Chapter 3562 Sea Fish

A few hours passed, and the cleanup of sediment continued. It seemed that the efficiency was a bit slow, and Di Ruilong was a little anxious.

"Brother, the efficiency of a robot is too slow. Let me call a few divers to come over and help. Professional divers can dive down to 200 meters without any problem."

Lu Fei waved his hand: "No, we are not in a hurry anyway, it doesn't matter if we delay for a few days."

If divers were to be used, Lu Fei had already arranged it, so why wait until now?

There is no need for divers, not because they are worried about exposing the location of the sunken ship and attracting covetous attention from others. With the strength of Lu Fei and the Di family, there are really not many people who dare to attract their attention.

He didn't call himself a diver because Lu Fei didn't want to be public. Compared with the sunken ship, he cared more about the safety of his family. Both his wives were here and exposed. If an accident occurred, Lu Fei would regret it to death.

Of course, this situation was almost impossible, but even if there was one ten thousandth chance, Lu Fei would not dare to try. Anyway, he was on vacation when he came out, and he didn't care if he was delayed for an extra day or two.

After checking the progress of cleaning up the sediment, it would take at least a day to clean up the sediment at this rate. Lu Fei stopped wasting his time with them, said a few words, and jumped on the fishing boat to continue fishing with the two ladies.

The fish mouth was pretty good tonight, no tuna was caught, but the rare grouper was caught frequently.

"Wow, hubby, look at me, look at me quickly, I caught an Eastern Star Spot, it's such a big one!"

Pulling up an eight or nine kilogram Eastern Star Spot, Chen Xiang shouted excitedly, and Lu Fei cooperated fully with a smile on his face.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. Wait a minute, I'll take some photos for you and then copy the fish!"

"Yeah, okay!" A fisherman who doesn't show off his catch is not a competent fisherman, and even Chen Xiang is no exception. In the past year, after getting married, having children, and quitting the company, Chen Xiang hasn't been out to show off for a long time. WeChat Moments Several people have fishing fever

Friends often show off to her that Chen Xiang is very popular. Today, with the addition of this eastern star spot at night, she finally regained control. Chen Xiang is as happy as a six or seven-year-old child, with her eyes bent into crescents.

"Honey, don't take pictures, take videos!"


"Hey, do you think my hair is messy?"

“Not messy, very beautiful.”

"Are there any stains on your body?"

"Okay, how can you go fishing without getting your clothes dirty? I feel like this is more real."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm ready, let's get started!"


I took a beautiful video for Chen Xiang. The latter took the time to post it on WeChat Moments. The pure and wild Dadong Star Spot that was just caught was kicked aside and never looked at again.

Lu Fei shook his head: "Woman..."

"Honey, come on, my fish is so big. What kind of fish is it? It's so beautiful!"

Just as Chen Xiang finished her work, Wang Xinyi shouted again not far away.

Lu Fei quickly put on a more enthusiastic smile and ran forward.

Seeing this fish, Lu Fei was also stunned. Forgive Boss Lu, this is not an antique, it is purely a blind spot of Boss Lu’s knowledge. In addition to the seafood he has eaten, there are too many fish species that he does not know. The one caught by Wang Xinyi weighed forty or fifty kilograms. red and banded

The big guy with yellow stripes is within Lu Fei's knowledge blind spot.

"Well, it's awesome. This fish is estimated to weigh forty or fifty pounds. It's amazing."

Lu Fei did not hesitate to praise his wife, but the latter didn't buy it at all. She rolled her eyes at Lu Fei and said, "I'm asking you what kind of fish is this?"


Lu Fei touched his chin, thought for a moment, and gave a definite answer: "Sea fish!"



Chen Xiang, who had just finished posting on Moments, also came over. When she heard Lu Fei's explanation, she collapsed on the deck with laughter. Wang Xinyi also couldn't laugh or cry.

"You're so annoying, I didn't know this was a sea fish?

I asked you what kind of fish this is! "

"Hahaha, didn't I understand what you said earlier? You asked me what kind of fish this is, right? Then listen carefully. If I'm not mistaken, this should be a red sea fish!"

"Hahaha...ahem, hahaha!!!"

Chen Xiang almost fainted from laughing, her whole body was weak, and she collapsed on the deck with her arms spread out. She covered her stomach with her hands and started twitching. Wang Xinyi also laughed and burst into tears.

This was the first time in history that Chen Xiang smiled so gaffefully. Wang Xinyi was in such a rare state. This scene stunned Di Ruilong and others on the yacht not far away.

"Old Bai, I found that the relationship between my brother and my sister-in-law is getting closer and closer, much closer than before they got married. Is this normal?" Di Ruilong asked, blinking his eyes.

"Depend on!"

Bai Zirui gave him a big roll of his eyes.

"You already have children, I just got engaged, and I have no experience. You ask me?"


Di Ruilong was embarrassed, and seemed to be a bit trusting.

"Well, don't I think that at your age, you have more life experience?" Lao Bai is most afraid of others saying that he is old, especially after he got engaged to Kong Jiaqi. No matter how he hears these words, it is ironic to him. The suspicion of old cows eating young grass is too vicious.

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