Chapter 3560 Wreck

The discovery of a big turtle caused everyone to exclaim. Most of Lu Fei's friends were from the mainland, and not many of them had seen a turtle with their own eyes. Suddenly they found one, and they suddenly became excited.

Di Ruilong curled his lips and said: "Okay, you have never seen a big one. I have touched one that weighs more than two hundred kilograms. What does this mean?"


"Look at you, your home is by the sea. Isn't it amazing?"

"Hey, I don't dare to say anything else, but I've seen more seafood than you guys. Why, are you angry? Why don't you bite me?"


Everyone laughed. Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi both liked this relaxed atmosphere. Even Kong Jiaqi laughed without hiding it.

"Hey, Master Di, have you ever eaten turtles?

I've eaten tortillas and stewed black-bone chicken with tortillas. It's always exciting, but I don't know what the tortillas in the sea taste like. "

Daleizi's words were astonishing. He even licked his lips and swallowed his saliva. It looked like he was really greedy.

This time everyone did not laugh, but looked at Di Ruilong. Undoubtedly, Dalei Zi was not the only one who wanted to know what a turtle tastes like.

Di Ruilong frowned tightly: "You don't have any humanity at all. You even want to eat turtles. You are so unhuman! Turtles are our good friends. When we catch turtles, we must remove the vines on them. Clean the pot and then put it back into the sea. Let me tell you, turtles are spiritual. Some turtles have to be followed when they are put into the sea.

We swam around on the boat twice and even nodded to us.

In many countries, sea turtles are protected animals, did you know? "


Wang Dalei gave Di Ruilong a thumbs up disdainfully: "I was just asking, but I didn't say I really wanted to eat it. Let's see what you can do."

"Hahaha!" Lu Fei did not participate in their bickering, and kept staring at the wide-angle video brought by the robot. At this time, the robot had dived 150 meters, which was about the same distance as Lu Fei had caught the sawdust. It's strange, I've seen it before

Lu Fei, who has seen countless people in the world, was actually a little nervous at this moment.

"Stop making trouble, we're almost there."

Lu Fei shouted, and everyone in the bickering stopped temporarily and looked at the big screen.


With a soft sound, the robot finally reached the bottom of the sea, smashing up countless amounts of sand. The surroundings were chaotic, and for the time being nothing could be seen. After a while, the line of sight gradually became clear, and everyone saw the full picture of the bottom of the sea.

This seabed is not flat, with large and small reefs densely covered, and countless corals of different sizes. No wonder there are groupers here. This kind of terrain, coupled with the sunken ships on the seabed, is indeed the grouper's favorite habitat. The speed of the ocean current on the seabed is quite high, and the rolled seaweed is swaying this way and that, and even makes a "whooping" sound. Thanks to the robot on the bottom of the sea, if it were a real person, it would not have strong psychological quality to hear such a sound.

, I was so scared that I cried. At the same time, the submarine also dived to the bottom of the water, and the 180-degree video of the submarine was also transmitted. The radar showed that the robot and the submarine were about a hundred meters apart. The terrain on both sides was almost the same, but there was no sign of anything around them.

There are traces of shipwrecks.

Next, without Lu Fei giving orders, the staff controlling the robot and submarine were already operating the equipment and searching the seabed.

When the two big iron guys moved, more sediment was stirred up, and nothing could be seen. They could only walk about twenty meters, stop, wait for the sediment to settle, look around, and then take action again.

Fortunately, not much time was wasted. After only four pauses, the remains of the wooden shipwreck appeared in front of everyone.


"Found it, there really is a sunken ship!"

"Hahaha, if there is a treasure, we will get rich!" People here don't give up money. Shouting "get rich" is just a slogan shouted out of excitement. In fact, everyone is more excited. In the past, they always started from I have heard about underwater shipwrecks on TV and in newspapers. Today I finally saw the real thing. Although it was also separated by a big screen, the feeling was completely different. What I watched on TV was a documentary, but this one was completely controlled by myself. It was truly Finding out the meaning is simply endless surprises. Even if there is no treasure, this

The experience was wonderful enough.

Lu Fei had his robots and submarines manned to stand fifty meters away from both sides of the sunken ship, waiting for the sediment to settle before taking a closer look.

Lu Fei's first feeling about this ship was that it was miserable, quite miserable.

The wreckage in the video at this moment is only six or seven meters long, which is only a small part of the ship. But even this small part is fragmented and almost falling apart. It is estimated that it will be completely broken in a few decades. The width of this piece of remains cannot be seen because the middle has been broken. The whole body is densely covered with barnacles and shellfish. It is much larger than what can be seen on a small land island, and there are also various fish in the wreckage from time to time. There were several large octopuses passing by, stretching out their tentacles and big bald heads from time to time, looking at the iron guy warily. Although there were advanced lighting equipment on both sides, they still looked extremely desolate. Again, If it were a diver who encountered the scene in front of him underwater and his psychological quality was not up to par, he would be so scared that he would pee.

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