Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 726 The Queen Mother loves her daughter, a stern reminder

"Shen Lu told me at the beginning that you were different from ordinary people, and it was thanks to you that the restaurant business started. The restaurant was just my private property, and I couldn't tell anyone about it. In the past, the business was only average, but no one dared to bully me. I want to If Shen Lu hadn't met you, I'm afraid it wouldn't have become the most popular restaurant in the capital." The Queen Mother said with a smile, and she was in a good mood based on her tone.

"You came up with that buffet a few days ago. It's really innovative. Next month is my birthday banquet. I plan to let the guests host the banquet in the form of a buffet. What do you think?" The Queen Mother asked in a questioning way. His tone was polite, and he looked at Bai Ruozhu, waiting for her answer.

Bai Ruozhu was in a daze for a moment. The Queen Mother really valued her. Didn't she come to her for Princess Jade's sideburns? Or should I give you two dates first and then talk about business?

For a moment, Bai Ruozhu didn't know how to answer. She thought about it and said cautiously: "If it were just a buffet, it might be a little boring. It still needs singing and dancing to add to the fun."

She had heard that once a banquet was held in the palace, the concubines and beauties would go out of their way to show off and prepare programs and so on. But if the Queen Mother's birthday banquet canceled the song and dance performance because it was a buffet, I'm afraid it would Will she and Ying Kelai arouse the hatred of many people?

"Oh? What good ideas do you have?" asked the Queen Mother.

"Ruozhu doesn't have any good ideas at the moment, why don't you let me go back and think about it carefully before reporting to the Queen Mother?" Bai Ruozhu said.

The Queen Mother nodded, "Okay, let's wait until you think about it."

Bai Ruozhu breathed a huge sigh of relief, seeing that the Queen Mother was not looking for trouble for her.

"Mrs. Jiang is smart and smart. The Ai family likes her very much. Please stay with the Ai family for dinner at noon. You go down and prepare, and just leave Cuiping with me." The Queen Mother ordered the palace attendants on the side.

Bai Ruozhu realized at this time that the Queen Mother had never called herself "Aijia" before, but used "I". Danliang country did not pay much attention to the rules of respect and inferiority, so the Queen Mother naturally did not call herself "Aijia" when talking to people she knew well. When it comes to ordering slaves to do things, he becomes a little more dignified. Does the fact that she calls herself "I" mean that the Queen Mother has no airs about her?

After the Queen Mother sent everyone out, she left a personal maid beside her, and then she said to Bai Ruozhu: "You and that boy Yichun look like lovers. I like to see lovers together the most." , Don’t worry, no one can interfere with your affairs.”

Bai Ruozhu looked at the Queen Mother in surprise, but she soon understood.

Which mother doesn’t want her daughter to marry well? It’s great to be able to marry her sweetheart, but if this relationship is wrong, how can a mother not stop it and allow it to go wrong?

First, Jiang Yichun is no longer the direct grandson of the Jiang family, but also has a father who caused a scandal and was expelled from the family. How could the Queen Mother be willing to marry her daughter to him?

Secondly, Jiang Yichun is already married, has an eldest son, and has a very good relationship with his wife. If Bai Ruozhu is forced to give up the throne, Princess Yushan is just trying to occupy a magpie's nest, and she will definitely be criticized in the future.

Also, forceful melons are not sweet. Even if Jiang Yichun is forced to marry Yu Huan, she is afraid that she will not be loved by her husband and will not be happy in the future.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of a similar incident in a modern costume drama, where Princess Taiping fell in love with Xue Shao, but Xue Shao already had a wife. Wu Zetian gave Xue Shao's death so that her daughter could marry the one she loved. The original wife, but in the end, although Princess Taiping married Xue Shao, she did not get the happiness she wanted.

Although this story is a fabrication, it is also thought-provoking. If she were the Queen Mother, she would not do such a thing, which may appear to be for her daughter's benefit but is actually harmful to her.

"Yu Huan is a good child. She doesn't have any bad intentions. Don't worry about that. It's also my fault that she got offended by a joke I made back then. But shouldn't a woman marry someone who really loves her? She will naturally love her in the future. You will understand." The Queen Mother said slowly.

Bai Ruozhu blessed the Queen Mother and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your consideration. Ruozhu is really grateful."

The Queen Mother smiled faintly, her smile no longer as friendly as before, "But if that boy Yichun has other thoughts because of his innocence, don't blame the Ai family for being rude!"

This time she used "爱家" and her tone became more serious. It was obvious that the words were not meant as a joke. If Jiang Yichun dared to use Yu Huan's admiration to create delusions, the Queen Mother would not let him off lightly.

Bai Ruozhu said hurriedly: "Ah Chun won't do that. I dare to guarantee him."

Princess Jade is as beautiful as her master, and if it were anyone else, Bai Ruozhu would not dare to make such a guarantee, but for Jiang Yichun, she trusted Jiang Yichun from the bottom of her heart and was willing to make such a guarantee for him.

She should have confidence in her husband, otherwise how could she expect her husband and wife to stay together in times of trouble?

The Queen Mother was very satisfied with her words, and put a warm smile on her face again, and said: "The Emperor also misses his childhood friendship, and he loves Yu Huan too much. Don't take it to heart, I will advise him carefully. , he is a wise king, so naturally he will not really break you up."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Ruozhu understands, otherwise the emperor would have issued the decree directly."

If the emperor was unreasonable and issued an imperial edict, she and Jiang Yichun would really have a headache.

The two talked for a while, and soon it was time for lunch and the banquet. At this time, Princess Yuhuan also came. She was a little surprised to see Bai Ruozhu, but her attitude was very polite. Bai Ruozhu observed carefully. This princess She really has no airs and her eyes are very clear. She really has no bad intentions as the Queen Mother said.

After the meal, Bai Ruozhu and Yu Huan got acquainted. Yu Huan couldn't help but ask her about Jiang Yichun. Bai Ruozhu felt a little dumbfounded, so she could only tell her that Jiang Yichun had received the emperor's order to leave the capital. What's going on now? She doesn't know either.

Princess Yushan was a little disappointed when she heard this, but she didn't mean to offend her.

After lunch, Bai Ruozhu made an excuse to say goodbye, and then left the palace and returned to her residence. Deng Deng had already woken up. He cried for a while when he didn't see her. When he saw her coming back, he immediately reached out to hug her, babbling. He was saying something, seeming to be complaining about how she left him alone at home.

Bai Ruozhu looked at his villain-like expression and couldn't help but laugh, and her mood became a little better. At least the Queen Mother did not approve of Jade Man's infatuated love for Jiang Yichun, and she also promised not to break them up, which made her heartache. Stones can also fall.

After waiting for another day, the rash on Deng Deng's body went away a little. Bai Ruozhu was waiting for news about Jiang Yichun at her residence, but she didn't want to hear the gongs and drums outside. When she inquired, it turned out that the envoy from Chengshui Kingdom had arrived in the capital, saying it was for Promote friendly exchanges between the two countries.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly asked the secret guard to find out who was in the Chengshui Kingdom envoy.

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