Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2819 White Dragon Helps

Ning Yu looked disappointed, "Master, why didn't you come to me? Why did you hide it from me?"

"Maybe it's inconvenient." Aosong guessed, "Or maybe since he got a new life, it has nothing to do with the past, and he doesn't want to affect your life."

"Maybe." Ning Yu returned to his residence disappointed.

"Brother, maybe the Imperial Master doesn't want to carry that identity anymore. He has already done what he should do." Seeing that he was unhappy, Xingxing persuaded him.

Ning Yu nodded, "Maybe the master will appear after a while."

"Yes, maybe he didn't want to hide it from you, but he just happened to miss you." Xingxing said.

Ning Yu felt better now.

The next day, Le Bin brought Prince Xi over, and Aosong talked about his plan.

"I plan to set up a large formation to absorb the power of heaven and earth to help Sister Ruozhu gather her soul. As long as her soul is solidified, she can return to her body. The large soul gathering array is too difficult to form, let alone one that attracts the power of heaven and earth. Formation, so it must be carried out in a place with strong dragon energy, and it can be successful only through the protection of dragon energy."

She said and looked at Prince Xi, "It's not that Prince Xi's curse cannot be broken, it's just that he is too young. Directly breaking the curse will always cause damage to the body, but as long as the soul-gathering formation can be formed, he only needs to be leaked outside the formation. If you are infected with the energy of the formation, the curse will be lifted and your body will not be harmed."

So Bai Ruozhu admired Aosong even more. Despite his young age, he even knew about the Soul Gathering Formation, but even Ning Yu and the others only knew a small part of it.

Ning Yu and others became happy, and Jingshuang also stepped forward and offered to help set up the formation.

"You can't escape. I definitely can't do it alone." Aosong said with a smile.

"Just tell me what you need to prepare and I will arrange it." Jiang Yichun said.

Aosong waved his hand, "You are responsible for Sister Ruozhu's safety. She is very fragile during this period, and the palace is not absolutely safe. Just prepare the things and give them to your emperor. After all, you are also helping his son."

She mentioned Tang Yin's tone without any respect, but Le Bin's demeanor was very calm, and she was obviously used to it.

In the next few days, Tang Yin had people prepare what Aosong needed. Aosong also taught everyone how to set up formations and cast spells. Everything was ready, but Aosong did not agree to start.

"It won't be better soon, just wait." She said.

"What are you waiting for? It's an auspicious day, or someone?" Jiang Yichun asked anxiously.

"Just wait, that's what the hexagram says." It can be seen that Aosong doesn't know the specific time to wait.

Bai Ruozhu's soul returned to his body and thanked Aosong in person, "Thank you for your hard work, allowing you to come all the way here."

"Why are you so hard? I just got bored at home and came out to have some fun." She said it casually, as if she was going out to relax.

As soon as Sangta saw Bai Ruozhu, she moved closer, her eyes shining brightly.

"Ruozhu, please get well soon, we barbarians still want to invite you as a guest." He said excitedly.

Jiang Yichun walked over and blocked his view, "Did you call Ruozhu?"

"Ruozhu and I are friends, why can't we shout?" Sangta shouted.

Everyone was noisy, as if they were back to the past, and the atmosphere was a little more relaxed.

Another week passed like this, and one morning, Aosong suddenly said: "Okay, it will be noon today."

No one saw her divination, it was as if she said it casually, but no one could explain the reason and had no choice but to listen to her.

Everyone was ready, and Tang Yin also sent a large number of confidants to guard the Yangxin Hall, fearing that someone would come in and cause damage at this time.

Le Bin also took Prince Xi to the Yangxin Hall and waited outside the formation.

"Let's get started." Aosong stopped joking and became extremely serious.

Ning Yu, Xing Xing, Jing Shuang, and Chu Shuang stood in four directions respectively. Aosong stood in the formation, and the five of them began to draw formation diagrams at the same time.

Each of them drew something different, but they had similarities. The formations of the five people were slowly connected together to form a huge soul-gathering formation.

At three quarters of noon, the formation was just completed. At this time when Yang Qi was at its strongest, a wisp of Long Qi was sucked into the formation and integrated into the formation diagram.

The formation diagram slowly lit up. The scene was so magical, as if some energy was burning. That scene was unforgettable more than ten years later.

The formation map finally converged to one point, which was Bai Ruozhu's body on the cold jade bed, and all the light penetrated into her body.

Jiang Yichun was extremely nervous. He knew not to think about frustrating things, but he was afraid that Aosong's method would not work, and he was even more afraid that Aosong's limited strength would be a disservice.

He even thought that Bai Ruozhu came from another place, and was afraid that although this formation could cure her, it would send her back.

But as long as she can live well, even if he has to be separated from her, he will admit it, as long as she can live well!

Bai Ruozhu was still unable to speak at this moment, and she could not return to her body. She only felt that she was getting stronger and stronger, and she was stronger than after she took a special rest.

It seems that her soul will soon stabilize and return to her body.

Right here, the energy gathered in her soul was suddenly sucked into the space and rushed towards the sleeping dragon egg.

"No, how could this happen?" Chushuang was shocked because she saw the light spots that originally converged on Bai Ruozhu rushing towards the air beside her, and she didn't know where they went.

Aosong was not surprised, "Steady, don't worry about anything else."

A large amount of formation power poured into the dragon egg, and the white dragon let out a dragon roar and woke up from its deep sleep.

"What's going on?" it asked Bai Ruozhu in confusion.

"I was hit by a transfer spell. After the opponent died, my soul left my body. They were using Soul Gathering Town to help me gather my soul, but somehow you sucked away the energy of the formation." Bai Ruozhu said helplessly, "Look This approach is going to fail.”

Bailong didn't come out of the egg, his body became smaller, and he kept floating and looking at her.

"I didn't expect that I was the one who harmed you, but if you don't get rid of the evil energy in your body, it's useless to gather your soul. That's all, I'll suck in the evil energy you got from the transfer technique." After Bai Long finished speaking, he opened his mouth and gave her a hard blow. Inhaling, waves of black energy rushed towards the dragon egg. Soon the dragon egg turned from white to black, and the white dragon also turned into a black dragon.

Bai Ruozhu was shocked, "Bai Long, are you okay? Will this affect you?"

Bai Long smiled and said, "I have obtained your power of heaven and earth, and I will become a dragon god. But we, the dragon clan, are the most trustworthy, so I can't take advantage of you in vain, so naturally I will help you resurrect."

"Dragon God?" Bai Ruozhu realized it was a good thing, "But why did you turn black?"

"If you are contaminated with evil spirits, you will become the Fallen Dragon God from now on. I am going to the God Realm. Dragon Ball will come to me on its own in the future. Goodbye. Thank you for letting me let go of my hatred and for letting me see what true love is."


I have had a fever for three days, and my overall condition has just recovered. I will resume updating today, and the main text will be completed in these two months.

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