A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2547 We have the strength


"It's so cool!"

"It's so enjoyable."

In the car, the two young men and Tianbao screamed excitedly, especially Tianbao. He often participated in fights, but this was the first time he smashed a luxury car.

Not to mention, the feeling between the two is really very different.

It feels so good to destroy a valuable luxury car with your own hands, especially in front of the car owner.

It was even more satisfying to see the expression of the car owner who was distressed but helpless and constipated.

No wonder Fang Mingliang said, this thing is really the best way to relieve stress!

Wang Xinlei laughed loudly, patted Tianbao on the shoulder and said, "How are you doing, do you feel good?"


"Is this your first time doing this job?"


"Hehe, buddy, I have done a lot of things. When it comes to smashing cars, I can say that I have rich experience and know-how. I think back then, I even smashed Ji Yong's car!" Wang Xinlei was complacent.

"Is there still this matter?" Tianbao asked.

"Of course. Let me tell you, when you are in a bad mood, smashing things is the most enjoyable thing. You must try it more when you have the opportunity. I guarantee it will be much more enjoyable than fighting!"

The three of them began to play in a daze, with expressions that made them squeak.

"Brother, what happened to you today?"

"It's just a few dudes, how could they go so far?"

The little puppy still doesn't understand why Lu Fei is so cruel today.

It was just a matter of dealing with a few dandies, but Lu Fei actually fired a gun in public. In the little milk dog's memory, this was the first time in history.

Not only that, he also asked Xiao Lei to smash the car, and before finishing the work, he even set a supercar on fire. Was he playing so cruelly?

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and took a puff and said, "Is it too much?"

"Kind of!"

"Haha, think about the Opium War and the burning of the Old Summer Palace. Were they ruthless? Did they go too far?"

"I don't even get a little interest, so I'm already being very kind."

"Xiaolong, let me tell you, in China, we are all compatriots. Unless it is not particularly excessive, we should not take it too seriously, because with our strength, others will say that we bully our compatriots."

"But it's absolutely intolerable outside."

"Humans are all cheap animals. If you take a step back, the enemy will take a step forward. He will not necessarily let you go even if he keeps pushing you until you have nowhere to retreat."

"So, outside, the safest solution is to take the initiative and crush him once and for all. You want him to remember you for the rest of his life. Even in nightmares, you are his protagonist. Only in this way will the enemy be afraid. No one dares to bully you."

"Of course, there is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, we must have this strength, and we have this strength now, so we don't need to coddle him, we have to make him doubt his life all at once."

Lu Fei's tone was very calm, but when these words came out, the two young men felt suffocated.

But after thinking about these words carefully, what Lu Fei said was simply a wise saying, and it made so much sense.

The little milk dog nodded seriously: "Brother, I understand."

"Well, let me ask you weakly, how does our strength compare with Wade?"

Lu Fei looked at the little puppy, didn't say anything, just smiled.

Just with this smile, the little puppy understood everything.

The little puppy couldn't help but be a little confused. What did my brother do some time ago?

Why do I suddenly seem to be a different person, full of aura and bursting with self-confidence? Oh my god, what have I missed?

Wang Xinlei was even more shocked, but at the same time, he was also more excited.

Did you see, this is my brother-in-law, a super awesome boss.

With such a brother-in-law, who will I be afraid of in the future?

No wonder my sister is so infatuated with Fei Ge, it’s really because Fei Ge is so good.

I used to think that my sister was wronged, but now it seems that being able to become Fei Ge's woman is my sister's greatest luck!

Half an hour later, the motorcade stopped in front of a quaint building.

Others had no reaction and got out of the car one after another.

But when he saw the scenery outside, Wade frowned.

Because this is the private club where Murray Roy received Lu Fei last time he came to London.

Wade knew that this was the property of the Thomas family, and it was the place where their family entertained their most distinguished guests.

When picking up the plane today, no one from the Thomas family was seen. Wade thought Lu Fei didn't notify the Thomas family at all.

Because of the last incident, Lu Fei had a big gap with the Thomas family, so it was reasonable not to inform them.

But since they didn't notify anyone, why did they come to their club?

Wade got out of the car with a confused look on his face and tried to think about it, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"Fei, isn't this the territory of the Thomas family?"

"What are we doing here?" Wade was really curious and asked.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "It used to be, but now this is my private club."


Hearing this, Wade was even more shocked.

It was not because of this club. Although this club was valuable, at their level, money was just a number to them. Wade was shocked that he had not received any news about this matter.

The Robert family has many eyes and ears in London. Under the guise of doing business, in fact, they specialize in observing every move of the Thomas family.

Not only them, but also the three major families.

The people responsible for the observation are all professionals. Under normal circumstances, any trouble in the outside world cannot escape their eyes, but this matter was not noticed. This is not a good sign.

"Fei, when did this happen? Why don't I know about it at all?"

Before Lu Fei could answer, Long Yun's face that needed a beating was in front of Wade.

"Wade, are you sick?"

"My brother just bought a club, why do I have to inform you? It's a joke."


Wade gritted his teeth and glared at Long Yun fiercely. If he couldn't beat Long Yun, he would have to teach him a lesson, especially Long Yun's arrogance, which he had endured for a long time.

Seeing Wade's appearance, Lu Fei almost laughed.

"Okay, okay, everyone is here to save my face, please don't quarrel!"

"Wade, you're talking about this club, right? This is the small amount of damage I asked them for last time. It's such a trivial matter that I didn't notify you."

If Lu Fei said the same thing, Wade would happily accept it.

He felt relieved after saying this.

With Lu Fei's never-ending greed, it is reasonable to blackmail the Thomas family, and there is nothing to doubt.


Wade nodded and was about to go in when he glanced and saw a figure that surprised him deeply.

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