The two of them walked quietly without saying a word, and unknowingly, they arrived at Ruoye Ji Se's apartment.

Bai Zhi glanced at Shang Liuyuan reluctantly, and then walked in slowly. She would pause with every step.

Or rather, with every step she took, she asked herself in her heart, is it worth it? She felt that with every step she took, she was farther away from Shang Liuyuan.

Although she had decided to find D when she was in the other world, she did so secretly, on the premise that Shang Liuyuan was unaware of the matter, which would be perfect.

But now, Shang Liuyuan followed her inexplicably, and everything was completely different from what she thought, or in other words, it was completely out of her plan and became out of control.

Bai Zhi suddenly felt a little regretful. She found that she should not go looking for these things. Wouldn't it be nice to stay with Shang Liuyuan in the other world and live a simple life like this?

""Why don't we go back?" Bai Zhi thought, but then gave up the idea. Shang Liuyuan already knew about this matter. If he went back, he would definitely investigate it. In the end, everything would be revealed. How great it would be if he could go back, or if he had never used the magic circle.

At least, he wouldn't lose anything.

But since he was already here, there was no other way. He could only bite the bullet and go up. As for what would happen next, he could only leave it to fate.

Shang Liuyuan didn't go upstairs with Bai Zhi. He just sent her to the door and left.

Although he had thought about going upstairs with Bai Zhi, he had other things to do, so he didn't go up together.

He watched Bai Zhi walk into the apartment slowly, and Shang Liuyuan turned and left until there was no trace of him.

After going out, Shang Liuyuan walked towards the school. Go.

Since Baizhi didn't want to say anything, Shang Liuyuan didn't intend to force him to answer, but he wanted to find the reason himself.

After all, this matter was too shocking to him, and even completely overturned his previous ideas.

No matter what the reason is, he has to look it up.

If you want to find the cause of something, of course you should first check its source.

And the source of the whole thing is the school. Everything started from the explosion, so the school must be able to find some clues.

After all, only half a year has passed, and many things should still be preserved. Even if they are not preserved, there must be clues.

So if you start from the school, it may be the fastest way.

It was already late at night, and the school was empty.

Shang Liuyuan walked on the playground, recalling the past. Under the moonlight, Shang Liuyuan 's body was stretched out.

He walked aimlessly, his eyes full of confusion.

Although he came back, it seemed that he had nothing worth caring about.

All the people he knew, including the teacher, traveled to another world and became reincarnated.

Including the only person he cared about, Shirahiro.

When he was first reincarnated into another world, he did think about returning to Blue Star to find Shirahiro every day.

But after he felt that Shirahiro had also reincarnated, he no longer had any idea of returning to Blue Star, or rather, he had never even thought about it.

As for his parents, they disappeared when he was very young, and Shang Liuyuan had never thought of looking for her parents. Decades had passed, and his memory of his parents had long become blurred.

Now in his heart, there is only Shirahiro, the only person worthy of his protection and his concern.

Walking to the end of the playground. Shang Liuyuan looked in the direction of the classroom and confirmed that no one was there. He teleported to the door of the classroom.

After the white light of the teleportation array disappeared, his ability was restored.

The classroom seemed to have not exploded at all. It was still the same as when he was studying there. It seemed that the school should have repaired it after the explosion.

It was also possible that the person who reincarnated himself did something to restore the place to its previous state, but why did she do this? Shang Liuyuan had no way of knowing.

The classroom was empty.

There were no tables, no chairs, nothing.

The empty classroom, where students were taking classes, proved that something had happened here.

The front and back doors of the classroom were tightly closed. I used perspective to see a sign hanging on the outside that said"No Entry".

Shang Liuyuan put his hand on the door handle, but the door seemed to be locked and still tightly closed.

It seemed that the matter in the classroom was completely covered up and not let others know.

Shang Liuyuan teleported into the classroom. Looking at the classroom where he had studied before, he had thousands of thoughts, but he couldn't say a word.

Perhaps it was because he had experienced too much, so much that he wanted to bury it deep in his heart and not let anyone see it.

Not finding any clues, Kamiyagiin gave up the idea of wandering around the campus. He used his perspective to look at the street outside. After making sure that there was no one, he teleported over.

Looking back, he could see the ordinary school building that can be seen everywhere.

Heishin High School - the high school where the reincarnated people attended in their previous lives.

No longer nostalgic, Kamiyagiin walked slowly on the small path at night and returned to his kendo field.

Although it was late at night, with the help of night vision, everything was still as if it were daytime.

Kamiyagiin slowly came to the door of his kendo field. The nameplate at the door still had those big words: Tenshin-ryu. The 36th generation"Kamiiyagiin".

Although he hadn't been back for half a year, there was still no change here. Even the swords on the pile of bamboo swords were not missing a single one.

"It looks like someone has come to clean it."Shang Liuyuan thought to himself, normally, if no one lives there for half a year, the yard will be overgrown with weeds.

But Shang Liuyuan's kendo field has no weeds at all, not even a few leaves, which is too unreasonable.

The only explanation is that someone comes to clean it regularly.

"But who could it be?"Shang Liuyuan wondered puzzledly. He had no relatives in this world. His closest relative, Ruoye Ji Se, had also traveled to another world with him.

After thinking for a long time without any clue, Shang Liuyuan no longer had any doubts and walked towards his residence.

The residence was already clean and tidy like the outside. Seeing this, Shang Liuyuan was even more puzzled.

Shang Liuyuan lay on the bed, without thinking about it.

"Since someone will come to clean regularly, they will definitely come again next time, so I will stay here for a month or two."Shang Liuyuan made a decision.

Although it was only one day, he thought more today than he did in the previous year. Gradually, his eyelids began to become heavy and he fell asleep.

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