Chapter 1343 Miraculous means

If Bai Ruozhu were here, he would definitely applaud the second elder. He did not denounce the first elder when he came up, did not blindly avoid and lose momentum when the first elder targeted him, and then questioned the first elder in turn. These are simply great things. .

Of course, Bai Ruozhu doesn't believe that the second elder is just a "straight boy" who doesn't understand anything, otherwise he wouldn't be able to achieve the position of the second elder and have so many close followers.

At this moment, many elders in the council hall have opinions about the great elder. Yes, the great elder caused the problem. He is the one who is targeted outside. Everyone is helping him solve the problem, but he just wants to shirk the problem. Responsibility.

The first elder was still angry and wanted to argue with the second elder. Seeing that the situation was not good, Honglian said: "The first elder was harmed by a traitor. At this moment, he is also furious. I hope all the elders will understand. Now the other party's appearance It was a false accusation against the great elder, but in fact it affected the reputation of the temple, and even dragged me into it. I am afraid that the purpose behind it is to alienate us and cause chaos within the temple, so that they can catch them all."

Honglian's words made many elders retract their contempt for the great elder and began to think worriedly.

The second elder was originally worried about this problem, but compared to the elder elder using his private power to harm the people, he wanted to get rid of this cancer more.

"The top priority is how to appease the people outside. We can't delay it any longer. I'm afraid if we delay it any longer, the people will rush in." The second elder said, "Can our holy guards kill the people? Kill the people who are loved by the gods. ?"

Someone originally wanted to say that whoever dares to break into the temple will be killed without mercy, but now they can't say it out loud. Aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods for killing the people who are loved and protected by the gods?

Even though the people in the temple like to play tricks and be superstitious, most of them still have gods and reverence in their hearts.

Everyone was silent and thinking about a solution. At this time, the Sixth Elder, who was close to the Second Elder, looked away from him and said: "In the current situation, the temple must be careful about its appearance and say that it will be investigated in detail. In this matter, we must at least make a show of detaining the great elder to calm the public's complaints, and then conduct a public review. This way we can also find time to prove that those miracles are man-made."

"Are you targeting me?" The great elder had been in the temple for a long time, and his eyes were wide open at this moment, but now his words are not as effective as before.

"It's just a show. The Great Elder didn't do those things. Are you still afraid of being censored?" said the Sixth Elder.

A cold look flashed in Honglian's eyes, and she said cautiously: "We locked up the great elder just because some outsiders did something, wouldn't we have allowed them to succeed? What if we think our temple is easy to control? And isn't this just asking for help? Have the people admitted this?"

"You don't admit it now, but the people have already recognized it, and isn't this a strategic detente? When we find out and then fight back, won't the truth come out?" said the Sixth Elder.

Honglian still wanted to speak, but when she saw the sarcasm in the eyes of the Sixth Elder, her heart tightened, fearing that her life experience would be exposed, so she had better protect herself at the moment.

The second elder looked at everyone, "Do you have any better suggestions? This matter cannot be delayed any longer. More and more people are gathering outside."

"Qiu Chen, I remember you today. Is this all your fault? Okay, okay, let's see!" Seeing that no one objected, the first elder pointed at the second elder and cursed.

The second elder ignored him and discussed with others who would come forward to explain clearly to the people and the subsequent settlement.

Soon, a team of holy guards appeared and tied up the great elder. The captain of the holy guards who led him was naturally a member of the second elder. He also deliberately saluted the great elder and said: "Great elder, I'm sorry, but I'm just doing this to the people." It’s just a look.”

After saying that, they helped the first elder and pushed him out. The first elder cursed but it was useless. Many of his cronies did not dare to move rashly. Some people wanted to stop him, but they were stopped by the second elder's people. Blocked.

Everyone is afraid that the common people will rush in, and then everyone present will be unlucky.

Soon, the door of the temple opened, and Bai Ruozhu said excitedly in the box: "Look quickly, the great elder has been escorted out, and the fun begins now."

Everyone came closer in amusement, and saw from a distance that the great elder's mouth was moving as if he was saying something. Unfortunately, the shouts and curses of the crowd and the pounding of the heavy rain completely drowned out his voice.

The great elder looked at the three rows of dazzling red letters on the ground, and his whole body was shaking with anger. At the next moment, something suddenly hit him. It turned out that someone was throwing stones at him. He glared at each other, which immediately attracted more people. Things were thrown at him, including rotten vegetable leaves, rotten radishes, and stones from the roadside.

Bai Ruozhu was laughing in front of the window, and said to everyone: "You see, the Great Elder has done too many bad things, and retribution has finally come."

"Ruozhu, I'm afraid we can't completely dismount him now, right? He has been immersed in the temple for many years." Qingyan asked with some worry.

"I don't expect it to be enough just now. There will be more later." Bai Ruozhu smiled like a fox. Jiang Yichun couldn't help but go over and rub her head and said, "Stand over here. Be careful because the rain has wet your clothes." .”

"It's okay, the rain will stop soon." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile. The palace's stargazer had predicted the rain in advance and estimated the time it would rain.

If Ning Yu were here, he would be able to observe stars and measure rain. These are very basic knowledge in the Astrology Tower. Unfortunately, Bai Ruozhu came into contact with it late and only knew a little bit about it.

Sure enough, the rain subsided after a while, and after a while it stopped. When everyone looked at the unicorn at the temple gate, it was no longer bleeding!

One of the holy guards found it strange and reached out to touch it. There was nothing on his hand, not a trace of red!

The three rows of large characters on the ground also disappeared without a trace, and the red light above the head of the hall disappeared!

"It was the gods who appeared, and it was the Great Elder who was punished, and the gods calmed down their anger!" Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and soon everyone felt that this must be the case, and they smashed things at the Great Elder even more violently. , it was all Duoduanduan’s scum that caused the gods to be so angry.

At this time, even the holy guards who were escorting the great elder hid aside, for fear that he would be harmed. The great elder looked at everything in front of him and was stunned. Naturally, he did not believe in the manifestation of any gods, but was attracted by this miraculous thing. He was shocked by his methods. If this continues, how will he fight Bai Ruozhu?

Soon, the monarch appeared with the palace guards and began to persuade and disperse the crowd.

"When I heard this, I felt very sad. Please believe me. I will cooperate with the temple to thoroughly investigate the matter and give you an explanation." The monarch personally promised the people and persuaded everyone to go back to rest and not to catch the cold. .

Many people had been soaked in the rain for a long time, and they were indeed tired and cold now. They felt very comfortable to be cared about by the king, and many people praised the king for loving his people like his own son.

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