Chapter 273 Mrs. Li’s poison is gone

Mrs. Ding was not alone in the room. She and another woman were sitting at the table drinking tea and talking. When they saw her entering the room, they turned to look over. The other woman was the one Bai Ruozhu had met before. Meet Mrs. Li!

It was too late for Bai Ruozhu to hide from Mrs. Li, so why did they collide with each other again? This world is really small!

Mrs. Li also looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise, then turned to Mrs. Ding and said, "Sister, is this the little lady you are talking about?"

Mrs. Ding also looked at Mrs. Li in surprise and asked, "Why does my sister know her?"

Mrs. Li laughed, "I met her once at Mrs. Xie's house. Mrs. Xie heard that I had many dreams and was feeling unwell, so she asked her to check my pulse. I didn't expect that she was also the handy little lady you mentioned."

After saying that, she looked at Bai Ruozhu again and said with a smile: "How many abilities you still have, it surprises me."

Bai Ruozhu put away all the thoughts in her heart, gently pulled down Mrs. Fu's sleeves, and the two of them greeted Mrs. Ding and Mrs. Li together. After that, Bai Ruozhu said: "Mrs. Li is ridiculous, Ruozhu is all These little tricks can’t be put on the stage.”

"The hat you made is so exquisite, you can call it a trick. You are too modest." Mrs. Ding seemed very happy. "I didn't expect that we are destined to be together. Mrs. Li is my biological sister. I called her here today just to introduce you to you." If you know her, let her make two beautiful hats for her daughter."

Bai Ruozhu smiled and nodded, "Thank you so much, madam."

Making hats is much safer than seeing a doctor. Why wouldn't she make money if she has money?

Because Mrs. Li and Bai Ruozhu had met once before, after such an interruption, the two parties were no longer so cautious. Bai Ruozhu asked them how old they wanted to make hats for their children and what they wanted to look like.

Mrs. Li has seen Xiu'er's hat and yearns for it, but she can't take it away from her niece, right? She looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "How about you make one for my daughter, just like Xiu'er's one."

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and didn't rush to agree. Just like what she told Mrs. Laifu, rich people like to have one share. If she agreed to Mrs. Li in front of Mrs. Ding, wouldn't Xiu'er's little hat be the same? The only one?

Besides, since it is custom-made, the materials used must be better and more refined, and the pearls must be provided by Mrs. Li. Why don't we just compare the embroidery? Bai Ruozhu would not offend old customers by accepting new ones.

"Madam, I have brought some new drawings, why don't you take a look at them first and then decide what to order?" As she said this, she took out the drawings she had drawn and then winked at Mrs. Laifu. Mrs. Laifu understood and came up. He opened his pocket and said, "Two ladies, there are so many colors to choose from."

Bai Ruozhu did not refuse explicitly, but Mrs. Li already understood what she meant and turned to look at her sister. Mrs. Ding smiled at her and said it was okay, but she understood that her request was a bit abrupt.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Li thought highly of Bai Ruozhu when she first met her, at this moment she had to admit that Bai Ruozhu was a woman as meticulous as dust.

The two of them became a little excited after seeing the drawings, just like a woman seeing a fashion album, and started chattering and discussing, regardless of Bai Ruozhu and Laifu's wife below.

"What do you think my Xiu'er made this one? She likes pearls the most." Mrs. Ding pointed to a hat on the picture. The hat was drawn by Bai Ruozhu thinking of "Princess Huazheng". It said Some square hats are like Xinjiang hats, with tassels hanging from the lower edge of the hat, and small pearls falling on them. After a girl wears it, the pearl tassels will sway when she walks, making it look particularly cute.

Mrs. Li nodded, "Xiu'er must like it. My brother-in-law is taking her out in the morning, and she is unhappy because she can't pick out her own hat." After that, she pointed to another hat and asked curiously: "What is this? Look. It looks cute.”

"I think it's a rabbit. Ruozhu's son is wearing a tiger-headed hat. He's so cute." Mrs. Ding still remembered seeing Dengdeng wearing a tiger-headed hat at the stall yesterday.

Bai Ruozhu quietly winked at Mrs. Laifu, business must be good today. Mrs. Laifu's heart was filled with joy, but she tried her best to hold it back and imitated Bai Ruozhu's example of being unfazed.

The two ladies discussed for a long time, and finally each chose two looks. Bai Ruozhu gave them some suggestions, and soon decided on the pattern and eye color.

"I'll ask someone to get you some pearls." After Mrs. Ding finished speaking, she ordered the maid to get them. She quickly got a box, which was divided into several compartments and contained many pearls of different sizes.

Bai Ruozhu looked at it and picked one with good color, round shape but not too big, and said, "The hanging pearls can't be too big, otherwise they won't look good."

"Okay, let's use this one." Mrs. Ding nodded and asked the maid to wrap some pearls that Bai Ruozhu picked out for laughter. Bai Ruozhu glanced at them and saw that there were a lot of them, and there would definitely be some leftover.

"It doesn't take too much." She reminded, but Mrs. Ding waved her hand indifferently, "It doesn't matter, I will give you the extra."

See, doing business with rich people is a good thing, and giving them something is worth a lot of money.

Mrs. Li looked at her drawing and thought for a while, then said, "I'll use red agate for the eyes of this rabbit. I'll have someone send it to Xie's Mansion for you tomorrow."

"Yes." Bai Ruozhu said.

Then the two of them asked about the price, and then generously paid Bai Ruozhu ten taels of silver as a deposit. Even though Bai Ruozhu looked calm on the surface, he was shouting in his heart: It's great to have money. It's only ten taels of silver when you make a move. That's awesome!

"Madams, because the process is quite complicated, it will take at least half a month for me and Mrs. Laifu to work together, and the work is done slowly and carefully. I want to make it more precise for the madam," Bai Ruozhu said again.

Mrs. Ding nodded, "It doesn't matter, we are waiting impatiently, but if you make something, you can send it to us first. The children are very anxious." After saying this, she laughed to herself. Wasn't she also very anxious?

"Okay." Bai Ruozhu nodded and said.

After saying this, she winked at Mrs. Laifu, and the two of them were about to leave, but Mrs. Li suddenly looked at her and said, "Since we have encountered each other, could you please Ruozhu take my pulse again and see if my body is in good condition recently?"

Bai Ruozhu's eyelids twitched. The last thing she wanted to do was check Mrs. Li's pulse, but they had already suggested it, and she couldn't say no.

She nodded, stepped forward and put her hand on Mrs. Li's wrist, but soon, she felt another thump in her heart.

No, it’s not that Mrs. Li’s condition has become serious and the poison has occurred earlier than expected, but that she suddenly can’t tell that Mrs. Li is poisoned! Is it because Mrs. Li ate something that conflicted with her last time that Bai Ruozhu could feel her pulse, or is it because the poison in Mrs. Li's body is really gone?

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