Chapter 1992 This action is so familiar

Bai Ruozhu discovered that Lan'er was crying so sadly not because she was whipped or because she was frightened by what happened today, but because the gift was broken and she felt uncomfortable.

It was the first birthday gift she gave to her mother, and she even risked her life by sneaking out. As a result, her mother was frightened for a long time, and in the end the gift was broken!

If something like jade is broken, you cannot give it away, otherwise it will be unlucky. She suffered hardships and suffered sins, but she accomplished nothing.

"Why is it so special? I don't dare to go out anymore, but if I don't buy it myself, what's the point?" Lan'er said and started crying again.

Bai Ruozhu patted her back again and again to comfort her. If she were a teenager in her previous life, she would have cried a lot over this matter, so she could understand Lan'er's mood.

"You don't have to buy it. Aren't the things you made by yourself more meaningful?" Bai Ruozhu said and winked at her, "I'll teach you a weaving method. You can make some small things for your aunt. It's very easy to learn. Hurry, you'll definitely make it in time."

Lan'er's eyes lit up, "Will it be difficult to learn? I can't even embroider."

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "I can't embroider either!"

Her predecessor could embroider, but she couldn't. She had the memory of her predecessor, but it was very difficult to embroider. She was better at crochet.

"Then you teach me now. Don't tell my mother yet." Lan'er wiped her tears and put on an eager expression. She was still a child after all.

In fact, it is almost impossible not to tell Ji Ling, but Bai Ruozhu can remind Ji Ling privately and tell Ji Ling not to ask and just wait for the surprise.

"Just wait, I'll find a crochet hook and some beautiful-colored thread." Bai Ruozhu said and left the room.

When I went out, I saw Ji Ling and Feng Jiu waiting outside. Ji Ling's eyes were still red.

Bai Ruozhu made a shushing gesture, pulled her into his room, and spoke to her in a low voice.

"Aunt, please stop crying. I just talked to Lan'er, and she just felt uncomfortable. On the one hand, she felt that she had made you worry and caused trouble to everyone; on the other hand, she felt that it was her first time to give you a birthday gift. It was broken, so if you cry again, she will feel even worse."

Ji Ling hurriedly wiped the corners of her eyes, "I stopped crying, just thinking that I haven't given her a birthday yet, but she almost had an accident if she had to worry about me as a mother."

As she spoke, tears welled up again. Next to her, Feng Jiu hurriedly took her hand, patted her hand and said, "The days will be long in the future. You can watch her celebrate her birthday, watch her get married, and forget about the past." Just don’t think about it.”

Ji Ling sniffed, nodded vigorously, and said, "Yes, I don't want to forget about the past. As a mother, I have to be stronger."

"You can also give Lan'er a gift on your birthday. Why don't you prepare it in the next few days? I promised Lan'er that I would accompany her to prepare a gift for you. She wants to give you a surprise, so don't ask too many questions. Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask, and I won't peek at what you are doing, and Feng Jiu is not allowed to look at it. I will prepare a gift for Lan'er." Ji Ling said and laughed.

"Then you go and have a rest, I'll accompany Lan'er." Bai Ruozhu hurriedly hurried them away, then took some beautiful threads and crochet hooks from the space, and took a bag sample, and then returned to Lan'er there.

"Wow, this is the knitting you were talking about, right? It's so beautiful!" Lan'er had sharp eyes and screamed excitedly when she saw it.

Bai Ruozhu handed over the small sample bag, "This is for you so you can bring some broken silver, handkerchiefs, etc., just carry it on your back."

She gestured to Lan'er, but Lan'er shrank her hand and said, "Please help me put it in the cabinet first, so that it doesn't look bad if it gets stained by the concoction."

"It doesn't matter, just take a look. If it gets dirty, I'll give you another one." Seeing that she really liked it, Bai Ruozhu forced it into her hand.

Girls all like these exquisite gadgets, especially bags, which are definitely a cure-all for women.

Lan'er looked at it over and over again. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She wished she could put it on her back immediately. Unfortunately, she was still soaking in the medicine vat. She was about to fall into the medicine soup as she straddled the bag.

Bai Ruozhu pondered in her mind, how to prevent Lan'er from always soaking in the medicine vat? Maybe there's a way to find it on that talisman.

"Sister Ruozhu, please teach me quickly. I'm really afraid it's too late." Lan'er put her bag on the bed next to her and said anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and gave her a crochet hook, then took the thread and started talking. Lan'er also took the thread and learned it one by one, and soon learned the simplest stitches at the beginning.

"Our Lan'er is so smart, we learned it so quickly." Bai Ruozhu patted her head to show her praise. Lan'er laughed and suddenly said: "This action is so familiar."

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment, "Familiar?"

"You used to touch Bai Ruolan's head like this, right? This body feels familiar and warm." Lan'er tilted her head and said as if she was feeling something.

Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened. Could it be that Ruolan was still conscious, so she remembered the past?

After Ruolan became stupid, Bai Ruozhu would often talk to her, but this time he would touch her head and praise her as a good child.

She opened her mouth and really wanted to ask Lan'er, but it could be seen that Lan'er's appearance was not clear, and there was even Wu Wanqing in her body. Lan'er, who didn't want to ask, thought more about it, and finally gave Wu Wanqing a chance.

She could only sigh and hope that Ruolan could start her new life soon.

Later, Bai Ruozhu taught Lan'er a few simple patterns. Lan'er had a good understanding and learned quickly, but her hands were not flexible enough. She could just practice more.

It was dinner time soon. Bai Ruozhu collected the things and said, "It's time for you to eat and rest, and take good care of your injuries. I'll help you take these things away so that your aunt won't see her when she comes back tomorrow." I’ll bring you here to practice again, I guess we’ll have to stay here for another two days.”

Now that something like this happened, even if they wanted to leave immediately, they couldn't take this breath without seeing what would happen to Magistrate Ma and Zheng Chunrong, right?

Although Lan'er was a little reluctant to give up, she thought about having to hide it from her mother, so she nodded and agreed.

Bai Ruozhu went downstairs for dinner in the evening. The second brother had already brought someone back. He said with a stern face: "I have arranged for people to temporarily imprison Ma Quanli. Zheng Chunrong and the others will be sentenced severely, and Ma Quanli will not be able to escape."

Bai Ruozhu raised her thumb, "Second brother immediately caught corrupt officials and rescued more than a dozen delinquent girls."

At the mention of those girls, Bai Zepei's face became even more ugly, and he even snorted in displeasure. Bai Ruozhu was a little confused, what's going on?

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