Chapter 2162 The mortal man

Hearing what Long Yun said, Kuisi felt like he was mourning for his heir.

As expected, the patriarch was in their hands, and they easily broke into the family's stronghold and took control of them.

Obviously, the Xiao family has been prepared!

It’s over!

It's all over!

The centuries-old legacy of the Thomas family has been destroyed in the hands of this generation.

You and all your family members are sinners of history!

At this time, Ques's mind became more and more clear.

Ques figured it out.

The Xiao family has been planning against the Thomas family for a long time and is just waiting for the opportunity.

The clan leader disappeared, and he suspected Lu Fei.

Agreeing to Murray's plan, he transferred some people to deal with Lu Fei, just in time for the Xiao family to take advantage of it.

It turns out that the disappearance of the clan leader has nothing to do with Lu Fei. It was all a strategy designed by the Xiao family.

He thought he was extremely intelligent and well-strategized, but in the end he stepped into the trap dug by the Xiao family, leaving the family in ruins.

At this moment, Quess regretted so much that he even thought about death.

"Long Yun, your Xiao family is simply despicable."

"I accept that I fell into your hands, but if you want me, Ques, to compromise with you, you are simply dreaming."

"I am the great elder of the Thomas family. Such a noble existence. I would rather die than obey."

"You can kill me or chop me into pieces as you please. It's impossible for me to betray my family." Ques yelled.


"Quiss, what you are saying now are all angry words and cannot be taken seriously."

"I know you are a smart person, and smart people never act out of emotion."

"Life is only once for everyone. Don't let your so-called loyalty ruin this one chance."

"You still have a lot of time to enjoy life. As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and drink and continue to enjoy prosperity and wealth."

"On the other hand, if you die, you won't be able to enjoy anything."

"Think it over carefully, I'll come back later

Looking for you. "

"take away!"

Several brothers took Kuis away, and Long Yun immediately continued to act.

In the absence of the patriarch, Huo Lin, Ques is the backbone of the family.

Now that the clan leader is missing, the backbone has been captured, and there are three other elders in their hands, the rest are not a problem at all.

In less than twenty minutes, all direct members of the Thomas family were controlled by Long Yun.

Even those who were in charge of business outside were arrested at the same time, and no one slipped through the net.

Opening that side is also pretty smooth.

When they arrived at the central area, although they encountered stubborn resistance from some security personnel, Zhang Zhang had a clear advantage in terms of numbers.

Once the central control system is mastered, the enemy's geographical advantage no longer exists.

In less than fifteen minutes, the battle will be over.

Stubbornly, five people were killed, and the rest were all prisoners.

Only one person on his side was slightly injured, which was a perfect victory.

With the Thomas family headquarters under control, it can be announced that the Thomas family, the super giant that has dominated Europe for hundreds of years, has been destroyed.

As for all the business and power outside the Thomas family, the Xiao family has other plans.

The most important thing at the moment is to strictly block the news and not let any news leak out.

This is not difficult for the Xiao family to achieve.

Not only did Long Yun interrogate the Thomas family elders, Lu Fei also started taking action.

Lu Fei brought the unconscious Murray and Roy into the room.

He tied Murray to a chair and stuffed a towel into his mouth. There was no need to talk to him yet.

Later, Lu Fei had Roy stripped naked and firmly fixed on the bed.

Then someone gave them the antidote and then poured cold water on them to wake them up.

Almost at the same time, Murray and Roy

He opened his eyes drowsily.

My eyes were open, but my vision was blurry.

I feel dizzy and my head hurts terribly.

It took him a while to wake up.

After waking up, the two found themselves dumbfounded by their situation.

Murray made an unexplained "Woo" sound in his mouth. When he saw Lu Fei, he suddenly felt bad. His eyes were full of fear.

Roy, who was lying on the bed, was even more frightened.

He was supposed to take care of Lu Fei tonight, but he didn't understand why he became Lu Fei's prisoner.

And he was tied naked to the bed. What was he going to do? .??.

Seeing Lu Fei's cold eyes and seeing Murray tied into a rice dumpling, Roy immediately knew that he was miserable today and was so scared that he almost peed.

"Lu Fei, what are you going to do?" Roy asked in horror.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and sat next to Roy with a smile.

"Roy, aren't you going to deal with me and make my life worse than death?"

"What do you say now?"

"Lu Fei, I don't understand how you did it."

"What on earth are you going to do?" Roy asked.


"What did you say I was going to do?"

"You used my brother's name to trick me into coming out, and you set up a dragnet around me with the intention of killing me."

"Now that you're in my hands, what do you think I'm going to do to you?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Roy got goosebumps all over his body and even had a strong urge to urinate.

"Lu Fei, it was all a misunderstanding before."

"Let me go now."

"From now on, we will not interfere with the river."

"If you dare to touch me, the Thomas family will not let you go."

"Great Thomas

You can never imagine how terrifying the family is. "

"You have angered our family and the consequences are not something you can bear." Roy shouted arrogantly.

Roy knew that he couldn't be timid at this moment.

He could only use his family's power to intimidate Lu Fei, and only then could he have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, he will definitely die.

It's a pity that his tricks are useless in front of Lu Fei.

Lu Fei showed a very strange smile.

To Roy and Murray, this smile looked like a demon from hell, making them shudder.

Lu Fei hung the cigarette butt above Roy's belly.

Then he flicked the cigarette ashes, and the ashes mixed with red fire fell on Roy's unobstructed belly. A smell of burning smell suddenly came out, and Roy screamed in pain.


"Lu Fei, stop it."

"If you dare to touch me, you will die."


"Roy, do you fucking think I, Lu Fei, am scared?"

"Don't think your family is so awesome. I, Lu Fei, have never been afraid of you, otherwise I wouldn't have come to London alone."

"I, Lu Fei, have offended many people since I debuted."

"Some are ruthless, some are as rich as the enemy, and some are extremely powerful."

"These people deliberately tried to kill me, but in the end I was fine."

"But they all received the harshest punishment."

"I just want to tell you that anyone who wants to bully me, Lu Fei, will never end well."

"Anyone who wants me, Lu Fei, to die, I must kill him with my own hands."

"It turns out that we didn't reach that point between us."

"But you encouraged the Yoshida family to attack my woman in China and almost killed her."

"From that moment on, you are already a mortal person in my heart."

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