A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1370 Hiding deeply

Members of the Dou Bao judging panel, Lu Fei, had no objections.

Immediately afterwards, Yoshida Ohno proposed betting against Lu Fei's shares, which was also expected by Lu Fei.

"Ask Yoshida, what is he going to bet against me?" Lu Fei asked.

Bai Zirui cut the inside line of the organizing committee and asked Lu Fei to talk directly to Yoshida Ohno.

"Yoshida, long time no see!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Long time no see Mr. Lu."

"Let's get straight to the point. I want to bet all the shares you hold in Boeing against you. What do you think?" Yoshida Ohno asked.

"I'm OK."

"The key is, what chips is Mr. Yoshida going to use to bet against me?"

"This is easy!"

"Based on today's market value of Boeing, how about I bet you a one-to-one dollar bet?"

"One to one?"

"A little less!"

"If I'm willing to sell it, at a premium of more than 10%, there will be many people willing to buy it."

"For example, Old Superman, Mr. