Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1805 Sacrifice to Heroic Spirits

Dujin's eyes lit up, "Prince Shanta once said that Mrs. Bai is invincible with medicine. How could I forget this? Great, great!"

Gao Zhan, the medical sage, and Yao Yuxuan, the world's most famous healer, were both there. Du Jin's praise of Bai Ruozhu made her feel a little embarrassed.

However, Dujin didn't know the identities of the others, and what he said was what Sangta had said before, which made Bai Ruozhu feel a little sour in her heart.

Shanta is not really a good person, and he is barely a friend with her, but he once helped her and saved her life. When she was plotted by Honglian and it was clear that he could get her by any means, he gave up on her. Taking medicine helped her regain her consciousness.

She hopes that Shantae can live and live his own wonderful life, but now it's too late, that parting is forever, and what she has to do now is to help him get revenge.

However, she was worried that Dujin would be exposed and cause death, so she did not give him the medicine. She would make other arrangements.

Dujin took the hairpin she gave him and said goodbye. His back slowly became smaller and disappeared into the yellow sand. Bai Ruozhu pinched the black stone in the palm of his hand and secretly communicated with Dujin's black panther to protect it. After greeting its owner, he carefully placed the stone piece into the space.

After some discussion, everyone decided to divide the troops into two groups. Lu and Gao Chan led a team to Hengduan Mountain to search for the location where Jiang Yichun was imprisoned, hoping to gain something. Bai Ruozhu, Tang Feng and others continued to lurk around the barbarian tribe, waiting for Dujin's reply and looking for opportunities to sneak into the barbarian tribe.

At noon that day, Lu and Gao Juan headed towards Hengduan Mountain. As they were leaving, Bai Ruozhu finally took the initiative to speak to Gao Juan.

"Senior, you are not young anymore, please pay more attention to your safety."

Gao Juan couldn't help but laugh, "You're a very vindictive girl. You just said some caring words and also reminded me that I'm old and I really can't offend you."

Bai Ruozhu also laughed, "If you have news, please contact us immediately."


The two of them looked at each other and smiled, letting what happened before be in the past.

After that, Tang Feng arranged for some people to take care of the camp and to look after Gu Yalai who was recovering from his injuries. He accompanied Bai Ruozhu and others to approach the barbarians.

On the way, everyone saw some broken corpses and skeletons. Thinking of the barbarians who saved Yingtong and the others before, they felt extremely desolate.

"Otherwise, let's bury them." Ji Ling suggested reluctantly.

Yao Yuxuan said: "It's inappropriate. This will expose our whereabouts and arouse Sang Dian's suspicion. In addition, as far as I know, the barbarians respect sky burial, and the yellow sand will cover their bodies."

Ji Ling was a reasonable person. Although she couldn't bear it, she still nodded in agreement.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the corpses on the ground. She didn't know how many of them had been buried by the yellow sand, and she didn't know how many people died that day. These people were all benefactors of Yingtong, Chu Han, and Bai Zebo.

She asked Xiao Hei to stop, got off Xiao Hei's back, poured some water from the kettle on the ground, and said to the bones, "Bai Ruozhu brings wine with water to honor your heroic spirits!"

After saying that, she bowed deeply towards the bones, three times in a row.

Others were also infected by her, dismounted one after another, and saluted the skeletons. Although these people were foreigners, they saved their compatriots and deserved their gratitude and respect.

"Bai Ruozhu swears to God, I have received your thoughts, and I have also recorded your revenge. I will definitely help you get revenge!" Bai Ruozhu said in a low voice.

Go back and tell Mrs. Bai that we barbarians will remember her kindness for the rest of our lives, and she will always be a noble person in our hearts!

We barbarians are all upright men and cannot repay kindness with enmity!

If you don't leave, you will have to wait for death, and if you die, you won't be able to see her! Don’t you people from the Central Plains have a saying that if you keep the green hills, you won’t be afraid of running out of firewood? You must first survive and detoxify, and then find a way to save him.

Bai Ruozhu thought about what Tang Feng heard from Yingtong. Every word was engraved in her heart. Her eyes were wet with tears, but she sniffed hard to push back the tears. They wanted Not her tears of pity, but blood debt repaid with blood!

Everyone continued on their way, and not long after they left, Tang Feng stopped and said, "We can only go here. Going any further will attract their attention. I led people to run for two days to avoid the beast team they were chasing. Two nights.”

"Beasts have a keen sense of smell, so we have to be more careful." Feng Jiu said.

Everyone found a hidden place to hide temporarily, and Bai Ruozhu sent Xiao Hei to sneak in to investigate nearby. Before, she was worried that Xiaohei would be discovered by Dujin and other barbarians. But thinking about it, Du Jin recognized Xiao Hei because he knew that Xiao Hei recognized her as his master and was the person most familiar with Shanta's affairs. Others were not so lucky.

Xiao Hei left, and soon after, a large white field appeared in the distance. Everyone looked carefully and saw that it was a shepherd driving his sheep to find a place with grass.

It is sandy here, but there are also oases. For example, the place where the barbarians camp is an oasis. But if the sand blows or the grassland dries up, the barbarians will move and find another place to live temporarily. Because of their nomadic nature, life for commoners is very difficult.

"There seems to be no water or grass nearby, right?" Bai Ruozhu frowned and asked the others, then glanced at Tang Feng. He must be more familiar with this area than the newcomers like them.

Tang Feng thought for a while and said: "We don't have one here. There is a grassland half an hour's walk south."

"Why are the sheep coming towards us? Do you want to hide for a while?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

At this time, everyone gradually saw clearly that she was a woman, wearing the clothes of a barbarian commoner, which was a bit dirty and shabby. However, she was tall and slender, different from the soft beauty of the Central Plains women, and had a unique charm.

"It's a bit weird, let's avoid it for a while." Tang Feng said.

As soon as everyone moved towards the north, the shepherdess suddenly sang.

"The north wind blows the yellow sand and blows out the jade seal flowers..."

"Wait a minute!" Bai Ruozhu suddenly stopped everyone, "This song..."

She shivered, this song was meant for her!

In order to save Jiang Yichun, she once pretended to be a goddess doctor and went to a free clinic for three days, calling herself "Zhuhua".

And doesn’t raw jade mean Jue?

"Could it be a scam?" Tang Feng asked worriedly.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "Look carefully, she is the only one, the others are sheep."

Everyone watched carefully for a while. Tang Feng and Bai Ruozhu looked at each other and whispered, "I'll have people lurk around first. If something goes wrong, we can surround them and fight back."

"Okay." Bai Ruozhu nodded.

Tang Feng made a gesture, and his men dispersed neatly and quickly hid themselves.

Yao Yuxuan glanced at him and said in a low voice: "The number one scholar also has a way of leading troops."

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