Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3193 Vomiting and Diarrhea

Others also escaped from the iron grid and were temporarily safe.

Yes, it was just temporary. A large number of Turks surrounded the surrounding streets, but Bai Ruozhu and the others only had five of them.

The people who originally entered the city were Bai Ruozhu, Jiang Yichun, Gao Chan, Yinlu, Xingxing, and Jian Qi. Previously, Bai Ruozhu asked Jian Qi to send the doctor to the cave in Xicheng, and only five of them were left.

The five people were back to back, each with extremely serious expressions, because any distraction would cause them to be injured or even killed.

But this doesn't mean that they can't escape, it's just that if they want to escape, they have to fight their way out first. If they escape, all the civilians here will die, and even the nearby people will be brutally killed.

"We won't be afraid if we don't get separated." Gao Juan said in a low voice. He was the oldest and had the strongest inner strength. He just wanted to cheer up everyone.

But in the next second, everyone's expressions changed.

The Turkic soldiers threw out the iron net again. There were too many of them. Even if they broke out of the iron net formation once, they could still form again. It was useless if the people fell, they could only break the iron net.

But I don’t know what kind of metal this iron net is made of, and no one can cut through it with a sword. And they may not only have this iron net, which cannot be destroyed at all.

"Everyone try to conserve your energy and just wait." Jiang Yichun reminded everyone in a low voice.

As long as the Northwest Army attacks the city, manpower will inevitably be allocated here. Then they will be able to relax quickly. Now they can kill as many as they can.

Everyone acted carefully and tried to use energy-saving moves to avoid being unable to follow up. Bai Ruozhu simply used poison and defense to avoid being attacked by surprise, while Yinlu was the easiest among them to put out bad Gu insects.

However, her face is not very pretty. Naturally, the number of her Gu worms cannot be compared with that of someone like Gu Feng who feeds Gu worms with his body, and the ones he uses in large quantities are not very powerful Gu worms. In such a short time, many Gu worms are absorbed The insect poison was almost used up, and some of them were even trampled to death. She suffered a lot of losses.

The iron net array is still going on, people are constantly being caught in the net, and they are constantly rushing out, and Turks are constantly falling down.

As time passed by, Xingxing was a little out of breath and asked: "What time is it?"

According to the original intelligence, the northwest army should have arrived, or even should have arrived long ago.

Bai Ruozhu's heart continued to sink. Could it be that the Northwest Army was in trouble?

The five people continued to fight fiercely, and gradually the Turks learned to be smart. They no longer rashly attacked them and sent them to death. Instead, they kept throwing nets at them to consume their physical strength and reduce their own casualties.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. It was not an option to continue like this, and the unconscious civilians were about to wake up.

"Master!" Jian Qi's voice came from the outside. Everyone's eyes lit up, reinforcements were coming.

But when everyone looked around, they saw Jian Qi flying down from the eaves next to him, stepping on the shoulders of the Turkic soldiers one after another, rushing into the encirclement and joining them.

"Are you the only one?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

It couldn't have taken so long for Jian Qi to see off the doctor. He must have had other things to do if he didn't come for a long time. The most likely reason was to open the city gate for the Northwest Army.

Unfortunately, Bai Ruozhu guessed wrong this time.

Jian Qi said solemnly: "A large number of people in the Northwest Army immediately vomited and had diarrhea this morning. They were unable to march, let alone fight. General Liu Lang learned that you were trapped to save the people, and he had already led people to attack the city gate."

"What?" Bai Ruozhu exclaimed.

In an instant, she suddenly understood that the Northwest Army was poisoned and they were Turks. They had arranged it long ago!

Why are they not afraid of being attacked from both front and rear? Why do they have the time to encircle and suppress them here? Because they have internal support in the Northwest Army, because they know that the Northwest Army cannot arrive in time!

No, no, not only that, they originally planned to continue attacking eastward in three days, including the Northwest Army who would support them in the future, and wanted to wipe out all the Northwest Army who were suffering from vomiting and diarrhea!

"Liu Lang will lead people to attack the city?" Jiang Yichun asked again to confirm.

"Yes." Jian Qi replied.

Even a cold-faced person like Jiang Yichun couldn't help but look anxious, "Nonsense, aren't those people going to die?"

With him here before, they didn't have much advantage in attacking the city, so they had to retreat. Now that he is not here, the Northwest Army cannot arrive on time. How many people will General Liu Lang lose?

"My subordinate also persuaded me, but he said that his mission is to take my uncle and master back to Danliang safely. Now that you are trapped, they must complete their mission." Jian Qi said.

Jiang Yichun was silent. This was indeed the attitude a soldier should have towards his mission, but he could not accept their sacrifice calmly.

Bai Ruozhu also fell silent. She could see Jiang Yichun's intolerance, so why couldn't she?

Soon, she made a decision.

"Ah Chun, the troops are divided into two groups. You go and lead Liu Lang to evacuate them, while I go to treat the poisoned Northwest Army."

"No!" Jiang Yichun immediately refused, "The Turks must defend all the way. We don't have enough manpower. It would be too dangerous for you to go."

"Then you don't care about General Liu Lang and them? In terms of fighting, you are the only one here who is the most familiar with it." Bai Ruozhu's tone became a little more serious. "Time waits for no one, and there is no time to say more. Ah Chun, I am no longer the weak me before. Believe me."

She was not trying to be a hero at this time, and she was forced by the situation to make such a decision. Even if she went to treat the Northwest Army, it was very likely that the soldiers would not recover so quickly and their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

It was too late to dispatch troops from other places, and the Turkic troops were victorious. If Liu Lang defeated them again, the situation would be difficult to recover.

There are about 30,000 permanent residents of Feiyan City. If the stalemate continues, nearly half of the 30,000 people may die, and the Turks will attack the next city, and then there will be heavy casualties.

She could think of this, and so could Jiang Yichun. He was extremely talented in fighting, and even if she couldn't think of it, he could also think of it.

However, he was worried and hesitant.

Finally, he nodded, "Okay, but you have to be careful."

"You and dad will go find Liu Langjiang, and the others will follow me, okay?" Bai Ruozhu said quickly.

Astrology and Yinlu are not suitable for the battlefield, but they can help her break through the Turkic ambush and rush to join the northwest army.

In addition, if she doesn't let Jian Qi follow, Jiang Yichun will never agree to it. Jian Qi is loyal and has excellent martial arts skills, so he can protect her better.

"Okay, if the problem of the Northwest Army is solved, send me a signal." Jiang Yichun looked reluctant, but they all have responsibilities. The expansion of the war will not only affect the people here, but their children will also be in great danger later.

Therefore, he can no longer hesitate, both in public and private matters.

"Take care, be sure to protect yourself." He quickly hugged Bai Ruozhu, then let go and went to resist the Turkic soldiers' attack.

"I know how to do it. Don't forget, my best skill is escaping." Bai Ruozhu winked at him.

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