuan Liu grinned, but he didn't resist the hand of Spider-Girl that was playing tricks on his head.


The fierce sword light, accompanied by a ball of scorching flames, suddenly swept towards Shangyuan Liu from afar.

"Let go of Liu!"

Julius and the naked Ronanto launched an attack from a distance, aiming directly at Spider-Girl.



The sharp sword light flashed, slashing through the huge fireball in front and shattering it. The terrifying sword pressure turned into a whistling wind, almost sweeping Julius and Ronanto away!

Fortunately, Upper House Liu saw the two of them, and this sword only used less than one-third of his strength. If it was replaced with the strength used to kill"Maze Nightmare" before.

Slash down with such a sword!

Not to mention the brave god of law, even a town can be cut in half by you!

"Julius! Are you stupid?"

Shangyuan Liu glared at Julius and Lao Buxiu. How could these two guys be so blind that they dared to attack his girlfriend!

"Willow! Beware of monsters……!"

"Watch out for your uncle!"

Shangyuan Liu cursed directly, glaring at the two of them angrily:"This is my girlfriend!"


Julius' eyes widened.

"Ahem! Brother Liu, I have high hopes for you~! I think you will become as strong as me in the future."

Ronanto coughed lightly and his eyes became vague.

Shangyuan Liu sneered and said,"Forget it! I can't learn your strong body."

Spider-Man on the side tapped Shangyuan Liu's head with his fingertips, and then pointed at Julius and others on the opposite side. The meaning was already very clear.

"This is my girlfriend, Ruoye Ji Se"

"These were the people I met in the Monster Forest. Damn, barely friends, I guess.

Julius looked at the senior Liu and said,"Liu... what do you mean by barely?""

"Don't worry about these details."

Shangyuan Liu waved his hand, then looked up at the sun in the sky:"Okay, I won't say any more to you. We are leaving and we will see each other again in the future."

"Finally, I would like to advise you that although you have maintained a good figure, you should wear more clothes."

"To avoid the loss of security in old age"


""Wow! Didn't you see that I used magic to wipe out all those"maze nightmares" earlier?"

Ronanto said, looking at the spider behind Shangyuan Liu with a scrutinizing look, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Shangyuan Liu shook his head slightly, feeling a little amused in his heart, but he didn't point out the point.

"We are leaving."

After saying that, Shangyuan Liu nodded to Spider-Man behind him.

Spider-Man nodded and smiled, then waved his arms and used magic to draw a huge magic circle to cover himself and Shangyuan Liu.

"" Swish!"

As the door was pulled closed, Upper Court Liu and Spider-Girl suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Julius looked ahead with a frown on his face, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Soon he sighed slightly:"I always have a feeling that after leaving this time, I don't know how long it will take to see Liu again."

Ronanto's smile faded and he said:"So, the person that Brother Liu said he was looking for before should be his girlfriend, right?"

"Tsk tsk! They are both extremely terrifying beings, and they are really a perfect match."

Julius frowned;"But! Can I really be with a monster?"

""That's what we should care about. After all, you can't control other people's thoughts."

Julius lowered his head in thought, while Ronanto walked straight into the distance and prepared to leave.

"Ronanto Lao!"


Ronanto turned around and looked at Julius hesitantly.

"Please accept me as your apprentice."

Ronanto scratched his head and said without hesitation:"Okay!"...............


A huge magic circle suddenly appeared in the vast camp, and a giant humanoid spider and a young boy appeared in the same place.

"Yo! You're all back!"

"It just so happens that I just brought a lot of wine from a nearby town. Let's have a party tonight!"

Upper Court Liu frowned and looked around!

Wow! Not only have the Demon Prince and others returned, but even the tents have been set up. It is obvious that they are planning to stay here overnight!

Upper Court Liu rolled his eyes;"We really don't have to hurry! ?"

The Demon Prince waved his hand:"Damn! Isn't Qiule Qiule here? We should at least entertain him well."

Upper Court Liu looked at the"god" with horns on his head and wearing armor.

Qiuledis Tiyes noticed Upper Court Liu's gaze and smiled slightly;"Sorry to bother you, I don't want to……"

Qiu Lidis Tiyes had just opened his mouth when the Demon Prince next to him slapped him in the face.

Shangyuan Liu could almost see the armor on his back cracking, and Qiu Lidis Tiyes's face was alternating between blue and white.

Only the Demon Prince looked unaware of himself and said carelessly:"Damn! Qiu Lie Qiu Lie, don't be embarrassed, your boyfriend's cooking skills are amazing." Shangyuan

Liu���Liu shrank his neck, and all the complaints in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"I'm happy to help."

Cooking! It's Shangyuan Liu's job anyway, so it doesn't matter.

From the acquisition of ingredients to the on-site production, it was almost evening after all the work was done!

With a huge bonfire lit, Urushihara Meili, Melazofi holding a baby and others gathered together!

Shangyuan Liu turned the barbecue in his hand, and the surface gradually turned brown under the blessing of Spider's magic. After Shangyuan Liu sprinkled seasonings and brushed honey sauce on it, an attractive fragrance spread out.

"It's on.~!"

With so many people, it was impossible to let the Demon Prince eat one each. With Shangyuan Liu's exquisite knife skills, the barbecue portions for each person were placed in front of them.

However, since it was a banquet, it naturally couldn't be just barbecue. This was just the main course!

Especially with three big eaters in the form of Urushihara Meili, the Demon Prince, and Spider Girl... the barbecue that looked like a huge mountain of meat was really just an appetizer.

While Shangyuan Liu was busy, he sipped the fine wine that the Demon Prince brought back from the town, and then he ate another large piece of barbecue.

Suddenly, Shangyuan Liu found that Spider Girl was staring at him.

After a little thought, Shangyuan Liu raised the bottle in his hand:"Do you want to drink?!"

Spider Girl nodded repeatedly, her beautiful red eyes full of expectation and hope.

"Okay! But you can only drink a little, and you can’t bite me when I sleep at night!"

""Hey, hey!"

Spider-Girl nodded repeatedly, and she didn't even hear clearly what Shangyuan Liu said.

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