A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1525 Investment

At dawn, thousands of people were waiting at Jincheng Airport to wait for Lu Fei and Long Shou to return.

According to calculations, Lu Fei's arrival in Jincheng should be around six o'clock in the morning.

But everyone waited patiently until 8:30 in the morning, but there was still no sign of Lu Fei.

Everyone stood with their backs sore and their legs numb, and there were sighs everywhere.

He gritted his teeth and persisted for more than an hour.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and Lu Fei hadn't come back yet.

Now everyone was dumbfounded.

After such a long time, even the flight should have arrived, but Lu Fei's private plane has not yet appeared.

This shows that Lu Fei's goal is not to return to Jincheng at all.

Waiting for so long is a waste of time.

Someone loses patience and leaves, and someone else immediately responds.

The further we go, the more people there become.

After a while, thousands of people outside were evacuated.

The reporters persisted for another five minutes before losing their patience and leaving.

After waiting for a while, Guan Haishan shook his head and turned to leave.

After Guan Haishan left, other big names in the archeology and collection circles would naturally follow suit.

Ten minutes later, only Shen Jialiang, his secretary and a few closest people were left at the exit.

"Mr. Shen, it seems that Lu Fei's first stop is not Jincheng."

"Let's go back too!" Yang Shisong said.

Shen Jialiang shook his head and said unwillingly.

"hold on!"

"Maybe Lu Fei is refueling and replenishing elsewhere, and he might be a little late."

"It just so happens that they are all gone. If Lu Fei comes back soon, we will have priority."

Shen Jialiang and his secretary waited eagerly until half past ten, but there was still no sign of Lu Fei.

At this time, Shen Jialiang no longer had to wait any longer, even if he was reluctant.

"let's go!"

"Xiao Yang!"

"Hurry up and check where Lu Fei is."

"The faster, the better. It's best to get ahead of Guan Haishan and the others."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I've sent someone to investigate."

"That's good!"

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