Chapter 190 Is it him?

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "It's really inconvenient. I still have pigs to raise. They're dirty and smelly."

"I've seen it. There are pig pens and chicken pens in the west courtyard. It's convenient for you to raise whatever you want. When you enter the main courtyard in the west courtyard, there is a pond. You can even raise fish if you want." Yu Hongxiu said excitedly.

Bai Ruozhu understood her good intentions, but she couldn't make her own decisions and agreed. Her family loved her and were willing to listen to her opinions, but she also had to respect the family's ideas. Everything at home was decided only after discussions. .

She smiled apologetically at Yu Hongxiu and said, "Let's wait until our whole family has discussed it."

Yu Hongxiu also knew not to push too hard, but she really wanted Bai Ruozhu to move in, so she had no choice but to set her sights on her husband. As long as the husband spoke, could the student not listen? With Bai Zepei helping to persuade Bai Ruozhu, Bai Ruozhu will definitely agree.

Thinking of this, Yu Hongxiu no longer dragged Bai Ruozhu's family to visit, and hurried home with Guizhi.

"Father, mother, brother, what do you think?" Bai Ruozhu asked in a low voice about his family.


Bai Yihong and Bai Zehao also meant the same, and the family did not go to see the house as planned, lest they bump into Yu Hongxiu again, which would make them feel uncomfortable.

Xiaosi went back to the village with them. It was still him who took the donkey cart with Bai Ruozhu and Lin Ping'er, but he was asked to get off early before reaching the village entrance, so as not to be known by the people in the old house and dislike him.

In the afternoon, Bai Zepei returned home much earlier than usual. Bai Ruozhu looked at his second brother and asked, "Did you promise Mr. Xie, second brother?"

Bai Zepei frowned slightly and asked, "If little sister doesn't like it, I will go back to sir."

It seems that he didn't agree directly and just came back to discuss it with his family.

It's not that Bai Ruozhu doesn't want to live there, or that she doesn't like the Xie Mansion, she just feels embarrassed to take advantage of others. You always take advantage of others, which will hurt your feelings over time.

"That's not true, I'm just embarrassed." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Come on, let's go inside and talk. Are your parents at home?" Bai Zepei asked.

"Here we are, resting in the house." Bai Ruozhu said and went to the kitchen to pour a cup of chrysanthemum tea for Bai Zepei. When they entered the main room, the family members were already sitting around the table.

Bai Zepei took a sip of tea and started talking.

"Actually, Mr. Xie has a mission when he comes back this time. There are some things I didn't explain clearly before. Mr. Xie was originally a teacher in Master Yin Meng's mansion in Anxi Prefecture, and was later appreciated by Master Meng as a counselor. But this time Mr. Meng There was a scholar in the wife clan's in-laws' family, and the young master had to stay in Anyuan Town for a while. The family was afraid that he would delay the provincial examination next year, so they asked Mr. Meng to arrange a job for the young master. Famous teacher.”

"My husband has been unable to continue the imperial examination because of his filial piety. Master Meng suggested that he take the provincial examination next year, so he arranged this job for him. The house he lives in now was donated by that family."

After listening to Bai Zepei's words, Bai Ruozhu remembered that Yu Hongxiu had mentioned that her marriage to Mr. The most senior official in modern times is the Fuyin of Anxi Prefecture, who occupies an important place in the northwest. This official is considered to be very good.

Bai Zepei took another sip of tea to moisten his throat and continued: "In order to teach nearby, the young master will move into the Xie Mansion in the next few days. My husband also asked me to move in with him so that we can teach together every day. I have agreed. "

Bai Ruozhu nodded, thinking that he was just a student, so it didn't matter if he went earlier or later, but now that there was another noble son, it would be difficult for others to accommodate him. It was reasonable for him to live there according to Mr. Xie's instructions.

It’s just that it’s not appropriate for their whole family to move there, right?

"Mr. Xie said that the noble gentleman is very particular about food and drink. He originally planned to invite a famous chef from Beiyu City, but now that he has invited our family to live in the West Courtyard, he can save money on hiring a famous chef." Bai Zepei He glanced at Bai Ruozhu and said, "I'm worried that the little girl is too tired. The husband directly said that there are helpers in the kitchen, so that the little girl won't be tired. After hearing this, I didn't know what to say. I just said that if we really want us If he moves here, he has to pay the rent, so it’s ours to rent.”

Bai Yihong nodded, "Yes, we should pay rent. How can we live in vain?"

"But my husband didn't agree. He said that people were saying that he couldn't even afford to live in a big house, and that he was considering the money of the student's family. He also said that if we wanted to pay him rent, he would also have to pay Ruozhu's medical fee and kitchen fee. The money is definitely more than the rent our family pays."

Bai Ruozhu was hesitant. According to Yu Hongxiu, the West Hospital was separated from the inpatient hospital, so they would not affect the inpatient hospital. The servant's room was already in a remote location, but it had side access to the street. In addition, now that her second brother was moving there and might not be able to go home for a while, she felt a little reluctant to let him go.

"I'm just afraid that my parents will be awkward and not used to it." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said.

Lin Ping'er laughed and said, "I was worried that you wouldn't want to."

Later, the family discussed for a long time and finally decided to agree. Mr. and Mrs. Xie were already so sincere, and it would not affect their lives. If they continued to refuse, it would easily hurt their feelings.

Early the next morning, Bai Zepei went to tell Mr. Xie that his family had agreed. Soon Yu Hongxiu got the news and excitedly led Guizhi to the Bai family's stall, planning to help the Bai family move in the afternoon. We have a horse-drawn carriage, which makes traveling back and forth more convenient.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't trouble her anymore, but he couldn't temper her enthusiasm, so he had to agree. The sound was still very good that day, and the stall could be closed before noon. Yu Hongxiu directly called the Bai family to push the cart to the west courtyard of her house, and took the Bai family to look over one by one.

Not long after, Bai Zepei also arrived at the west courtyard. After he greeted his wife, he quietly winked at Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu felt strange and slowed down a few steps, falling behind everyone. In front of him, Yu Hongxiu was happily talking. Introducing the kitchen and water room, he didn't pay attention to the whispers of the brother and sister.

"Little sister, do you think who is the other young man who came to study with me?" Bai Zepei asked in a low voice.

Bai Ruozhu searched the memory of her predecessor and found that she and her second brother knew very few literati at the same time. Suddenly her eyes widened, she stared at her second brother and asked, "Could it be him?"

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