After all, the reason why Shiraori and his men came here was purely because of unreliable intuition. So even if they wanted to investigate, there was no place to investigate. After all, intuition certainly could not tell Shiraori where the problem was.

Now the residents in the town are quite panicked, because the army is about to arrive in the northern town, so many residents already know about the Barudo army. If an army comes to their doorstep, everyone will panic.

Moreover, the rebels should have been a surprise attack, but now they are attacked by the Barudo army instead. Their commander may not know why things have turned out like this.

For this reason, the rebels are working hard to improve the defense capabilities of the town. It seems that the rebels do not intend to surrender, but to defend the city.

This is within the expectations of Shang Yanyuan, so Shang Yanyuan is more certain of his thoughts.

But can such a town with weak defense really be defended? Even the city wall will be breached in the first wave of impact. Although

Shang Yanyuan thought so, he soon found that he was wrong.

This is not a world like Kyoto. This is a different world, and a fantasy world.

The rebels used earth magic to create several walls at an astonishing speed, surrounding the northern town, and built various fortifications. Even the originally weak walls were reinforced with a thick layer.

Then, under the notification of the messengers who rushed to various places, the slowly gathering rebels also accelerated their progress and rushed to this northern town at the fastest speed.

The rebels are making preparations for the war step by step.

However, because the rebels did not expect that things would be exposed so quickly, and the earth magicians built thick walls one after another, it was obvious that the army was shaken because they felt that things were not going well.

However, compared with the rebel soldiers, the innocent residents of this northern town are more turbulent. They may not even know why the army came to the northern town.

If a fight really breaks out, the most pitiful ones may be the names of the towns, because they have nothing to do with the rebels.

The place where they live has become a rebel base without knowing it, and the regular army that came to attack has already killed to the door.

There should be nothing more shocking than this!

Because it is very likely that they will be affected by the war because of being in this town, and they don't know what will happen to them after the war, so they will naturally panic.

The culprit of all this is the lord of this town, who is also the leader of the rebels. He did not consider the lives of the residents of this town at all.

However, the rebel leader did not expect the punitive army to appear here. After all, he could not have thought that the attacking party would become the attacked party.

In the imagination of the rebel leader, if the army is assembled, it should be in the Demon King's City, so there is no need to worry about the residents of the northern town.

In fact, the rebel leader did not ignore the lives of the residents. It was precisely because of the consideration of the lives of the demon residents that he secretly formed a rebel army.

Because the demons are obviously having a hard time maintaining their current lives, but the demon king said that he wanted to go to war with the human race.

As the manager responsible for governing this town, it is definitely impossible for him to nod and agree to this policy casually, because the demons have low fertility. If there is a real war, then even if the war is won, the demons will not be able to quickly restore their population.

In this case, many people might starve to death, which is not a situation a lord wants to see.

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