Chapter 1809 Leaving

The two institutes went on strike and the archaeological headquarters was shut down. This was an unprecedented event.

This situation lasted for a day, and the top management finally held a targeted meeting.

In this meeting, the deans of the two academies and Guan Haishan made an exception to attend.

At the meeting, Su Baozhen asked Lu Fei for credit, and coupled with the statements from the leaders of the two academies and Guan Haishan, Zhao Yuanchao and others were speechless.

Eventually the meeting passed a resolution.

In view of Lu Fei's major meritorious service, it was approved to reduce Lu Fei's punishment.

The previously decided one year of reflection was changed to three months.

In other words, in one month and three days, Lu Fei can be reinstated and regain his freedom.

This resolution was passed, and everyone was happy.

Although Zhao Yuanchao and others were unwilling, they could only accept the reality.

After the written document was issued, Xuanlong Base also became lively.

Qian Guomin and several old men, together with Guan Haishan, Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang, guarded Lu Fei at the base every day.

Representatives from the commercial department also received instructions to accompany Lu Fei on vacation.

However, Lu Fei ignored them.

In the morning, Chen Xiang practiced helicopter driving, while Lu Fei was responsible for training troops.

In the afternoon, the two of them went to the shooting range or hunted and skied, and had a great time.

When I come back at night and thank guests behind closed doors, I see no one.

The old men eat in the canteen every day, but on the second floor there is good wine and good food, laughter and laughter.

Whenever I smell the aroma of wine and tea wafting from the second floor, the old men are so angry that they curse like shrews downstairs.

This scene has also become a beautiful scenery in the base.

A month passed by in a flash.

During this period, Chen Xiang obtained a gun license and a helicopter pilot's license.

Driving skills are also becoming more and more proficient.

Once you get used to it after going out, there will be no problem flying solo routes.

For three months, they have been together day and night. The young couple's relationship is like a glue, and their cooperation is also a tacit understanding.

With one look from Lu Fei, Chen Xiang knew what to do.

A subtle one from Chen Xiang

Lu Fei could immediately tell how she was feeling by the change in her expression.

However, there is still a little disagreement between the two.

Lu Fei planned to have a child, but did not get Chen Xiang's permission.

The other party is not unreasonable, but has his own reasons.

Chen Xiang's reason is that she must have children after the wedding.

Otherwise, wearing a wedding dress with a big belly will not look good.

This reason was sufficient enough that Lu Fei had no choice but to agree.

During this time, something happened outside the base.

Wade "cares" about Lu Fei as always.

One phone call in three days won't change anything.

Mom followed Lu Fei's advice and did not take action against the Thomas family for the time being.

There was also news from the Thomas family. Murray informed Lu Fei that the auction time for the dog heads was determined to be May 5th.

He warmly invited Lu Fei to go to the UK, and Lu Fei agreed without hesitation.

There are also some situations on the business side.

Ascendas Auction Company's first auction of the new year is scheduled for May 1st.

The ten items on the auction block have not yet been announced to the public, and we are waiting for Lu Fei’s final decision.

The Dongdaihe project was progressing smoothly, but at the beginning of spring, the Hangzhou project encountered some problems.

Several departments jointly investigated the project, nitpicking and demanding a shutdown for rectification.

The little milk dog followed Lu Fei's arrangement and found Deng Shaohui.

Lu Fei had made a high-profile appearance at the Lan family before, and it was impossible to distance himself from Lu Fei, so Deng Shaohui had no choice but to help.

Master Deng took action and the problem was easily solved.

But this guy was very worried and worried.

As a result, within a few days, a high-level meeting decided to reduce Lu Fei's punishment and announced that Lu Fei would be reinstated.

This also shows that Lu Fei will continue to be valued.

This news is good for blue

For Xiang Dong and Deng Shaohui, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

He was even somewhat grateful that he was forced to side with Lu Fei in the first place.

Lu Fei's reinstatement has once again been recognized by his superiors, and continuing to have good relations with Lu Fei will definitely be of great benefit to Lan Xiangdong's promotion.

Apart from these, there are also some dissatisfactions.

The British Ruixin Group officially entered the Chinese market and established its head office in Tiandu.

CEO beauty Nina is quite active and frequently appears in various top social occasions.

In less than a month, it has signed contracts with 70% of major hospitals in first- and second-tier cities.

This will have a huge impact on Fei'er Pharmaceuticals, which is represented by Lu Fei.

In less than half a month, total performance fell by nearly ten percentage points.

Moreover, three agents under Tengfei Pharmaceutical secretly cooperated with Ruixin.

Ascendas is currently in litigation with these three agents to seek compensation.

Finally, there is Lu Fei’s private museum.

The museum's business is still booming, and it is overcrowded every day, much more lively than those 5A-level scenic spots.

Especially the meteorite exhibition area is eye-catching.

Li Yuanchao, a citizen of Qian Dynasty, was worried that the meteorite would be stolen, so he sent several academicians to guard it and asked Qu Yang to increase security forces.

Meng Xianguo certainly couldn't wish for it, as he didn't have to spend his own money to hire people and could still ensure safety.

The night before Lu Fei's self-reflection period expired, Xuanlong Base had a day off.

The cooking class slaughtered pigs and sheep, hundreds of tables were set up on the playground, and everyone gathered together to celebrate warmly.

Lu Fei held a wine glass and toasted to each table to thank everyone.

Finally, it was the turn of the old man's tables. Lu Fei specially took out the fine wine from his collection for everyone to drink.

At night, the old men from both courtyards, Guan Haishan and others all drank and went back to their houses to sleep.

Lu Fei, however, Zhang Luo, Tang Xin and others packed up their belongings and put them on the plane.

"Boss Su, I will leave this house I decorated to you."

"Let you also

Enjoy the luxury of a presidential suite. "

"However, if I come back one day, you have to give it to me unconditionally!" Lu Fei said.


"I can't afford it."

"The room is sealed and will be reserved for you."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to offend you if you come to find fault with me in the future."

Su Donghai decided to seal it, but Lu Fei finally gave the key to Li Shengnan.

"You take the key. When you come to the base, this room will be your and Tang Xin's dormitory."

"But we have agreed that only you two ladies will be allowed to live here."

"Yang Yi and the others are exempt from discussion."

Li Shengnan accepted the key, and Yang Yi and the others rolled their eyes in anger.

After explaining to the five bosses, Lu Fei took out two bottles of collector's edition wine and gave them to Tang Xin.

Two good cigarettes were left for each of Yang Yi, Zhao Xiaohui and the four sentry brothers, and the rest were loaded onto the plane.

Just after midnight, Lu Fei's three-month period of self-reflection expired, and the luxury helicopter roared away from the base.

Early the next morning, the hungover old men were awakened by the reveille.

After washing up, everyone came to the second floor together.


"Where's the one standing guard?"

"Yes, there was someone on guard yesterday, why are they missing today?"

"Lu Fei!"

"Baolanfei, are you up yet?"

"It's time for you to get out of jail, wake up and hey!"

"Get up and go back with us."

"Old man, what are you shouting?"

"Young man, you're here just in time. Go in and help me call out your instructor Lu."

"Instructor Lu?"

"Instructor Lu left the base in the middle of the night after his self-examination date came."

"Old man, you don't know?"


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