Chapter 2156 Terrifying Dragon Cloud

In the darkness, Murray and the other two elders set up a dragnet to prevent Roy and Lu Fei from escaping.

The current disappearance of the clan leader is almost certainly not related to Lu Fei.

However, the treasure map in Lu Fei's hand is also particularly important.

Therefore, they must control Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is currently being protected by Wade and Long Yun, and is about to leave London, so tonight is their best chance. .??.

Murray and Quess were fully prepared to capture Lu Fei.

Murray's position is the last line of defense. In addition to them, there are thirty elite family security guards hidden in the darkness.

Every one of them is a mercenary king, and they are armed to the teeth.

With them guarding him, Lu Fei wouldn't be able to escape even if he had extraordinary abilities.

However, in addition to here, there are two lines of defense within a three-kilometer range from the front to Roy's position, and a total of fifty team members are scattered along the only route of retreat.

Even if Roy fails, Lu Fei will definitely become the turtle in the urn.

Murray has absolute confidence in his own arrangements.

However, Murray did not tell Roy inside.

First, Murray cannot make Roy dependent, otherwise he may be suspected by Lu Fei.

If Lu Fei was prepared, it might bring unnecessary trouble to his plan.

In addition, Murray also wished that Roy would be killed by Lu Fei.

After all, Roy was a member of the family, so it would be inappropriate to take action on his own. With the help of Lu Fei, it would be perfect to eliminate this only hidden danger.

Of course, it was impossible for Murray to explain this to the other two elders.

"The reason why I didn't tell Roy was to prevent him from becoming dependent."

"Roy has a perverse and unruly personality, so we should take this opportunity to train him!"

"He has fifteen people protecting him. Lu Fei is one person, absolutely foolproof."

"Even if something unexpected happens, we can rush through it as soon as possible.

Go to support, so Roy's life will definitely not be in danger. "

"Two elders, please rest assured."

After Murray said this, the two elders nodded with satisfaction.

Murray gritted his teeth secretly.

In fact, Murray hates Lu Fei even more than Roy.

In the entire family, Murray was the first to come into contact with Lu Fei.

Especially when Lu Fei won the Jinling Battle, Murray's reputation in the family plummeted.

Moreover, he also spent his many years of savings to make up for the losses caused to the family.

Since then, the family has been extremely disappointed in him and deprived him of almost all rights.

Therefore, it was his rival Roy who came into contact with Lu Fei.

Fortunately, Roy was a huge fool, and Lu Fei made him even more embarrassed than himself, so the two of them returned to the same starting line.

Later, Murray thought of a good way to fish Lu Fei to London with a dog's head, and then regained the family's trust.

After Lu Fei came to London, he also humiliated him in every possible way, and Murray hated him with all his heart.

In tonight's plan, if Roy perfectly controls Lu Fei, the biggest credit will be his own.

After forcing Lu Fei to hand over the treasure map, he can kill his enemies with his own hands.

It would be better if Lu Fei killed Roy forcefully.

The biggest competitor has raised his eyebrows, and Lu Fei can't run either.

Therefore, I will definitely be the biggest beneficiary tonight.

Thinking of this, Murray couldn't hide his joy.

Light a cigarette and lower the window.

Take a deep breath and exhale the smoke comfortably.

My eyes followed the smoke slowly drifting out of the window, feeling extremely comfortable.

But when his eyes followed the smoke to the window, suddenly a silver light flashed through the darkness like lightning.

In an instant, Murray felt his neck go numb, and then he lost consciousness all over his body.

I couldn't even speak.

Then, Murray's eyes became blurry, and then he lost consciousness and leaned gently on the seat.

The next second, the passenger door opened, and the two elders in the back were stunned.

"Murray, don't go down yet, so as not to be exposed."

"Whoosh!" .??.

As soon as he finished speaking, two more silver lights flashed by. The two elders groaned and fell into unconsciousness. The driver in the driving seat was also hit at the same moment.

Look carefully, you can see that there is a syringe slightly thicker than a toothpick on each of their necks.

This is no ordinary syringe, it contains the most terrifying anesthetic.

Just 0.01 milligram can instantly knock an elephant into coma, not to mention humans.

However, this anesthetic is definitely not fatal, but if it is not rescued for a long time, sequelae are inevitable.

This kind of anesthetic is only owned by the Xiao family in the world.

It was developed by generations of the Xiao family using plants unique to the family.

And firing such a syringe is Long Yun's unique skill.

Countless masters have fallen to this kind of hidden weapon, but Long Yun has never failed.

Long Yun was able to reach here quietly because of his tacit cooperation with Lu Fei.

As early as a few days ago, Lang Lijing had located the phone numbers of Murray Roy and Quess.

When Lu Fei received a call tonight, Lang Lijing didn't immediately notice that the caller was Roy.

Because during the day the family announced that Roy had been kicked out of the family, Roy was so frightened that he changed his mobile phone and got rid of Lang Lijing's surveillance.

\u003e However, while Lu Fei was talking to the other party, he was still accurately located by Lang Lijing.

Lu Fei sent the address to Long Yun, and Long Yun immediately came here with fifty masters from his family.

During this period, Lang Lijing discovered Murray's location and shared the location with Long Yun.

Long Yun was so experienced that he immediately judged that this was a conspiracy of the Thomas family.

The difference between Murray and his position inside is only a little more than three kilometers. Needless to say, Murray must be covering from the outside.

If he wanted to protect Lu Fei inside, he would have to deal with everyone who was covering up outside.

Once you expose yourself, tonight's operation will inevitably fail.

Therefore, Long Yun was not in a hurry to advance.

Relying on his own abilities, he carefully searched and reconnoitred the surrounding areas.

Anyway, Lu Fei is fishing over there, so he has enough time.

Although the security guards of the Thomas family are all the elite among the elite, there is still a big gap between them and Long Yun.

In about half an hour, Long Yun figured out all the lurking powers and locations.

The next step is easy.

Start a sneak attack from the outside and take down the last line of defense.

Murray was still complacent in the car, but he didn't know that they were surrounded by dragon clouds.

Long Yun had been lurking next to the car for more than ten minutes, just waiting for an opportunity.

Of course, he was absolutely sure to rush out and open the car door to control Murray and others.

However, Long Yun did not dare to do this.

Because he judged that Murray and the others must have communicators with their families.

While opening the car door to collect them, they definitely have time to activate the communicator.

The Thomas family received the news that the plan could not be implemented, so Long Yun had been patiently waiting for the opportunity while studying good ways to deal with it.

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