Chapter 918 Chaos in Huotou Camp

Bai Ruozhu didn't want Jiang Yichun to conflict with others, so she hurriedly pulled his sleeve and said first: "I am a famous doctor, and I know how to treat poisons. I know your plan so that I can come up with countermeasures in advance to prevent the other party from poisoning. I don't mean Are there any masters at raising gu in Batian Village?"

The captain of the right wing was stunned, but he didn't believe that Bai Ruozhu knew medical skills. It was clear that a woman who was less than twenty years old could have such good medical skills.

Wu Lie snorted coldly, glared at the captain of the right wing, and said, "What do you know! Mrs. Jiang is a miracle doctor. She saved the dog's life. Only with Mrs. Jiang accompanying us can we ensure everyone's safety."

Wu Bai also said hurriedly: "Yes, I was stabbed in the stomach, but Mrs. Jiang saved me."

Bai Ruozhu was a little embarrassed by Wu Bai. If it weren't for Yuyao's pills, she really wouldn't have been able to save Wu Bai's life. The situation was too urgent and the medical conditions were too poor.

"Then, then I have no objection." The captain of the right wing was afraid of Wu Lie, so he blushed and whispered and sat back in his seat.

Jiang Yichun glanced at him coldly, and he couldn't help but shudder. He felt a little worried, but when he thought about it, he felt unconvinced. Women shouldn't participate in politics in the first place. Why couldn't he ask?

The subsequent discussions went very smoothly. Bai Ruozhu did not express any opinions, but Wu Lie finally asked very politely: "Is there any problem with Mrs. Jiang?"

"I'll ask the Huotou camp to help me prepare the medicine later. Everyone drinks a bowl of medicine before setting off tomorrow morning. It can prevent poisonous mosquitoes from getting close to them. Even if they are poisoned, they can resist for a while and not lose their lives immediately." Bai Ruozhu thought. After thinking about it, he said.

Wu Lie was overjoyed, "That's great. Thank you for your hard work, Mrs. Jiang."

Jiang Yichun looked at Bai Ruozhu, with a smile in his eyes. He felt that he was right to force her to come. He really couldn't do it without her by his side.

After the meeting, Bai Ruozhu wrote a prescription and asked the clerk to find the medicinal materials. If the team didn't have any, he immediately went to the town to buy them. Soon the matter was done, and the people in Huotou camp prepared the medicine according to Bai Ruozhu's instructions.

"This must be the medicine prescribed by Mrs. Jiang. I, Old Feng, have helped her get through the medicine before. You can tell at a glance." A veteran of Huotou camp said excitedly, and then while boiling the medicine as required, he told the people next to him After hearing what Jiang Nan and his party had seen, other people who went with him also continued to echo.

"Yes, Mrs. Jiang has saved the lives of many people, and she treats us all equally. She will not only save high-status guards, but ignore the lives of us small soldiers."

"We were so seasick on the boat that those gentlemen would not have thought of us if they had their own medicine. Mrs. Jiang personally prepared the seasick medicine for us, otherwise I, Old Feng, would have vomited all the way there and back."

Others and the cooks were filled with envy, and some said: "Master Jiang looks like a cold-faced Yama, but he married a wife with a heart of Bodhisattva."

Old Feng slapped him on the back and laughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Jiang is a young hero. Even one eye is much prettier than yours."

The person who was being ridiculed showed his teeth and screamed in pain, and said disapprovingly: "How can this person look better with one eye? You are the only one who knows how to flatter someone."

Old Feng and everyone laughed, "Just for example, you don't know how powerful Master Jiang is in martial arts..."

Everyone in the Huotou camp was busy chatting while busy, and the main topics of conversation were Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun. Of course, the two of them didn't know that they had become the talk of everyone in the army.

Lao Feng and the others were almost busy when a young cook ran in and said loudly: "Tou Feng, what do you think I heard when I went to the toilet just now?"

"What can I hear? Didn't you go to the wall to listen?" Old Feng is a veteran of Huotou Camp and can be regarded as the leader of these cooks.

"I heard the captain of the right wing, Li Maoshi, scolding Mrs. Jiang. He told the people below him that Mrs. Jiang should not attend meetings to discuss military affairs since she was a prostitute. He also said that the military lieutenant said that she was good at medicine and was betraying Mr. Jiang's reputation. He said that her personality What kind of medical skills can a young woman have? The most she can do is treat gynecological diseases. Our military camp is full of grown men, so what kind of diseases can she treat?"

The young man spoke sharply and crackled, "He also said that Mrs. Jiang will definitely be scared to death when she goes up the mountain. Tell the people below not to protect Mrs. Jiang if something happens, I'm sure she will be scared to tears."

"Shit! Li Maoshi, the dog | said |, is he instigating his subordinates to kill Mrs. Jiang?" Old Feng slapped the chopping board next to him, almost causing the kitchen knife inserted on the chopping board to bounce. " Mrs. Jiang is my savior, Old Feng, I will not allow him to harm my benefactor like this, go away, I am a man and I, Old Feng, will go and settle the score with them!"

The Huotou camp was full of cooks, and they couldn't compare with the Pioneer camp in terms of fighting or physical fitness. But at this moment, everyone was excited. Although they didn't dare to take a kitchen knife, they all took either a spoon or a spatula. Go to the camp of the right wing vanguard.

On the way, someone saw people from Huotou camp who seemed to be making trouble and couldn't help but ask a few questions. Old Feng didn't shy away and said loudly: "That bastard Li Maoshi spoke ill of Mrs. Jiang behind her back and called the people below her Don't protect Mrs. Jiang when you go up the mountain. Isn't this going to kill our benefactor? I, Old Feng, repay kindness and repay grudges. Although I am not as high-ranking as him, I still have some strength to fight with him!"

At this time, someone hurriedly went to the camp of the general and deputy general to report the news. Soon Jiang Yichun and Bai Ruozhu also knew the news, but Jiang Yichun sneered and said, "You deserve it, then Li Maoshi deserves a beating!"

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Let's go and persuade them. We have to suppress the bandits tomorrow morning. If the commotion is too serious, it will affect tomorrow's schedule."

"Don't worry, these people are all veterans. They won't go too far when they make troubles. They can't stand the military law." Jiang Yichun smiled and picked up the broken hair beside Bai Ruozhu's ears, "I didn't expect Madam to compare. I'm still popular, let alone anyone in this camp scolding me, even if someone comes to beat me, I'm afraid no one will be so excited about me."

Bai Ruozhu was very moved when she heard this, but when she heard the sourness in Jiang Yichun's words, she couldn't help but smile and said: "Sometimes people's ideas are very simple. If you treat the other person well, the other person will treat you well. Okay, You are poorer than me, so you might as well go and have a look, I don’t want the matter to get worse and I become a disaster.”

After hearing this, Jiang Yichun didn't stop her anymore, took her waist and walked towards the outside of the camp. Bai Ruozhu glanced at him sideways. His big hand on her waist was obviously showing his ownership.

As a result, the two of them went to the right wing captain's camp and were shocked. Fortunately, they came over, otherwise there would have been a big trouble! ——

A certain dog's dog is sick. He went to the hospital today and was told that he had a severe cough. A X-ray was taken and a blood test was performed. He was told that it was lobar pneumonia and the dog was in need of fluids. It was really pitiful and the whole family was also tormented with it. Alas, I only bought the dog a week ago, and I obviously feel that I was deceived by the pet store...

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