Chapter 3282 Very reasonable

As the time approached Lu Fei's stipulated ten o'clock in the evening, the nerves of all the competing media companies and sponsors became tense.

The multi-functional conference room of "West China Society" was as quiet as a morgue, and you could almost hear the drop of a pin.

However, this does not mean that there are no people in the conference room. In fact, there are not only people, but also quite a few, thirteen people.

Sitting at the main seat is Mr. Zhao, the boss of "West China News". On the left are a group of sponsors led by Mr. Meng. On the other side are all the company's internal executives. At this moment, everyone is extremely nervous, especially Mr. Zhao. Mr. Meng's heart was about to jump out of his chest and he was sweating profusely from nervousness.

The rest of the people were breathing heavily, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the computer monitor in front of the vice president.

After an afternoon of preparation, the final bid price determined by "West China News" was 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins. This was based on various factors and was jointly determined by the finance, public relations, marketing and other departments of the sponsor and media company. When the price is finally determined according to the budget, at ten o'clock, the vice president will lightly tap the enter key, and this number will be uploaded to Lu Fei's Weibo, where he will compete with unknown number of other media to see if he can win. Not sure yet, how can we not be nervous?

Of the 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, Mr. Meng and his family monopolize 1.1 billion. This is not only the entire working capital of his company, but also 230 million borrowed from several other cooperative companies. If not for time, Meng He always dared to borrow high interest because he recognized that this was an excellent opportunity for his company to take off quickly. For this reason, he decided to go all out.

In addition to Mr. Meng's 1.1 billion, "West China News" also invested 150 million. This amount of money is also the limit of what their company can currently spend.

In fact, if there are sponsors willing to pay, their company will not need to bleed money at all. If it works well, not only will they not have to pay, but they will also make a lot of money. However, in this way, their company's sponsorship will be ranked behind. It will greatly affect the publicity effect, which is not what Mr. Zhao wants to see.

The reason for participating in the competition is to use this gimmick to build up the popularity of their company, thereby establishing their position as one of the top streaming media companies in the country. This will be of great benefit to their company's future development and business dealings.

If Lu Fei hadn't asked for too much and their company couldn't afford it, Mr. Zhao wouldn't have found a sponsor. If he took it alone, the effect would be much better than sharing it with so many sponsors.

In addition to the two of them, the remaining 2.25 billion funds came from

Sponsored by sixty-one corporate companies.

This includes almost all walks of life. Except for a few customers who have done business with "West China News" before, the vast majority of the rest come forward on their own initiative and come to ask for cooperation with their check books.

That's right, just asking for sponsorship. This would have been unbelievable in the past, but now it has actually happened. Mr. Zhao is very aware that these bosses are so enthusiastic and have nothing to do with him. They are just running for money. Lu Fei got his name and gimmicks for no other reason than to show off his face.

In order to successfully bid successfully, Mr. Zhao discussed with his biggest customer Mr. Meng and finally decided that all comers would be welcome. Anyone who comes is a friend and a partner. Regardless of the number of participating companies, as long as the rules of the game are well formulated, I believe there will be no success. There will be trouble.

In fact, the rules this time are quite simple. All sponsors have no special requirements. They only hope that if the bidding is successful, they can try their best to showcase their company's products during the exclusive interview with Lu Fei. When a press conference needs to be held, As long as you can see their company's logo on the background board, it's that simple.

As for asking Lu Fei to help them read advertisements and display products, they had never thought about it at all, and they did not dare to think about it.

The demands of the sponsors are quite consistent, and the products are quite diversified, which is much more convenient. "West China News" is a media company and is extremely proficient in this business. It is less than 100% to leave this task to the marketing department and advertising department. In two hours, the perfect plan was presented to everyone.

The coordination of "West China News" is quite perfect. According to the amount of funds invested by each company, it will give a corresponding proportion of exposure. This is quite fair and sponsors can accept it with peace of mind.

The merchants have settled it. As the main contractor, "West China News" must also make corresponding commitments. The media company must make a guarantee to the sponsors. Once the bid is successful, they must immediately get into work and follow the landing at all times. Fly, grasp first-hand information at any time, and carry out vigorous publicity. Only in this way can the sponsoring company be guaranteed to have higher exposure. If the media company cannot do this, it needs to double the claim to the sponsor. This needs to be written in in the contract.

Although the sponsors are rushing to send money, they are not fools, right?

Sponsorship fees for you need to achieve other people's goals. After all, no one's money comes from strong winds, right?

