Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3200 Well done, son!

Bai Ruozhu really needed to rest. He had been traveling at full speed before, which consumed a lot of internal energy.

It took a lot of effort for her to find this place alone.

Of course, there is no need for my son to be polite.

She crosses her legs and adjusts her breathing, and does not make any noise when she is jumping around. He is young and sleeps a long time, so he will go to the bed in the hut to continue sleeping.

It didn't take long for Bai Ruozhu to smell the fragrance of rice porridge. After all, time was limited and he couldn't make very pulpy porridge. The rice would be good if it was cooked.

Xiaodengdeng watched her open her eyes, took a small bowl and carried it over.

He has grown a bit now, and he no longer looks like the little baby he used to be. His movements are not as clumsy as when he was a child, and he looks like a little adult.

Bai Ruozhu felt a little emotional. When her children grew up, her first thought was that she was getting old too.

"Mom, warm your stomach." Xiao Dengdeng said considerately.

"Be good." Bai Ruozhu smiled. What was wrong with her? She was still sad for spring and autumn. She probably encountered troubles one after another when she came to the Western Regions, and she was too tired.

Nine times out of ten life in this world will be unsatisfactory, but she would rather be unsatisfied than encounter danger all the time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, she put down the bowl and said, "You should also go and take a nap. Mom will take you out of here."

"Well, mother, please be careful, I will take good care of my brother." Xiao Dengdeng said sensibly.

He actually wanted to go out with his mother, but he also knew that he was not strong enough and would only hold his mother back.

As soon as Bai Ruozhu thought, the person left the space, while the two children continued to stay in the space.

She passed by Prince Neil's room, and her heart couldn't help but move. Before she could ask about Deng Deng's situation, she knew from the strength of the troops guarding outside that the real owner was inside.

Do you want to do something about it?

If she dares to touch her child's mind, there is only one word: kill!

She despises the kind of people who have no ability and can only stare at other people's children. Feel free to deal with her if you want, why bother staring at underage children?

They also claim to be descendants of the gods on the grassland, claim to be brave and good at fighting, and often look down on the "weak" Central Plains people. So isn't what they are doing now a slap in the face?

Anger couldn't help rising, and a storm had set off in her eyes, and she wanted to kill the people inside with poison.

But soon she calmed down again. She wanted to take revenge, but not now. She was only one person. She must not rely on others. She could not be blindly confident in herself. The other party might be hiding some tricks.

She can fight for her children, but she will not act recklessly with her children and put them in danger again.

Take a deep breath and suppress the anger in your heart. The days are long.

She carefully avoided the guards all the way, and when she finally reached the hiding place, she released Xiao Hei and let Xiao Hei carry her away quickly.

Xiao Hei's speed was extremely fast, not as fast as her full Qing Gong. Moreover, with Xiao Hei carrying her, she could save some internal energy consumption.

Finally escaped safely, but the next question is how to get out of the city.

Before, Fei Luan relied entirely on astrology, but she had already asked the astrology team to go out of the city to meet Jiang Yichun.

Thinking like this, the sky has turned white and it's dawn.

Everything was quiet around him, except for the sound of a baby crying from someone's house. It was probably because the baby was hungry or had peed to show that he was not feeling well.

But the child's cries were soon suppressed. Perhaps the family was afraid of attracting Turks, so they tried to suppress the child's cries.

Bai Ruozhu sighed secretly. If the problem of the Northwest Army is not solved, when will the nightmare of the people of Feiyan City end?

It would be too dangerous for her to leave the city in a hurry right now, so she might as well stay in the city.

There are so many ordinary people in Feiyan City. If she were among them, would the Turks be able to find her?

Thinking of this, she thought of the people who had been stunned by her poison before. She thought that as long as the Northwest Army invaded, they would be saved when they woke up.

Later, they heard that the Northwest Army was poisoned and they had to evacuate first. They didn't know what would happen to the people when they woke up.

She couldn't help but sigh again, thinking that there would be no good results.

Even though she was mentally prepared, she was still shocked when she approached Caishikou.

It was the place where they had fought with the Turkic soldiers before, and the smell of blood could be smelled from a distance.

Corpses were lying across the intersection, and corpses were piled on top of each other, almost forming a hill.

She saw a woman in dark green clothes. She remembered that the woman was among the people who were arrested. Her face was full of tears and she was crying for help.

Tears wet his face for a moment. These people were all killed. They were all living people!

She used to think that the Central Plains' emphasis on Confucius and Mencius's teachings and benevolence was too hypocritical. This was a world of the weak and the strong.

But at this moment, she changed her mind.

If Turkic generals learned Confucian culture, would they be more tolerant to civilians, even if it was just for reputation?

A large number of corpses were lying on the streets. No one dared to collect them. Countless mosquitoes and flies were flying around the corpses. If the corpses continued to rot, they might bring plague.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, moved his fingertips, and sprinkled some medicinal powder.

She failed to save them, so at least she could save their corpses. With her powder, the corpses would not rot for a while and would prevent mosquitoes and flies from approaching them.

After that, she left Caishikou, found a dilapidated hut not far away, and quietly climbed over the wall and slipped in.

There was a lot of dust in the house. It had obviously been unoccupied for a while, probably before the Turks came in.

She needed to find a place to stay, disguise herself, and pretend to be the owner of the house.

To be cautious, she went into the house and checked to make sure no one had entered the space.

"Mom!" When Xiao Dengdeng saw her coming back, she hurriedly put down the medicinal materials in her hands and stood up.

Bai Ruozhu frowned slightly, "Why didn't you sleep for a while?"

"I can't sleep, so I want to prepare some medicine. I used a lot of it before." He was referring to the powder that left a mark on Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu touched her eldest son's head and said softly: "Don't rush for a while, there is still a lot of mother, you are still growing, you should have a good rest."

"But I really can't sleep." Xiao Dengdeng pouted.

Bai Ruozhu hugged him, "Then tell your mother about the previous situation. Have you discovered anything?"


Xiao Dengdeng began to speak slowly. Despite his young age, he spoke clearly and clearly, and it didn't take long for him to explain clearly what happened.

Bai Ruozhu heard that Xiao Dengdeng was taken away together to save Bengbeng, and she felt even more proud of her eldest son. This child had known responsibility and friendship since he was a child, and he was brave and resourceful, which really made her a mother-in-law. Startled.

"When I was practicing acupuncture, I accidentally stopped moving my arm. My aunt told me that haste makes waste, and I never thought I could use it on a bad guy." Xiao Dengdeng smiled proudly, "The bad guy's name is Neil. He is a prince and everyone else listens to him.”

"Son, you did a great job!" Bai Ruozhu praised his son without hesitation and gave him a thumbs up.

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