Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 564 Deng Deng is mighty! Scare away the bad aunt

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but feel excited. She heard her mother chatting with Wu Wanqing in a very affectionate tone.

Her mother must have thought that Wu Wanqing was Master Wu's daughter, and she had a good impression of Wu Wanqing. But Wu Wanqing could tell her about Jiang Yichun's loss of memory, and even get close to Jiang Yichun by detoxifying him. She really wouldn't say anything to her mother. ?

And when she thought that Wu Wanqing was very close to her son and her mother was completely unprepared, her heartbeat increased again. Although she and Jiang Yichun were not sure yet that Wu Wanqing had bewitched Jiang Yichun, her intuition told her that Wu Wanqing was very dangerous!

"This child is so cute, can I hug him?" Wu Wanqing asked softly outside the house.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly shouted in the room: "Mom, are you taking Deng Deng outside? Let me see Deng Deng quickly, I miss him so much!"

Her internal injuries were not healed, so she was not allowed to move too much or speak too loudly. As a result, she couldn't help but cough again, and a fishy-sweet taste came up in her throat.

Lin Ping'er heard the commotion and hurriedly carried Deng Deng into the house. She complained a little: "I brought the child to you. Why are you so anxious? You are still so unstable at such a young age."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't hold Dengdeng now, and Lin Ping'er hugged Dengdeng and sat next to her. As soon as Dengdeng saw his mother, Dengdeng's little mouth started crying aggrievedly.

"Be good, mother, don't care about you. When mother recovers, she will take you out to play every day." Bai Ruozhu coaxed her son distressedly.

At this time, Wu Wanqing walked into the room and said with concern: "Ruozhu, please don't hug the child, otherwise the injury will be aggravated. Let me hug you."

"No need!" Bai Ruozhu rushed out as soon as he was in a hurry. Lin Ping'er was stunned beside her and glared at Bai Ruozhu, implying that she was too rude.

Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to change her words: "This child is too naughty. It will be bad if he pees on Miss Wu. I have peed on the Third Young Master before."

Wu Wanqing's face changed. She didn't know whether she was afraid of being peed on, or she was unhappy to hear that "Third Young Master" had been peed on.

Lin Ping'er felt that this was also the case, and said hurriedly: "Yes, I would be embarrassed if I soiled Miss Wu's clothes."

"It's okay, you are too polite." Wu Wanqing quickly returned to normal and smiled gently at the two of them.

Bai Ruozhu didn't want to talk to her anymore, so she pulled Lin Ping'er's arm and asked, "Mom, my father didn't come with you? And have you gone to see Xiaosi? Is he feeling better?"

She knew that Xu Huilin would definitely ask people to take good care of Xiaosi, but she still wanted to see Xiaosi now.

"Your father just went to accompany Xiaosi. He will come over later. The doctor said that Xiaosi can't get out of bed. Let's go see him when you feel better." Lin Ping'er sighed and said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded. Now that they are all sick, it is difficult for anyone to see anyone.

Wu Wanqing didn't leave and seemed to be very patient in listening to the conversation between the Bai family's mother and daughter. Seeing the two of them stop, she smiled and said to Bai Ruozhu: "Why don't you ask my third senior brother? He suffered an internal injury just to save you. , he almost died, but fortunately he was lucky."

Bai Ruozhu smiled at her and said, "I know his situation best. Naturally, he has to stay in bed, so I will go and see him when I feel better."

She figured out why Wu Wanqing came. Wu Wanqing was shocked when she learned that Jiang Yichun had used her inner strength. But after all, Jiang Yichun came back alive. She wanted to find out what was going on. It was estimated that Jiang Yichun and Xu Huilin had confessed something. Wu Wanqing It seems that I didn't find the answer from Xu Huilin.

Naturally, Bai Ruozhu would not be stupid enough to tell her the truth, and said with a smile: "Ji people have their own destiny. The third young master must be the kind of person with amazing bones."

Wu Wanqing smiled and nodded but didn't say anything more. She was just a little lost in thought, probably thinking about the meaning of Bai Ruozhu's words.

Lin Ping'er already knew that the "third senior brother" Wu Wanqing mentioned was her benefactor. She was very happy to hear that, and thought to herself that she had indeed seen the right person. If he could risk his life for Ruozhu, could he treat her sincerely?

Suddenly, Lin Ping'er sniffed and laughed, "Oh, this little rascal has pooped on his daddy."

"Mom, have you brought diapers to change?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

"Take it, take it, I'll change it for him right now. Ruozhu, don't move, otherwise the injury will get worse." Lin Ping'er held down Bai Ruozhu who was about to get out of bed.

Wu Wanqing also smelled the stench. She had no children of her own and was not very accepting of children pooping. After Lin Ping'er pulled down Deng'er's pants, revealing a mess of yellow stool, she felt that she couldn't stay any longer. .

"Then you guys are busy, I'll go see the second senior brother first." After Wu Wanqing said that, she left as if running for her life.

Bai Ruozhu looked at her back and smiled mischievously. Can't stand it anymore? At first glance, it seems that she has never been a mother. Besides, Dengdeng can only drink some rice cereal, eat some egg yolk puree, and vegetable puree, and her stool is not smelly.

After the diaper was changed and I started to feel comfortable, I didn’t know what the babbling sound was over there. Bai Ruozhu touched his little head and thought: Brat, you are so powerful, you can scare away that annoying woman just by soaking in shit.

Bai Ruozhu listened to the noise outside the house and found that no one was there, then she whispered to her mother: "Mom, don't get too close to Wu Wanqing in the future, and don't give her a hug."

Lin Ping'er looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise and asked, "What? She's not a good person? But I think she's quite virtuous."

"She said something to me in private, trying to destroy the relationship between me and my benefactor." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while, lowered her voice and said, "Also, she knows how to raise insects. Don't let her touch you. Here you go. Don’t use it for anything to eat or drink.”

Lin Ping'er was startled. She didn't quite understand what raising bugs meant, but she felt it wasn't a good thing.

"Then she asked the maid to serve me some tea just now, and I've already drank it." Lin Pinger's face turned pale as she spoke.

Bai Ruozhu reached out and felt her mother's pulse. Unfortunately, she was not familiar with Gu insects and couldn't tell anything.

She thought for a while and said, "She shouldn't dare to act recklessly. I'll find someone to help you check it out later, so don't be deceived by her appearance."

Lin Ping'er nodded vigorously, "I understand. I will tactfully find excuses to avoid you in the future."

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief and played with Deng Deng for a while. Deng Deng kept getting into her arms, but she was seriously injured and couldn't breastfeed after taking the medicinal soup. She had to distract Deng Deng to avoid breastfeeding. He always thinks about feeding.

"If that doesn't work, just wean off the milk. We can also hire a long-term wet nurse for Deng Deng." Lin Ping'er said distressedly as she looked at her daughter's haggard appearance.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said: "I can still express milk, but I'm afraid of having to squeeze out milk now when I take medicine. I can feed him two days after I stop taking the medicine. I'll give him a supplement then." The milky soup will be back soon."

"Mom is afraid that you will work too hard." Lin Ping'er sighed and said.

"It's okay. I don't worry about feeding others. Moreover, Dengdeng has started to take complementary foods, and the night feeds can be gradually stopped. I don't have anything to worry about." Bai Ruozhu said, poking the small hole on the back of Dengdeng's hand with her finger. The meat pit is so fun.

At this time, there were footsteps outside, and it was Bai Yihong who came over. Seeing that Bai Ruozhu was awake, he opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back.

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