The man who was standing in front of him was very surprised.

"What the hell are you!"

A man's stiff voice came, and the man who was exactly the same as him showed a look of fear at this moment.

He looked at the man in front of him who was exactly the same as himself with his shrunken pupils in disbelief, and screamed loudly: "You imitate me?!"

The man opposite had a stiff face, showing an extremely ugly surprised expression, and said with a little excitement: "You imitate me?!"

Qin Ming reacted instantly, "it" was imitating that man! Not literally imitating the sentence, but imitating his emotions and actions. The man who suddenly appeared was like a blank paper, and now it was colored by the prototype of "it".


The man raised his fist and hit "himself" who was standing quietly opposite him, knocking him down with one punch. He kicked "himself" crazily with red eyes.


"Liu Zi... stop it!"

A trembling voice pulled the man back from his madness. When he came to his senses, a sharp pain suddenly appeared all over his body, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Qin Ming watched the changes happening to Liu Zi from a distance. At this moment, he was holding his stomach in pain and convulsing on the ground as if he had been beaten.

A thin middle-aged man with a pigtail and a mustache hurriedly dragged Liu Zi away from "Liu Zi" who was also lying on the ground.

"It hurts... it hurts."

"It hurts... it hurts."

The mustache looked at Liu Zi who was slowly calming down in front of him, and shouted in panic: "Liu Zi? Liu Zi?"

Liu Zi didn't say anything... Liu Zi was shattered all over the ground, and it broke like glass in an instant, and colorful intestines and flesh and blood fragments mixed with bone fragments were stuck on the mustache.

"It hurts, Gu Junjie!"

The "Liu Zi" on the opposite side slowly got up and showed an extremely standard smile.


The mustache dropped the broken arm in his hand, and his face was stiff and pale, crawling and rolling in the opposite direction. This was definitely the most terrifying thing he had ever seen in his life!

The crowd gathered in front of the restaurant and waited conservatively also made a fearful noise, and two women with weak psychological endurance vomited on the spot.

A perfect replica suddenly appeared next to the most frightened woman.

"This thing will lock people with exaggerated facial expressions."

Qin Ming quickly analyzed it.

Although the cause of Liu Zi's death is not known yet, Qin Ming clearly saw that all the punches and kicks he hit on "Liu Zi" were reflected back on himself.

And "Liu Zi" has been imitating Liu Zi's every move. The most bizarre thing is that it has changed from the initial stiffness and mechanical feeling to the final terrifying natural feeling.

The purpose of the weird existence bred by the dead Ma Qiang and the law of killing are the direction she needs to find now.

"Gu Junjie! What are you doing running so far? Come here!"

"Liu Zi" showed an angry expression and cursed at the mustache who didn't dare to turn his head back.

"Ah... Sanqing, may Buddha bless you! Liuzi, even if you become a ghost, you must let your brothers go. You might as well go and kill the mutants. Kill as many as you can, and I'll give you some good karma. Buddha bless you, Buddha bless you."

The little mustache man muttered quickly, and his cunning eyes aimed at the crowded places, and he ran desperately. When he saw two identical women in the crowd, he suddenly changed direction and ran to a place with fewer people in the distance.

"Damn... this bastard!"

Qin Ming cursed inwardly, as the direction in which the bloody little mustache man was running was exactly where he was.


The crisp and elegant female voice and the sound of the gun being loaded made Gu Junjie, who was running wildly, suddenly choke. His running feet instantly stopped and his hands were raised high.

"Please spare my life, beauty!"

Qin Ming took out the "small steel cannon" hand cannon from the pocket of his black sweatshirt, and aimed the black hole of the large-caliber muzzle at the little mustache's head, forcing him to stay ten meters away from Qin Ming.

"Don't laugh!"

The ethereal and cold female voice came again, and Gu Junjie immediately put away the sneer that was about to show.

"Don't show your expression!"

Gu Junjie's face twitched and he retracted his face that was about to show his pity. Looking at the "cannon" in the hands of the unbelievably beautiful girl in front of him, he chose to obey her request obediently.

A commotion came from the body...

Two identical women pinched each other's necks, scratching each other's face with hideous faces, but

In the end, one of them was shattered to the ground, and the underwear and large bloodstains smeared the cheek of a man nearby.

"A smarter person should have thought of it."

Qin Ming looked at the crowd that was quickly dispersing in the distance. Many people had tried their best to control themselves from showing their expressions to avoid being stared at by this weird creature.

"Liu Zi" smiled with a bloody face, and amiably crashed into the barrier, with Liu Zi's flying intestines hanging on his neck.

His body was like a mirror image, and ripples appeared, disappearing in this area in an extremely illusory way.

And several copied "people" also jumped towards the barrier one after another...

"Has it been released?... Could this kind of "people" be released into the world?"

Qin Ming guessed uncertainly, and there seemed to be some vague direction in his mind.

"Miss, can you put down your gun?"

Gu Junjie's voice came with the fear he suppressed: "If this goes off accidentally, I will definitely blow my head off."

"Stop it."



The number of people has been reduced to thirteen. During this period, the conditions for summoning "myself" suddenly became more stringent, from the initial expression to making a loud noise.

When the first victim died, the crowd often fell into a panic. In an instant, seven or eight people lost their expression control. After seeing the "self" with a strange smile, they lost their minds and died on the spot.

Gu Junjie felt a chill on his back, and silently thanked the beautiful girl in front of him who seemed quiet and weak but was determined.

Qin Ming didn't care about the little mustache standing next to him. He saved the chattering little mustache in such a tricky situation out of his own selfishness. Maybe at the critical moment, he could use his life to verify his guess.

Saving people easily may be a virtue, but those who fall into the whirlpool are reckless fools. Qin Ming likes to save people, but only when he is absolutely safe.

"Are you afraid?"

Qin Ming took out his smartphone, tapped a few words gently, and pointed the screen at Gu Junjie, who was full of despair but had to pretend to be calm.

Gu Junjie was stunned for a second, nodded gently, and shuddered violently.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at the mustache man. People who can survive the disaster are not too simple. This guy is a smart man who witnessed his friend's explosion and has a preliminary understanding of the rules.

"I probably know how to break the situation..."

Qin Ming showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

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