Compared to everyone's thoughts, Shang Liuyuan is a little better.

When he was studying in school before, he kept practicing sword, reading, and dating Ji Se Jiang.

Later, when he came to the other world, he became practicing and looking for Ji Se Jiang.

After Shang Liuyuan's disdainful efforts, he finally found Ji Se Jiang, but the one he met at the beginning was not the real Ji Se Jiang, that is, Shiraori, although Shang Liuyuan found that Shiraori's personality was indeed a little different at the beginning.

But from Shiraori's memory, it can be seen that it was indeed Ji Se Jiang, and then the two of them were together for a few years, and their relationship was getting better and better in these years.

But when he thought that life was simple and good, he found another Ji Se Jiang, that is, the real Wakaba Ji Se. It is better to say that Wakaba Ji Se let herself be discovered by Shang Liuyuan rather than discovering it. Maybe Wakaba Ji Se had already felt the fact that she was about to be dragged away, so she let Shang Liuyuan meet her, at least, to have another delicious meal made by Shang Liuyuan.

Then, perhaps he was unwilling to be captured, so he arranged for Shang Liuyuan to go to the Naruto world, but Shang Liuyuan messed up the matter.

Shang Liuyuan has been brooding over this, or in other words, Shang Liuyuan has not practiced well these days.

It seems that anyone would be very sad if his beloved woman was captured because of his own mistakes.

But it is not just that. If it was just that, he would just work hard to practice.

Shang Liuyuan also clearly felt that Shiraori liked him, and Shang Liuyuan was indeed in love with Shiraori in recent years. Although they did not sleep together, there was only a layer of separation.

How to describe Shang Liuyuan's current psychology? That is to say, Shang Liuyuan's heart originally only had one Wakaba Ji Se, but now he has both Shiraori and Wakaba Ji Se in his heart.

That is to say, Shang Liuyuan likes both of them now, after all, these two people hold Wakaba Ji Se's pass in his heart.

If you use Lan Xing's words, it can be regarded as a"scumbag". It can't be said that it should be"scumbag".

After all, although they are two people, they can be understood as one person because they have the same memories and the same appearance.

Shiraori even has more memories in her heart than the real Wakaba Himeseki. After all, Shiraori's memories are the memories before Wakaba Himeseki plus the memories after she met Kamiyagiin in another world.

Kamiyagiin was really helpless about this, which is why Kamiyagiin suddenly came over for afternoon tea.

Kamiyagiin had to give himself something to do. He couldn't calm down to practice anyway, so he might as well do something. Otherwise, he would really go crazy if he continued like this.

Just when everyone was thinking quietly because of the good atmosphere, the door of the room was opened rudely.

The guy who would break in without even knocking on the door, except for everyone in this room, might be the only one.

"Excuse me, long time no see."

A man's voice sounded, it was Bro.

Bro went to Shang Liuyuan's room first, and found that Shang Liuyuan was not there, so he guessed that Shang Liuyuan would definitely drink afternoon tea in Bai Zhi's room.

After all, Bai Zhi's room was a gathering place for everyone except working time and sleeping time.

"You are really disturbing us, please don't come in!"

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