Chapter 1443 Bet again if you don’t accept it

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the bet to end with Mao Xingcai and the others. Bai Ruozhu swaggered to the Imperial Hospital, deliberately looked at the sand clock next to him, and said loudly: "Oh, three days have passed, and I don't know how sick the ladies are. Is it cured?"

Mao Xingcai's beard stood up. He glared at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Don't be so arrogant. We fell into the trap of a treacherous woman like you. It's our fault for being careless."

"Master Mao, you are not careless. At this time, you should say that you are not good at learning. You are so immodest." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile and stared at him, "Why did Master Mao forget our bet? ?”

Mao Xingcai was ashamed and annoyed, his old face turned red, "I'm not a trustworthy person, but you have to tell me how to detoxify, otherwise how can you make me convinced?"

Bai Ruozhu walked around the imperial hospital for a few steps with her hands behind her back, and sure enough, she saw everyone looking at her eagerly, waiting for her to solve the mystery.

"Actually, I just gave them a small punishment that day, telling them that no matter what the reason, they should not delay seeing the Queen Mother." Bai Ruozhu said and laughed, "So why would I poison them?"

"What do you mean? Then what's the reason for their rash?" Mao Xingcai became anxious. He really couldn't think of it even if he tried to think of it.

"It's just a little medicine that makes people susceptible to pollen. And all the ladies had flowers on their heads that day, so they had allergies on their faces." Bai Ruozhu said, pointing to the top of her head, "And this kind of allergy won't If it lasts too long, even if you don’t treat it, they will get better on their own within a few days.”

Mao Xingcai pointed at her and shouted: "Since you can get better, you still ask us to go for treatment. Are you lying to us?"

"Just because I say I can get better, doesn't it mean that you can't help them get better in advance? You can definitely prescribe medicine to reduce pollen allergies, or improve their resistance, and don't let flowers be placed in their rooms, but have you done that? ?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Mao Xingcai's heart suddenly became cold. In the past three days, they and the old imperial doctors had tried all they could, including blood analysis, drug scrubs, oral detoxification drugs, etc. Not only did they fail to cure the poison, but they also offended several empresses. .

Why hadn't he thought earlier that it wasn't poisoning, but just sensitivity to pollen?

Wei Pengbo was also very angry, and said with a red face: "You are too treacherous. If you give us a few more days, we may come up with a solution."

"Then they are all well, do you think you have won? You are too old to be ashamed." Liu Mu, who came specially to watch the fun, muttered next to her. Although she is the queen's personal maid, in the end It was not easy to insult an imperial doctor with an official position, so he could only mutter a few words in a low voice.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "I'm willing to admit defeat, why don't you want to admit defeat? Or are you still unconvinced and want to gamble again?"

When Mao Xingcai heard this, he straightened his back and said: "We are not people who don't keep our word, but it's not fair for you to be the only one to set the questions, so this time we will set the questions. If you can complete the questions we set, it will really count." You win."

He was obviously trying to be mean, but he spoke so righteously that even the female doctors couldn't stand it and showed disdain.

However, Bai Ruozhu didn't bother to argue with them. Since she wanted them to be convinced, she would just show off her tactics.

"Okay, you can talk about your topic, but it can't be deliberately making things difficult, like making people who have been infertile for several years get pregnant immediately, or letting the blind see things, making the mute speak immediately, etc. I'm just a doctor, not a god." Bai Ruozhu said loudly.

The other people in the Royal Hospital nodded secretly after hearing this. It is true that doctors are not omnipotent, and they would not be able to complete such a request if it were placed on them.

Mao Xingcai stamped his feet, "Who do you think I am? I just asked you to treat Lu Bin's stomach problem. You also showed it to her. Isn't that considered bullying?"

"How could you do this, Chief Mao Yuan? You know that Lu Bin refuses to receive treatment, right?" Wei Tianzhen couldn't help shouting.

Mao Xingcai glared at her, "If it's not difficult at all, then why bet?"

Bai Ruozhu sneered, "Mao Yuanshi's difficulty is not in medical skills. As you can imagine, everyone knows that stomach problems cannot be cured in a day or two. If they are not treated well, they will easily relapse. Our bet is that the difficulty level is How many months will it take?”

"I'll give you seven days, as long as Lu Bin has no obvious pain and can eat normally." Mao Xingcai said.

"Yes, but the normal food is only soft and easy to digest, and no raw, cold or spicy food." Bai Ruozhu is more cautious now to avoid being played with words.

"Okay, it's settled, I'll wait and see." The shame on Mao Xingcai's face disappeared. At this moment, his face was full of pride, as if he could see Bai Ruozhu defeated soon.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at him and said, "Okay, I'll take my leave now."

Mao Xingcai poked his head to look at the direction she was leaving, then his beard trembled with laughter, and whispered to Wei Pengbo: "Just watch, she must have gone to the Cold Dew Palace, and she will have to come back in disgrace later."

Jing Sheng suppressed his laughter and went out, but he remembered that Bai Ruozhu had said that he had a clever plan yesterday, and these old men were afraid that they would make another mistake.

Bai Ruozhu said to several female doctors: "Continue to go to Xu Meiren's place today, Wei Tianzhen, you will be in charge of the massage."

"Yes." Wei Tianzhen responded, but quickly asked: "My lord, why don't you go and see Lu Bin first?"

Bai Ruozhu shook his head with a smile, "Don't worry, it's not sweet if you force yourself to do it. This is also true for medical treatment. If the patient doesn't want to cooperate with the treatment, it will be in vain."

Liu Mu followed them and asked curiously: "Are you really not in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes. Besides, even if I lose, it's just a tie. What are you afraid of?" Bai Ruozhu smiled like a little fox. She just said this. Will she lose?

"Yes." Liu Mu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and the other five female doctors also breathed a sigh of relief. They have learned a lot from Bai Ruozhu in the past few days, and they also sincerely admire this person with excellent temper and character. The female doctor has grown up, so they don't want Bai Ruozhu to leave, let alone the female doctor's office to be banned.

Bai Ruozhu went to Hanlu Palace to see Xu Meiren, and gave the homemade eye drops to the nanny next to Xu Meiren. She couldn't help thanking her, smiling so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and whispered: "My beauty's headache is much better. , people look energetic, the emperor came last night."

Bai Ruozhu's eyes flashed brightly and she asked in a low voice: "Did the Emperor spend the night here last night with Beauty Xu?"

Auntie nodded, "Yes, this is a great event, and it's all thanks to Master Bai."


Today’s monthly tickets are much less than yesterday. Do you think the update of a certain card is too slow? Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~

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