Chapter 430 The nose is so sharp

When Bai Ruozhu saw her suddenly going to taste it, he thought she was not convinced by his words, but he didn't know that the landlady threw the remaining snacks back into the tray in anger after tasting them, turned to the room and shouted: "Dad, you are seeking death! That day Didn't I ask you to take out the mung bean cake that was messed up by Hu Zi and had too much sugar in it? Are you trying to destroy our sign? "

While they were talking, a middle-aged man who was looking for an apron came out in a panic, with a look of shame and helplessness on his face, and said, "How did you know, Huzi?"

"As soon as the customers taste it, they can tell you have too much sugar, and they don't know how much you sold!" The proprietress put her hands on her hips and stared angrily.

"Don't be angry first. I really listened to you and let that cage out alone. As a result, some of that naughty little Huzi got mixed into the big basin for me. When I found it, I didn't know how to pick it out, so I just I don't dare to say it." The man's voice became smaller and smaller at the end, and he looked at his wife fearlessly, as if she was being bullied.

Bai Ruozhu probably understood that the man in this family was a dim sum master, and his wife was responsible for taking care of business. However, there was a child at home who made trouble for his father, and a serving of mung bean cake contained too much sugar. The landlady didn't allow it to be sold, so she probably wanted to keep it for herself. As a result, Pi's child mixed some sugary mung bean cakes into the mung bean cakes for sale, and Bai Ruozhu happened to taste them.

Because they definitely couldn't hear what they were saying outside, there was no need for the landlady to put on a show just because of Bai Ruozhu's little opinion. It was obvious that it was true, but this coincidence made Bai Ruozhu want to laugh.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and pick out the sweet ones, otherwise our sign will be ruined." The landlady said and stamped her feet angrily.

Her man looked embarrassed, "If I had a way to pick them out, I would have picked them out early. How could I be lazy? I can't taste every piece, right?"

The landlady stared, seeming hesitant, and finally gritted her teeth and said: "These mung bean cakes are all gone. If you can't pick them out, don't sell them. Even if you lose money, we can't be accused of having bad taste!"

Bai Ruozhu secretly gave the proprietress a thumbs up after hearing this. This eldest lady is really courageous. There are still a lot of mung bean cakes in the cabinet. If you buy them all, you will lose a lot of money.

In fact, there is only a little too much sugar, and it is not unacceptably sweet. Customers are not too picky, but their attitude towards the product is admirable. They would rather not make money than ruin the sign. This is a sign of reputation. of attention.

The male boss sighed helplessly after hearing this, and went to the cabinet to take out the mung bean cake. It looked like this because he was listening to his wife and refused to sell it.

Only then did the proprietress think of Bai Ruozhu, and she hurriedly turned around and said with a smile: "I have to thank you, otherwise they would have hidden this matter, and the customers who bought it would have thought that our dim sum was not as good as before. Come on, let me Let me get you another piece to try."

Bai Ruozhu asked with a smile: "Then if the mung bean cakes mixed with sugar are almost sold out, wouldn't it be a pity that all the mung bean cakes you take off the shelves are good ones?"

The proprietress had already cut another piece of mung bean cake for Bai Ruozhu. She gritted her teeth and said, "Then I can only accept it. It's just that we were careless when making it."

Bai Ruozhu took the freshly cut mung bean cake and tasted it. Well, as the landlady said, the sweetness was moderate and did not affect the fragrance of the mung beans.

She hugged Deng Deng, who was still on the hair dryer, and said to the landlady: "It's a pity to keep these away. How about I help you? I have a very sensitive sense of smell. Mung bean cakes with too much sugar will definitely affect the fragrance of mung beans." , I should be able to smell it.”

Hu Zi's father was about to take away the snacks, and his eyes lit up after hearing what Bai Ruozhu said. Regardless of whether Bai Ruozhu could really smell it, the headquarters would suffer a loss.

The landlady looked at Bai Ruozhu with some surprise and asked, "Aren't you a fellow traveler?"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but burst into laughter, "No, my family sells food in other places, but not snacks. I am a medical student and I often smell herbal medicine, so my nose is very good."

Hu Zi's father couldn't wait any longer. He picked up a piece of mung bean cake with bamboo tongs and put it on a small plate. He handed it to Bai Ruozhu and said, "Can you please help me, girl?"

The landlady also said: "Sorry to trouble you, I will send you some mung bean cake later."

Bai Ruozhu didn't refuse and smelled the mung bean cake directly. She shook her head at the first piece and said, "This is good."

Huzi's father picked up the piece again and hurriedly separated the piece and put it into a clean bamboo basket. He took another piece and gave it to Bai Ruozhu to smell. Bai Ruozhu smelled it and it was still good. She frowned and said, "Put two pieces at a time, like this faster."

"Okay." Huzi's father took two pieces this time, and Bai Ruozhu continued to smell it until the fifth piece, and finally found a piece with more sugar. She pointed at it and asked the boss's wife to pick it out.

The landlady curiously pinched a little bit and put it into her mouth to taste it, with a look of surprise on her face, "It's really full of sugar. You have such a great nose!"

Bai Ruozhu touched her nose and couldn't help but laugh. How could she say her nose was so smart that she felt like a dog? However, since she discovered space, she doesn’t know whether she often eats fish and shrimps in space or drinks water from space ponds. Her vision, hearing, smell, and taste are all very good, and her reaction is even better than in her previous life. few.

After a while, another customer came to the store, and they came over curiously and asked what was going on. The landlady didn't hide anything, so she told her about the incident where she accidentally put too much sugar into the mung bean cake. The customer heard that Bai Ruozhu was helping with her nose. After hearing the news, they stopped choosing snacks and gathered around to watch.

As a result, after Bai Ruozhu smelled all the snacks, she turned around and found that there were many people crowding in and outside the store to watch. She touched her nose in embarrassment. It was over, she was going to be treated as a rare animal.

One customer’s eyes lit up when he saw it, and he shouted to the lady boss: “Madam boss, please pick out the mung bean cake with a lot of sugar from this girl and give it to us to try, and also give us the mung bean cake that doesn’t have a lot of sugar to try. It will also make us grow. gain knowledge."

Bai Ruozhu picked out a total of eleven pieces of mung bean cake with a lot of sugar. Since these could no longer be sold, the landlady was not stingy and immediately cut them into small pieces and distributed them to everyone to taste. In addition, she also cut some that tasted good and gave them to everyone to taste.

"Hey, as expected, the taste of this snack is different if it has more sugar or less. It turns out that there is so much knowledge about whether this snack is delicious or not!" someone said with emotion.

Some people looked at Bai Ruozhu, raised their thumbs and said, "This little lady really has a good nose, it's so amazing!"

The proprietress nodded to Bai Ruozhu and thanked her. She quickly packed a large bag of mung bean cakes that tasted just right. She also picked out a few snacks and wrapped them in a bag. She gave them to Bai Ruozhu and said, "Girl, thank you so much. These snacks are You can’t refuse our little consideration.”


The fourth update is here!

Thank you to user 卐ukoswastika, book friend 21272164, and user Elly for their rewards, group mods~

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