Chapter 193 If it doesn’t work, go to the clan leader

There was a loud bang, and the table was overturned by Bai Fu. Although he was old, he had good ears. When he heard Lin Ping'er's words, he felt that Lin Ping'er was laughing at him for being a scholar all his life. .

Seeing the old man going crazy, Bai Zehao hurriedly stood in front of his mother, fearing that the old man would hit his mother in excitement.

Lin Ping'er was also frightened, but after thinking about it, she felt that what she said was right. If the old man hadn't bullied her too much, she wouldn't have said more.

"Okay, now you all have strong wings and you don't look down on my old man." The old man roared.

The old lady heard the noise and rushed over. As soon as she entered the house, she shouted: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Bai Yibo and Wang also rushed over, but Bai Yibo's clothes were a little disheveled. He didn't know if he was sleeping or doing something just now, and Wang's bun was also a little messy.

Sanlang didn't want to rush over, but Bai Ruolan didn't dare to enter the house, and was very curious, so she hid outside and stretched her neck to look. Her timid expression made her look even more petty.

Bai Yibo was the best at pleasing the old man. He went over to give the old man a pat on the back and advised him, "Dad, they are not sensible. Don't get so angry over them. Just give them a good lesson."

Bai Zepei seemed to hate seeing Bai Yibo and didn't want to continue arguing with the people in the old house. He saluted the old man and said, "We will consider what grandpa said. In order to make more money, we will move to the town today." Living."

The old man gasped for air, "Why go to the town to live? Earning some money is not enough for you!"

Bai Zepei made it clear to his family on the way that if the old man didn't ask about it, they wouldn't mention the matter of temporarily staying in Xie's mansion.

"We have calculated that running in both directions is a waste of time and fares. It is better to stay in the town and sell more food. It will be more tiring, but it will bring more income," Bai Zepei said.

The old man had calmed down a bit now. He thought for a while and said, "Your family is working too hard. Let's ask your aunt to help. If your uncle's family contributes, he will have a share of the money earned."

Bai Yihong was furious now and said directly: "What can my sister-in-law do? We don't dare to use her! Dad, please don't worry about this. We are short of time, so we will leave first!"

The old man was so angry again that he pointed at Bai Yihong and cursed: "You are unworthy of your descendants, you are unworthy of your descendants!"

The family didn't delay any longer, turned around and walked out, because they were afraid of being stopped by the old man and unable to leave.

The old man chased after two steps, but the people in the second room ran away very fast. Knowing that he couldn't stop him, he had to stop and just shouted at them: "On the first day of next month, I will hold a banquet in the yard to celebrate that the Bai family has two more people." I’ve invited famous scholars from Maple Leaf Village, so you can all come over and help with the cooking!”

The Maple Leaf Village side refers to Bai Fu's younger brother and cousin. Bai Fu doesn't have a good relationship with them, so he doesn't bother to mention their names. He usually just says "Maple Leaf is from that side."

Bai Yihong paused for a moment and replied muffledly: "I understand." Then the family left as if they were fleeing.

The old man's face seemed to be covered with frost, and he was very gloomy. Bai Yibo was advising the old man beside him, "Dad, the second son and the others are becoming more and more unfilial, but don't be angry. If the second man wants to pursue an official career, there must be no unfilial piety." reputation."

The old man seemed to be reminded, his eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "You are right, they ran away today, but the ones who should help you will have to help you sooner or later. The opportunity you got this time cannot be because of them Selfishness is wasted.”

Bai Yibo kept saying yes, with a proud smile on his face.

After leaving the old house, Lin Ping'er asked the others to go home and clean up first, while she went to Wang's house to find Wang Su. Bai Zehao and Wang Caiyue's wedding is scheduled for October. The villagers don't pay much attention to it. After the appointment, they can just invite a few tables of wine on the day.

The Wang family and the Bai family are considered related by marriage, so if the Bai family wants to move, they have to say hello to the Wang family. However, the wedding between the two families has not yet been officially held, so Lin Ping'er can come forward to talk to the Wang Su family.

Wang Su was very surprised, but after hearing Lin Ping'er's explanation, she immediately agreed and said: "This is a good thing. Your family is hardworking and hardworking, and they will definitely become richer and richer in the future."

Lin Ping'er was very happy. She held Wang Su's hand and chatted for a while. Then she couldn't help but mention what happened in the old house. After hearing the old man's request, Wang Su sneered angrily and whispered: "Your family The old man is too partial. You all have separated families, and there is no reason why he has to serve his eldest son in everything. I think you should find an opportunity to talk to the Bai clan leader, and don't let the old man be confused and delay the bright future of the second son of your family. "

"What you're saying is that I asked Zehao's father to talk to the clan leader. It's not an option if this continues. They are always trying to oppress us with unfilial piety." Lin Ping'er shook her head helplessly.

"Well, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. If it were other families in the village, my father-in-law would still be able to persuade him, but your old man claims to be a scholar, and the village chief may not give him face, so we can't help him. ." Wang Su said apologetically.

Lin Ping'er held her hand and said, "My dear, I accept your kindness. Don't let Wang Qi get into trouble in old age. Let's deal with it slowly."

Lin Ping'er said a few more words to Mrs. Wang Su before returning home. Mrs. Wang Su went back to the house and told her father-in-law and husband about Lin Ping'er's reason for coming, and also told the story about Mr. Bai's favoritism. Mr. Wang Qi sighed and said, "Caiyue's marriage was going well, but Zehao's The children are honest and steady, and they are honest and willing to work. They will definitely have a good life in the future. Zehao's father and mother are also kind people, and they will definitely not treat Caiyue badly. There are too many things going on in the Bai family's old house, and I am afraid that Caiyue will also do it in the future. Just keep getting upset."

Wang Caiyue's parents also sighed, but who doesn't have something to worry about? Fortunately, everyone in the second room of the Bai family is nice, and Wang Caiyue is lucky.

In the afternoon of that day, the second house was moved to the town. Many people asked about it, and Bai Yihong said: "We do business in the town. It is more convenient to live in the town, and we can also make more money during the slack period."

Bai Zehao and Lin Ping'er drove a pig to the town. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw a small figure standing under the tree, looking at them coldly.

The eyes of the whole family became sore, because Xiao Si under the tree looked extremely thin, and his whole body exuded this smell of loneliness.

The child returned to the village before noon and did not go to Xie's house with Bai Ruozhu and the others. Bai Ruozhu and the others were also afraid that he would be scolded by the people in the old house after leaving home for too long, so they did not stop him.

"I'm here to see you off." Xiaosi's voice was still cold, and his expression didn't look like a six-year-old child.

Lin Ping'er wiped the corners of her eyes sadly and straightened Xiaosi's clothes. The weather had already cooled down and no one had given the child any extra clothes.

"Go back and tell your mother that you are cold. If you get sick, you will have to spend money on medicine." Bai Zepei saw his mother's thoughts and whispered to Xiao Si.

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