On Potimas' side, Kamiyagiin beat Potimas up with great pleasure, while Sasashima was also fighting hard.

After Sasashima was with Kamiyagiin and others, his life was very stable.

With the help of Kamiyagiin Shiraori and Ariel, Sasashima did not have any inconvenience in the Duke's Mansion. Ariel arranged many things he did not expect. Although he met Ariel later, Ariel was really considerate and thoughtful.

When he was still in the Goblin Village, he never thought that he would live such a stable life. At that time, every day, he had to fight for his life to get food.

In comparison, it is simply heaven and hell.

But Sasashima is a man, a man with backbone. He can't always rely on the charity of others. He doesn't want to be said to be a gigolo.

At the beginning, Sasashima was worried that he would not be able to control his anger and do something bad, but later, he could finally...���In this way, Sasashima can control himself when he is angry.

In this way, Sasashima can do what he wants without worrying too much, although he originally had the task of making magic swords.

But after such a long time, the magic swords made by Sasashima are almost enough to equip the entire demon army.

So Sasashima joined the army through Ariel's relationship, grew up in the army, and played his own value.

This is also the fastest way for Sasashima to play his own value, because now Sasashima, although he can also make magic swords, that is not the life he wants.

Then, there is only what he has been doing before, fighting, which is a job with good conditions.

And in this way, you can better train yourself and improve your combat effectiveness faster.

Because Sasashima found that if he didn't launch anger, his combat effectiveness seemed to be the weakest in the team, indeed the weakest. If he didn't launch anger, he might not even be able to beat Spider-Girl.

Hmm. Why do you have to compare with Spider-Girl?

That's why Sasashima left the Duke's Mansion and joined the army.

In terms of combat power, even if he didn't get angry, Sasashima's combat power was much stronger than that of ordinary people, plus Sasashima could make magic swords. Even if Sasashima didn't have any combat power, as long as he could make magic swords, any army would warmly welcome him, after all, magic swords are rare in the other world.

Perhaps for this reason, Bro was very fond of Sasashima after he got to know Sasashima clearly last time, so Sasashima joined the army smoothly.

It's not because Bro felt sorry for Sasashima's life experience, or because Sasashima's ability is really strong.

It must be because Sasashima is very capable. After all, who would let someone join the army just because of his pitiful life experience? In this case, isn't it clear that he wants to send this poor person to death?

Although Sasashima successfully joined the army, there is still a century-old problem, a problem that even Bro can't solve.

That is speaking. Sasashima is not very familiar with the demon language.

Because Sasashima's hometown is Goblin Village.

In the Goblin Village, the language commonly used is Goblin, which should be similar to Beast Language. In short, it is completely different from Demon Language.

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