Chapter 3563 Xuande Market

Lu Fei didn't say it, but everyone really didn't pay attention to it. After a closer look, it was really different.

The bottom is still the double-wrap bottom that was used in the Ming Dynasty, but the style is very different.

The customary bottom mark of official kilns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the reign name of the emperor plus the year, but this bottom mark only has four large characters in regular script, which reads "Enthroned Dabao". In the middle of these four characters, there is also There is a rectangular pig sand seal with the words "Changchun layman" written on it.

"Oh, let me go, it's really different!"

"The enthronement treasure, this is the exclusive souvenir of which emperor's enthronement ceremony, right? Then what is this Changchun layman? Is it a Taoist name?"

"I've actually seen those with no year on the bottom, but those with seals are rare. Don't seals and appreciation seals all appear in calligraphy and painting works? How come they are also on porcelain?"

None of the people present were majoring in archaeology and really didn't understand this thing. Even Wang Xinyi looked confused, but Kong Jiaqi knew this seal.

"I remember that the title of Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, seemed to be Changchun layman, brother, is that true?"

Lu Fei nodded: "You are right, Changchun layman is the nickname of Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji."

"Oh my God, what's going on with the Emperor's name?" Di Ruilong asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Isn't this strange? People admire Taoism, so isn't it normal to give yourself a Taoist name?

Since ancient times, emperors have advocated Buddhism, and there are many Taoist sects. Many emperors will appoint special people to become monks and worship Buddha on their behalf. Emperor Shunzhi was a monk back then. As long as people are happy, does the Nine-Five-Year Emperor still care about the eyes of the common people? " Lu Fei said.

"Ah, this~~I'm speechless."

"Haha, it's true. The emperor's power over the world is just willful. However, this hobby is quite healthy. It is much better than having three thousand beauties in the harem. From then on, the king does not go to court early, and his waist is wasted in a few years." Bai Zirui commented.


Bai Zirui's words drew a burst of boos. He didn't even understand what was going on. His fiancée hit back and gave him a big eye roll. Bai Zirui was wronged. What the hell happened to me? Don't you just tell the truth?

Speaking of Ming Xuanzong, Wang Xinyi also remembered: "I see, this emperor's reign name is Xuande, right?"

Kong Jiaqi nodded and gave her sister-in-law and best friend a thumbs up.

Upon hearing the word "Xuande", everyone suddenly realized.


"Yongle's red glaze, Xuande's blue and white, and Xuande's furnace are the three most important treasures of the Ming Dynasty. No wonder Brother Fei feels so distressed."

Lu Fei waved his hand: "That's not what I'm distressed about. I also have a few pieces of Xuande blue and white. I have a set of sacred porcelain from the firewood kiln that is more rare than the Xuande blue and white. No matter how precious the Xuande blue and white is, it's not as good as the firewood kiln."

What makes me feel sad is that this large plate with blue and white clouds and dragon patterns is the only one in the world. It is indistinguishable and has great collection significance.

In fact, at the beginning of the Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty, the attainment of porcelain had reached its peak. With the experience and recipes of porcelain treatment during the Xuande Year, it is not impossible for future generations to make a larger plate than this cloud-dragon pattern plate. However, other emperors of the Ming Dynasty But no one dares to challenge this difficulty, because there is a story in it. "

As soon as they heard the story, everyone got excited and approached Lu Fei. Even the surrounding staff pricked up their ears.

"Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji of the Ming Dynasty was considered a prodigy among the sixteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty. He had been familiar with military literature since he was a child, and was quite talented in landscape painting and calligraphy. He was especially appreciated by his grandfather Zhu Di, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor established a prince, and everyone Everyone has heard of it, but the emperor worried about his son and established an emperor grandson. Zhu Di was the first in the world. Later, Emperor Kangxi established Qianlong as the emperor's grandson, following the example of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty.

What's even more rare is that when Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty confirmed that Zhu Zhanji was the grandson of the emperor, Zhu Zhanji was only eleven years old, which shows how much Zhu Di loved this precious grandson. Not only that, Zhu Di had to go on inspection tours and Beizheng. Taking his precious grandson with him to practice, it turns out that Zhu Di has indeed trained his grandson well. He is mature at a young age, steady in work, and active in thinking. He is much wiser than his father, Zhu Gaochi.

After Zhu Zhanji succeeded to the throne, the situation was quickly stabilized. The world was peaceful, horses were released in Nanshan, and swords and guns were stored in the warehouse. Zhu Zhanji began to study calligraphy, painting and porcelain. If he wanted to be successful in calligraphy and painting, age and experience were crucial. There are not so many requirements for porcelain. He has the formulas of the previous manufacturing offices and experienced masters. After many attempts, he finally succeeded in firing the large plate. When Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne and received his great treasure, he wanted to fire a piece of porcelain as a commemoration. , this idea has never been given up. After the trial firing was successful, Zhu Zhanji personally designed the painting. It took a year and a half to finally fire the blue and white nine-five-year-old cloud and dragon pattern plate. The base design was unique, which were the four "Registration Dabao" This word becomes his exclusive souvenir.

This piece of work was successfully fired. If Zhu Zhanji was a treasure, it would be placed in his palace for easy viewing at any time. In order to ensure its uniqueness, Zhu Zhanji also destroyed the experience records and recipes for firing the large plate, and kept it before his death. I have not forgotten an imperial edict that no descendant of the Zhu family can bake blue and white platters. Anyone who violates this will be regarded as deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, and will not be allowed to enter the imperial mausoleum. "Lu Fei didn't say anything, and everyone really didn't pay attention to it. After a closer look, it was really different.

