Chapter 128 Being a mother is not easy

Someone quietly followed the village chief to watch the excitement, but Bai Ruozhu's family thanked their neighbors, especially the Li family, and then returned to their home under Zheng Guigui's resentful gaze.

"Little sister, can't I see that you investigated very carefully? You didn't just give birth today, how did you find the baby?" Bai Zehao was both impressed and curious.

"I asked Guizhi to find her. Anyway, I gave him some snacks and he said everything. It's just that there were so many people just now and I didn't want to get involved with Guizhi, lest the Zheng family would hate her too," Bai Ruozhu said.

Bai Yihong nodded, thinking that his daughter always does things carefully. Lin Ping'er also nodded silently. Even though her daughter stayed at home, she could still get rid of her grievances. She was indeed the "female Zhuge" of the family.

"Let's see what the old man says this time. I want to see how he makes excuses for Sanlang." Lin Ping'er snorted coldly as she spoke, and even looked at Bai Yihong with displeasure.

Bai Yihong shrank his neck and said, "Is there nothing going on at home? I'll go take a look in the fields."

Bai Zehao also hurriedly picked up tools and wanted to go to the fields together. Bai Zepei said: "I have to go to the town and ask someone to send a letter to my mentor. After the busy farming period is over, I will go to Beiyu City to pay my respects to my mentor."

If it weren't for the lack of manpower at home, Bai Zepei would have gone to thank his teacher as soon as he received his results. However, it took more than one day to get back and forth to Beiyu City, so he had to send a letter to his teacher first.

Bai Ruozhu opened his eyes wide and looked at his second brother. In the memory of his previous life, there was almost no memory of his teacher. He only remembered that his teacher was invited by a family in Beiyu City to be a teacher a year ago. There was only correspondence and regular guidance on his homework.

I think the teacher of the second brother must be very good. Otherwise, even if the second brother is talented, but he just studies hard in Houshan Village, how can he get the first place in the children's examination? It is impossible to get high marks even in policy analysis. This must be inseparable from the teachings of his teacher.

Policy theory is equivalent to current affairs. At this time, information is blocked, and without a certain network of relationships, it is impossible to know much about current affairs.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruozhu wanted to meet her second brother's teacher, but Beiyu City was not close to Houshan Village, and her current situation was not suitable for going there.

The second brother went to the town, and the father and the eldest brother went to work in the fields. Bai Ruozhu took back the job of cooking. While taking care of the children, she was busy with the family's meals. The autumn harvest was about to happen and the whole family was very tired. She had to prepare for the family in advance. People make up for it.

She casually fished out a big fish from the space, cleaned the fish quickly, stewed the fish head and bones with the purchased fish, minced the fish meat and made fish balls. After the soup was thick enough, she put it in The fish heads and bones in the space were thrown back. Because they were too big, family members would definitely ask if they saw them.

Her hands were busy, but her head didn't stop. What would the family do to make a living after the autumn harvest? If this business is successful and the family has a stable source of income, then her father can safely follow her second brother to the academy.

She now has toothpaste dividends in her hand, but in her father's eyes, these are not serious and stable incomes, so they cannot be counted. She also had fresh soup powder and dried fish, but she couldn't take them out, and she couldn't make them either, so she had to think carefully.

People depend on food, so she focused on the catering business from the beginning, starting with a small business and then slowly expanding it.

Selling small wontons? With the fresh soup powder, her wonton soup will definitely be brighter than others, but will it be too easy to expose?

Selling some delicate snacks? She shook her head. People in the town first considered filling their stomachs, and it was not easy for her to compete with Bai Ruomei's family for business.

correct! She can make hand cakes with her family. It doesn't take much time to make. She has some salt with fresh soup powder. Are you worried that it is not delicious enough? They can also make a big pot of soup nearby, and buy hand cakes and get a small bowl of soup. Her soup can be used as medicinal soup or sold for money.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruozhu felt energetic all over her body. She hurriedly went to the house to find some medicinal materials and stewed the medicinal soup directly. Lin Ping'er saw her taking the medicinal materials to the kitchen and thought she was not feeling well and went to stew the medicine. I rushed into the kitchen and asked about it before I felt relieved.

"Ruozhu, can you really drink this medicinal material in the soup? Will there be any problems?" Lin Ping'er asked worriedly.

"Mom, these are warm and tonic medicinal materials. This is called medicated food. It is very good for the body." Bai Ruozhu was in a good mood and hummed a tune.

Lin Ping'er couldn't understand what her daughter was humming, and she felt in her heart that her daughter was really different. Could she still be ordinary after being enlightened by the gods? Lin Ping'er also became happy when she thought of this, and started humming along with Bai Ruozhu's tune.

In fact, the song Bai Ruozhu sang was the modern divine song "Little Apple". Fortunately, she didn't sing the lyrics, otherwise she would have shocked her mother and asked Dr. Li to find out if she was possessed.

So, during lunch time, when Bai Yihong and Bai Zehao rushed home dripping with sweat, they heard the couple in the yard humming some random tune. Bai Zehao also vaguely heard the little girl singing "Fire Fire Fire Fire" .

He scratched his head. Could it be that the little sister felt that the fire was not strong enough? He hurriedly put down the hoe and ran to the kitchen to help light the fire.

"Brother, don't add more firewood, it's going to be fried." Bai Ruozhu shouted. She thought to herself what happened to her brother today. Being positive is positive, but it can't be a disservice.

"Ah? Don't you want to be angry?" Bai Zehao asked in confusion.

Bai Ruozhu instantly felt like there were three black lines on her forehead. Brother, do you want to be so cute? If you light the fire more, the dish will be burnt.

"No, no, the fire is enough. Go and wash up quickly. Dinner will be served when the second brother comes back." Bai Ruozhu didn't know how to explain, so she had to push her eldest brother out of the kitchen.

Bai Zehao scratched the back of his head. Could it be that he had misunderstood? Not to add to the fire, what is the little girl singing about, fire, fire, fire, fire? The tone is quite strange.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the stir-fried vegetables and quietly stuck out her tongue. It seems that she should not sing the Divine Comedy when cooking in the future. Not everyone can understand the profound meaning of the Divine Comedy...

Not long after, Bai Zepei also came back. The family sat together and had a lively meal. The three men in the family all had an extra bowl of rice than usual and kept shouting that it was delicious. Lin Ping'er was so angry that she scolded them. She has no conscience and has changed her mind to dislike her cooking. But having said that, she still added an extra bowl of rice. I have to say, why are Bai Ruozhu's stir-fried dishes so delicious?

As a typical foodie, Bai Ruozhu was in a good mood at the moment, and she didn't bother to pay attention to the praises from her family. She just buried her head in eating, almost burying her face in the bowl. Can she shamelessly say that it is better to cook it by herself?

At this moment, little Dengdeng started crying, and Bai Ruozhu's face instantly dropped, "It's over, little ancestor is hungry, I'll go first..."

Alas, being a mother is not easy!

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