Chapter 139 You deserve it, you asked for it

"Ruozhu, why are you..." Bai Yihong stared. He had not been angry with his daughter for a long time, but now his anger suddenly rose.

Lin Ping'er was not as excited as Bai Yihong. Anyway, she didn't like the people in the old house, but she was also very surprised at this moment.

Bai Ruozhu was not in a hurry, nor did she care about her father's anger. She said slowly: "You only saw that uncle caused trouble for him, but why didn't you see that he brought it on himself? If grandpa is a person who can distinguish right from wrong, he can It’s a strict family, I think even if uncle doesn’t become a good person like dad, he won’t be as bad as he is now, right?”

Bai Yihong was stunned. He couldn't help but think of the old man's previous favoritism, favoring Bai Yibo, favoring Sanlang, and the old lady's stinginess and meanness, which were also the result of his connivance or even acquiescence.

"If the eldest or second brother in the family makes the same mistake as the uncle did, embarrassing his relatives in front of guests, and cursing his own brother in another village, will you, my parents, protect him and not punish him?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Bai Yihong was speechless, but Lin Ping'er puffed up her chest and said, "You definitely can't cover it up. No matter who of the three of you makes a mistake, your mother will punish you. This has been the case since you were young, so you are now very sensible and have good character." good."

She was very proud of this. Although she was uneducated and even looked down upon by the old man for many years, the three children she gave birth to were all well-educated and each was outstanding.

I think it was because her family was poor that she married into the Bai family. Her family was so happy when they heard that she could marry into the scholar's family as their daughter-in-law that they didn't even ask for much in the way of betrothal gifts. Mrs. Bai chose her partly because she wanted to save money, and partly because she was diligent and capable and wanted to provide more labor for the family.

In front of her was the Wang family, who came from a business family in the town, so she was looked down upon by the Bai family from the moment she entered. She had to learn the first rules for almost a year. Many times, Bai Yihong taught her secretly in private, and when she was fined and deprived of food, At that time, Bai Yihong secretly hid his nest and gave it to her to eat.

It wasn't until she gave birth to a eldest son and the eldest grandson of the Bai family that she felt better in front of her mother-in-law, but her father-in-law never looked down upon her.

Lin Ping'er has some arrogance in her bones, so she works very hard at her parents' house and doesn't want to be accused of being sent to work. So even when she comes to Lao Bai's house, her arrogance has not been worn away. Now her back is getting straighter and straighter. Who let her How many children in the family are trying to live up to expectations?

Hearing her daughter speak again, Lin Ping'er pulled back her thoughts that had run away, and felt a little blocked in her heart. After all, her daughter was also very outstanding, well-educated, good at cooking, and now she also knew some medical skills. Yes, it’s just that fate is too rough.

Thinking of this, Lin Ping'er sighed silently.

"Uncle made a mistake, but grandpa protected him instead of punishing him. Saburo stole something, but grandpa said he took it instead of punishing him. Instead, he thought it was me who made a fuss. What grandpa said is pitiful for the hearts of parents in the world. Are all parents pampering their children like this? No distinction between right and wrong? "Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Bai Yihong sighed, his shoulders slumped, and he said helplessly: "I also know that it's not good for your grandfather to be like this, but your uncle has become like that, and your grandfather can't help it. You are now a mother. When Deng Deng grows up, You can feel it too.”

Bai Ruozhu glanced at the clear-eyed little Dengdeng and said, "I can't guarantee that Dengdeng will become a good person with pure character in the future, but at least I will try my best to teach him and stop him in time when he makes a mistake, even if I want to beat him to a bloody head, but at least it can prevent him from getting bad habits. It's like cutting off a cancerous tumor on a person's body. Should we not cut it because it hurts, and let the cancerous tumor grow bigger and bigger, which is life-threatening? ?”

"Dad, do you think my uncle is old and education is useless, so you can only protect him? As long as grandpa makes up his mind, he can correct his problems at any time. Even if he cannot completely correct him, he can at least restrain him. Hold him tight." Bai Ruozhu's face showed a look of disdain, "Let's talk about uncle's laziness. He is almost famous in the village. We help them go to the fields, but uncle is nowhere to be seen. If grandpa is really doing it for his own good, he should be beaten. He went to the ground."

"Of course, parents must also set a good example for their children. Regarding the matter of going to the fields, grandpa himself likes to be lazy, and he likes to put on airs and talk about how talented people can go to the fields, which is a loss of face. In this case, why should we pay attention to the farming and studying family in the first place? ?Isn’t it a joke?”

After Bai Ruozhu's words, Bai Yihong's face was already red to his neck. He was blushing for his father, and he was blushing for not being as thorough as Bai Ruozhu thought.

"Dad, you should be filial to grandpa and grandma. We don't object. After all, they gave birth to you and raised you. But I hope you can see clearly what is right and wrong, and don't give away your sympathy indiscriminately. Grandpa is a scholar, and it stands to reason that he understands He certainly has more principles than the illiterate farmers in the village, but he has done many things that are inferior to those of many young people."

Bai Ruozhu snorted softly as he spoke, and then said, "I'm not speaking for uncle and Sanlang. Grandpa's attitude is hurting them. The fact that they are what they are now is really a matter of parents' education."

Lin Ping'er cheered in her heart when she heard this. Her daughter said it well. The old man deserved what he deserved. It was his own fault! Let's not talk about the distant ones, let's just talk about the matter of Saburo stealing the jade pendant. What difficulties does the old man have that cannot be dealt with fairly? There was also the incident of Bai Yibo going crazy when he was drunk. Any other family would have tied their son to the door and beat him. Just looking at the old man, I just feel distressed.

He simply insulted the true meaning of "parental heart" by saying that he pitied the hearts of parents in the world!

"Oh, Ruozhu, what you said makes sense. Dad shouldn't yell at you, but he is my biological father after all. I can't say anything." Bai Yihong felt very tired, waved his hands feebly and said, "Forget it, you guys go to bed. Well, I have to go to the field tomorrow."

"By the way, I asked Shopkeeper Zhou to borrow two helpers. They will arrive tomorrow morning. We should have enough manpower in the field. Tomorrow we will set up two tables as we did today so that everyone can eat well." What happened when I went home before Being busy, Bai Ruozhu even forgot about this matter.

Lin Ping'er became happy when she heard this, "That's great, then our work in the field will not be delayed."

Bai Zehao also grinned, "My little sister is still capable, but I will have to work hard again tomorrow. I will get up early to help you wash the vegetables."

"Okay, thank you, brother." Bai Ruozhu also smiled at her brother, who loved her the most, unlike her second brother who always flicked her forehead.

Early the next morning, Bai Ruozhu got up to change Dengdeng's diapers and feed her breasts. Soon she heard the sound of chopping firewood in the yard, and she thought to herself that her eldest brother had gotten up really early. After Deng Deng finished eating and went back to sleep, Bai Ruozhu put her hair up and walked out of the house.

Hey, then she realized that the eldest brother was washing vegetables, and it was the second brother who was chopping firewood. He was afraid that she would not have enough firewood to burn at home alone during the day!

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