Marking this item can also reduce some risks for sponsors. This is necessary and reasonable. As the time approached Lu Fei's stipulated ten o'clock in the evening, the nerves of all the competing media companies and sponsors became tense.

The multi-functional conference room of "West China Society" was as quiet as a morgue, and you could almost hear the drop of a pin.

However, this does not mean that there are no people in the conference room. In fact, there are not only people, but also quite a few, thirteen people.

Sitting at the main seat is Mr. Zhao, the boss of "West China News". On the left are a group of sponsors led by Mr. Meng. On the other side are all the company's internal executives. At this moment, everyone is extremely nervous, especially Mr. Zhao. Mr. Meng's heart was about to jump out of his chest and he was sweating profusely from nervousness.

The rest of the people were breathing heavily, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the computer monitor in front of the vice president.

After an afternoon of preparation, the final bid price determined by "West China News" was 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins. This was based on various factors and was jointly determined by the finance, public relations, marketing and other departments of the sponsor and media company. When the price is finally determined according to the budget, at ten o'clock, the vice president will lightly tap the enter key, and this number will be uploaded to Lu Fei's Weibo, where he will compete with unknown number of other media to see if he can win. Not sure yet, how can we not be nervous?

Of the 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, Mr. Meng and his family monopolize 1.1 billion. This is not only the entire working capital of his company, but also 230 million borrowed from several other cooperative companies. If not for time, Meng He always dared to borrow high interest because he recognized that this was an excellent opportunity for his company to take off quickly. For this reason, he decided to go all out.

In addition to Mr. Meng's 1.1 billion, "West China News" also invested 150 million. This amount of money is also the limit of what their company can currently spend.

In fact, if there are sponsors willing to pay, their company will not need to bleed money at all. If it works well, not only will they not have to pay, but they will also make a lot of money. However, in this way, their company's sponsorship will be ranked behind. It will greatly affect the publicity effect, which is not what Mr. Zhao wants to see. ??

The reason for participating in the competition is to use this gimmick to build up the popularity of their company, thereby establishing their position as one of the top streaming media companies in the country. This will be of great benefit to their company's future development and business dealings.

If Lu Fei hadn't asked for too much and their company couldn't afford it, Mr. Zhao wouldn't have found a sponsor. If he took it alone, the effect would be much better than sharing it with so many sponsors.

In addition to the two of them, the remaining 2.25 billion funds came from

Sponsored by sixty-one corporate companies.

This includes almost all walks of life. Except for a few customers who have done business with "West China News" before, the vast majority of the rest come forward on their own initiative and come to ask for cooperation with their check books.

That's right, just asking for sponsorship. This would have been unbelievable in the past, but now it has actually happened. Mr. Zhao is very aware that these bosses are so enthusiastic and have nothing to do with him. They are just running for money. Lu Fei got his name and gimmicks for no other reason than to show off his face.

In order to successfully bid successfully, Mr. Zhao discussed with his biggest customer Mr. Meng and finally decided that all comers would be welcome. Anyone who comes is a friend and a partner. Regardless of the number of participating companies, as long as the rules of the game are well formulated, I believe there will be no success. There will be trouble.

In fact, the rules this time are quite simple. All sponsors have no special requirements. They only hope that if the bidding is successful, they can try their best to showcase their company's products during the exclusive interview with Lu Fei. When a press conference needs to be held, As long as you can see their company's logo on the background board, it's that simple.

As for asking Lu Fei to help them read advertisements and display products, they had never thought about it at all, and they did not dare to think about it.

The demands of the sponsors are quite consistent, and the products are quite diversified, which is much more convenient. "West China News" is a media company and is extremely proficient in this business. It is less than 100% to leave this task to the marketing department and advertising department. In two hours, the perfect plan was presented to everyone.

The coordination of "West China News" is quite perfect. According to the amount of funds invested by each company, it will give a corresponding proportion of exposure. This is quite fair and sponsors can accept it with peace of mind.

The merchants have settled it. As the main contractor, "West China News" must also make corresponding commitments. The media company must make a guarantee to the sponsors. Once the bid is successful, they must immediately get into work and follow the landing at all times. Fly, grasp first-hand information at any time, and carry out vigorous publicity. Only in this way can the sponsoring company be guaranteed to have higher exposure. If the media company cannot do this, it needs to double the claim to the sponsor. This needs to be written in in the contract.

Although the sponsors are rushing to send money, they are not fools, right?

Sponsorship fees for you need to achieve other people's goals. After all, no one's money comes from strong winds, right?

Marking this item can also reduce some risks for sponsors. This is necessary and reasonable.

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