The bottom is still the double-wrap bottom that was used in the Ming Dynasty, but the style is very different.

The bottom inscriptions used by the Ming and Qing Dynasty official kilns are usually the reign title of the emperor plus the year, but this bottom inscription has only four large regular script characters, which read "登纪大宝". In the middle of these four characters, there is a rectangular pig sand seal with "长春居士" written on it.

"Oh my god, it's really different!"

"登纪大宝, this is the exclusive souvenir of the enthronement ceremony of some emperor, so what is this Changchun居士? Is it a Taoist name?"

"I have seen bottom inscriptions without the year, but it is rare to have a seal. Seals and appreciation seals appear in calligraphy and painting works, so how can there be this thing on porcelain?"

No one present was an archaeologist, and they really didn't know about this thing. Even Wang Xinyi was confused when she saw it, but Kong Jiaqi recognized this seal.

"I remember that the title of Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji seemed to be Changchun Jushi, brother, is that so?"

Lu Fei nodded: "You are right, Changchun Jushi is the title of Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji."

"Damn, the emperor has a Taoist title, what's the matter?" Di Ruilong asked with a puzzled look.

"What's so strange about this? People worship Taoism, isn't it normal to give themselves a Taoist title?

Since ancient times, emperors have worshipped Buddhism, and there are many Taoists. Many emperors will appoint special people to represent themselves to become monks and worship Buddha. Emperor Shunzhi was a monk back then. People just want to be happy. Does the emperor still care about the eyes of ordinary people?" Lu Fei said.

"Ah, this~~ I am speechless."

"Haha, it's true. The emperor has power over the world and is willful, but this hobby is quite healthy. It is much better than having three thousand beauties in the harem, and the emperor will not attend the court early from then on, and his kidneys will be broken in a few years." Bai Zirui commented.


Bai Zirui's words caused a round of boos. He didn't understand what was going on. His fiancée rolled her eyes at him again. Bai Zirui felt wronged. What the hell is wrong with me? Isn't it just telling the truth?

Speaking of Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Xinyi also remembered: "I know, the reign title of this emperor is Xuande, right?"

Kong Jiaqi nodded and gave her sister-in-law and bestie a thumbs up.

When they heard the word "Xuan De", everyone suddenly realized it.


"Yongle's red glaze, Xuande's blue and white, and Xuande furnace, those are the three great treasures of the Ming Dynasty, no wonder Brother Fei is so distressed."

Lu Fei waved his hand: "I am not distressed about this, I also have a few pieces of Xuande blue and white, and I have a set of Shenci Chaiyao, which is more rare than Xuande blue and white. No matter how precious Xuande blue and white is, it is not as good as Chaiyao.

What I am distressed about is this blue and white cloud dragon pattern large plate, which is the only one in the world and has no better value, and it is very valuable for collection.

In fact, at the beginning of the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, the attainments of porcelain had reached the pinnacle. With the experience and formula of porcelain treatment during the Xuande period, it is not impossible for later generations to make a larger plate than this cloud dragon pattern plate, but no other emperor of the Ming Dynasty dared to challenge this difficulty, because there is a story behind it."

When they heard the story, everyone became excited and approached Lu Fei together, and even the staff outside pricked up their ears.

"Among the sixteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji was considered a prodigy. He had read military books since childhood and was quite talented in landscape painting and calligraphy. He was especially appreciated by his grandfather, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. Everyone has heard of the emperor appointing a crown prince, but Zhu Di was the first emperor to worry about his son and appoint a grandson as the crown prince. Later, Emperor Kangxi appointed Qianlong as the grandson as the crown prince, also following the example of Ming Chengzu.

What's more rare is that when Ming Chengzu determined Zhu Zhanji as the grandson, Zhu Zhanji was only eleven years old, which shows how much Zhu Di loved this precious grandson. Not only that, Zhu Di would take his precious grandson with him when he went on tours and marched north. Facts have proved that Zhu Di did a good job in training his grandson. He was mature at a young age, steady in doing things, and active in thinking, much wiser than his father Zhu Gaochi.

After Zhu Zhanji succeeded to the throne, he quickly stabilized the situation. The world was peaceful, the horses were released to the south mountain, and the swords and guns were put into storage. Zhu Zhanji He began to study calligraphy and painting and porcelain. Age and experience are crucial for calligraphy and painting, but porcelain is not so demanding. He had the formulas of the Imperial Household Department of past dynasties and experienced masters. After many attempts, he finally succeeded in firing the large plate. When Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, he wanted to fire a piece of porcelain as a commemoration. He never gave up on this idea. After the trial firing was successful, Zhu Zhanji personally designed and painted. It took a year and a half to finally fire the blue and white nine-five supreme cloud dragon pattern large plate. The bottom inscription was unique, which was the four words "Register Dabao", which became his exclusive souvenir.

This work was fired successfully. Zhu Zhanji regarded it as a treasure and placed it in his bedroom for easy appreciation at any time. In order to ensure its uniqueness, Zhu Zhanji also destroyed the experience records and formulas for firing the large plate. When he was dying, he did not forget to issue an imperial decree that all descendants of the Zhu family could not fire blue and white large plates. Those who violated the rules would be regarded as deceiving their teachers and destroying their ancestors and would not be allowed to enter the imperial mausoleum. "

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