If you want to find a way, you can ask Liu Wentao.

Gu Junjie can spare some time to ask Liu Wentao, maybe there will be a way.

"So, what's the important thing you asked me to do?"

Qin Yue said, "Any new news?"

Gu Junjie pulled down his sleeves, took out a smart phone, and showed Qin Yue some interesting photos.

After determining the location of those mysterious people, Gu Junjie conducted very effective and secret surveillance on them during these days.

The photo shows a group of children who were tied up casually like animals.

The rest are the various architectural features of the factory-like place, and the glass reflection road that Gu Junjie installed in the ventilation duct.

He showed Qin Yue every view of the entire factory, including every darkroom and hidden location.

Qin Yue quickly browsed the photos on her phone until she saw a man.

It was a very obscure candid photo of a man holding another child and performing his "ability".

From this angle, you can just see the dense long worms coming out of his body.

"Oh... it's that guy, he's not dead after all."

Qin Yue thought for a moment and asked Gu Junjie for a printed backup.

The black and white photo added a bit of gloom to this terrifying environment.

"Has he been there all the time?"

Qin Yue glanced at the man whose face could not be seen clearly in the photo again.

"In... this guy has been hiding here, as if he is avoiding suspicion and hiding from the limelight."

"Other people have been in and out several times, only he is here to help, he is a watchdog."

"Who are those guys... in my opinion, they are some inhumane beasts."

Qin Yue continued to look through the photos, and some heavy-mouthed photos that suddenly appeared made her frown slightly.

A girl torn apart after being played with, a disabled person who cultivates worms like a petri dish, a mysterious pattern surrounded by a bunch of cut ears, a scene of skinning alive that seems to be a sacrifice, but it's just a dog...

"Some strange antisocial elements."

"An accomplice named Mr."

Qin Yue put down her phone, held up the teacup beside her with her fair palm, and took a sip of hot tea with a calm face.

"Do you want to send a copy to Shengping now?"

Gu Junjie pinched his eyebrows and looked at the photos printed in advance.

"When did Jiu'an City have such a terrifying guy? It's even more evil than a cult."

"Tang Shiya's safety is linked to this person. We have to find a way to completely get rid of him and see what big fish is behind him."

"By the way, wipe out this den."

No one wants to meet a lunatic next to their home, let alone Qin Yue's hometown of Jiu'an.

Qin Yue stood up and said to Gu Junjie: "Go to the Jiu'an South Branch now. You will see the branch of the Measures Bureau next to it. Send these photos there at the time I set."

"I will contact you with this... It's time for Shengping to intervene."

Gu Junjie felt the coordinates of the eye of the storm hidden in his body and asked with some doubts: "What about you, boss? What are you going to do?"

"Kill some people and see what kind of valuable thing the gentleman is."

"The one who takes the initiative is not necessarily a bad guy... It may also be a good guy."

Qin Yue made a very cold joke...


In the dark night, a figure of a middle-aged man slowly appeared above the city.

Qin Yue had a face that did not belong to the present world, and looked at the entire appearance of Xin Jiu'an with an indifferent expression.

The sparse lights were dotted, and only the night lasted forever...

The man's face gradually became clear until a touch of gray medium-length hair was scattered, and there was a stiff and serious face on his beard.

That was William's face, a person who did not exist in this world at all.


"The price is getting higher and higher... We can't go on like this."

A man with a completely destroyed face and blood-stained cloth wrapped all over his body was kneeling on the ground, his arms stained with a lot of blood and flesh trembling.

In the dim environment, there was only a bloody man tied with iron chains quietly accompanying him.

The bloody man's skin was cruelly peeled off, and the dense and tiny wounds and dark red blood covered the entire ground. The slight rise and fall of his chest proved that the man was still alive, but he was not far from death.

"No... You can't die yet!"

The bandaged man knelt crazily in front of the victim, his arms stained with his blood, and he instinctively drew some weird and twisted patterns, as if his right hand was an independent creature.

"Damn pervert! Don't fucking do that to me!"


A man with a severely rotten face and worms crawling out of his cheeks came out of a dark room with two smiling children, who seemed to be a little annoyed by the crazy and disturbing behavior of the bandaged man.

"I'm dying! I can't bear to give up this kind of power, but the price is getting heavier and heavier."

The bandaged man stood up and said with a trembling voice: "It was okay at the beginning, just offer small insects and birds."

"Its appetite is getting bigger and bigger... Now it's planning to eat people..."

"I'm scared, I feel it will eat me sooner or later."

"Yang Lan, we are friends, right? Go ask the gentleman for me... Ask the gentleman..."

Yang Lan retracted her gaze, and fiddled with the two children with dull eyes and kind smiles, feeding them small and sticky insect eggs bit by bit.

"The gentleman will save you, as long as you work hard."

"We are partners seeking power, and partners should help each other, right? "

"If you die, I might as well let your memory go on with me."

The bandaged man smiled nauseously, stood up, and said, "You are such a good person. It's a good thing to work with you. I will invite you to take a plane tomorrow."

"Plane? ... Take a plane?"

Seeing that her friend was in a state of confusion again, Yang Lan spread her hands helplessly and let the guy go crazy.

The bandaged man twitched like a mad dog, and his rapidly expanding hands were stained with a hint of ominous breath. The wrapped cloth strips instantly broke, revealing an iron-blue arm like a ghost claw.

The ghost hand grabbed the throat of the skinned man and began to tear it wildly involuntarily. The extremely strong force smashed the skinned man's vertebrae with just a light touch.

"Ah! Pasta should be mixed with concrete... You can't eat feces..."

Yang Lan looked away, not looking at the increasingly brutal and tragic dismemberment scene.

"Bad luck..."

Recalling the last time she made Mr. angry, she still felt an inexplicable fear.

The plan was going well, but suddenly a terrifying thing came out without a purpose, giving people a terrifying feeling that it was simply here to "hunt".

Now, the target of the mission, Tang Shiya, could not be found, and Ma Qiang's death was also listed as a non-essential investigation item by Mr..

If I hadn't been useful to Mr., I would have become a "disabled person" with missing arms and legs.

Now I hope to get this done, and hope that Mr. will not be angry. If Mr. didn't perform the operation himself, there is a high probability that he will become that kind of stupid appearance.

Yang Lan looked at the bandaged man who was covered in blood and made confusing behaviors, pinched her eyebrows with a headache, and irritably stepped on the insect that had been wrapped around her feet.

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