Chapter 219 Witnesses and physical evidence are present

"My lord, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me, I will tell the truth and never tell lies again!" Mrs. Wang screamed while crying, her face covered with snot and tears. Bai Yibo looked anxiously beside him, just like Mr. Li He bowed and said, "I'm a bitch and I don't understand, please be patient."

Mr. Li snorted coldly, as if he didn't hear what he said, and asked the official to drag Mr. Wang to play twenty boards.

At this time, the execution was not carried out in the court, but at the gate of the government office. There would be many people watching. Of course, the county government also wanted to frighten the people and remind them not to break the law and discipline easily, so people at this time were particularly careful about the execution. fear.

Wang's screams spread from the gate of the county government office to the court. Bai Ruozhu felt so happy when she heard it, but soon she was afraid of scaring Xiaosi, so she took his little hand. Xiaosi looked up, but there was no Focus's eyes slowly became alive, and he looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "I'm fine."

Yes, he is not like ordinary children who are afraid of hearing the sound of beating. Is he saying that he is used to it? Bai Ruozhu felt uncomfortable, and even more felt that Wang deserved to be beaten and deserved to die. It's a pity that Bai Yibo can't be beaten together, that's called relieving hatred.

When Ms. Wang was beaten, many people onlookers pointed and pointed, and some bold people asked the official: "Sir, what has this woman committed?"

The officer who carried out the execution said with a straight face: "Originally, I was only given five strokes for being late to court, but this cunning woman tried to deceive the Lord, saying that she was pregnant and could not be tortured, but it turned out that there was no such thing."

"You dare to talk about such things, you are too brave, right?" The onlookers sighed.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Jiang Yichun again in the hall, and saw that Jiang Yichun had turned around and sat on the chair next to Mr. Xie, which was half a section lower than Mr. Li's position. It was considered a listening position, which suddenly made Mr. Li feel even more awkward.

Jiang Yichun gave people a very laid-back look. Because he was wearing a mask, no one could see the expression on his face, but his sitting posture was very casual, as if he was watching a play in a theater. All he had to do was make a pot of tea and drink it.

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. This person must have official business to stay in Anyuan Town, right? Why are you so relaxed?

Wang's screams kept coming from outside, and the executioner was also an experienced executioner. The beating made her miserable, but it didn't make her unconscious. After all, the case hadn't been tried yet.

Mr. Li had already asked someone to lift Mrs. Niu up. When Mrs. Niu heard Wang's screams, she was so frightened that she stumbled. If the officer who was guarding her hadn't pulled her up, she would have been thrown to pieces.

Mrs. Niu didn't know why Mrs. Wang was beaten. She only knew that she had to tell the truth honestly, so as not to suffer the same hardship as Mrs. Wang. She couldn't afford it with her old bones.

"Mrs. Niu, Mrs. Wang has already been beaten twenty times for lying in court. Do you want to think clearly about whether there are any untruths in your confession?" Mr. Li asked sternly.

Mrs. Niu knelt down with a frightened voice and said tremblingly: "I didn't lie, I really didn't. It was really Mrs. Wang who asked me to help her with the child. She said her husband's family would blame her or even divorce her. I did the same. I felt soft-hearted for a moment, sir, I really know I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again!" After saying that, she kowtowed her head.

It hurts to kowtow, but if you kowtow yourself, there is a certain degree of pain. But if you get hit by a stick, it's someone else who won't be merciful. Mrs. Niu knew this and kowtowed very hard.

"Okay, just wait aside for now." Mr. Li frowned and stopped Mrs. Niu's movements.

Bai Yibo looked at Mrs. Niu and said with great dissatisfaction: "You, you, are telling lies. My wife should not have asked you to be the stable wife back then. Instead, you found an opportunity to collaborate with others to slander her!" he said. When the word "other people" came up, his eyes went straight to Bai Ruozhu.

"Bold, I will let you speak. Isn't the court a place for you to make loud noises? Bai Yibo, if you don't obey the rules again, I will have you beaten out!" There were probably Jiang Yichun and Mr. Li. The momentum suddenly became much stronger, and it was much more severe than the previous day.

Bai Yibo shrank his neck and didn't dare to say any more. He wanted to say that he was still a scholar and Mr. Li couldn't hit him casually, but looking at Mr. Li's staring eyes, he didn't dare to say the words that came to his lips.

Bai Ruozhu sneered in her heart that Bai Yibo and Wang's defense was so weak, but she didn't expect that Bai Yibo would never leave Wang and is still speaking for Wang.

It seemed that Bai Yibo had known about it for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be at all surprised or emotionless.

At this time, an official from outside came to report that the witness mentioned yesterday, Doctor Fu, was here.

Doctor Fu was supported by his son and walked in. His steps were a little sloppy and he looked very strenuous.

"Doctor Fu, I think you are very old, so I will allow you to sit down and talk." Mr. Li ordered someone to bring a stool to Dr. Fu.

"Thank you, Sir, for your kindness." Master Fu saluted Master Li and sat on the stool.

At this time, Wang, who had been beaten twenty times, was also dragged back. She was lying half-dead in the hall. She didn't know whether she had no strength to move or was too scared to make any move.

"Doctor Fu, did Mrs. Wang come to see you six years ago? Did you ask you to help her conceal the stillbirth?" Master Li asked.

"Yes, I couldn't remember it for a moment, but then I checked the records of that year and finally remembered it completely." He said and winked at his son next to him. His son hurriedly handed an opened book to the official beside him. The official took it up and presented it to Mr. Li.

"When Mrs. Wang came to see me, her fetus was already stillborn. The reason is difficult to find out. It may be related to the male fetus medicine taken in the countryside." Doctor Fu started talking slowly.

Bai Ruozhu didn't expect that Wang's stillbirth would be like this. This person really wanted to have a son and wanted to go crazy. Can he take those medicines casually?

"Because the fetus has lost its vitality, I can only prescribe medicine to drop the fetus, so I prescribed medicine for her. The prescription was also recorded in the book. Please take a look at it. However, the old man did not hide anything for her, and he did not know that she had hidden it. At home, her family never came to ask me, and even when I asked her to come for a follow-up consultation after her confinement, she never showed up again," Dr. Fu said.

Mr. Li looked at the record book, which indeed recorded the patient records on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, and recorded the diagnosis results and specific prescriptions. Below it was the private seal of Doctor Fu and the seal of Fushou Tang. The paper and ink marks are not new. It seems that what Doctor Fu said is true, and what Mrs. Niu said is also true.

"Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, Wang, what explanation do you have?" Mr. Li put down the book, knocked on the gavel and shouted.

Wang shivered and said with a trembling voice: "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

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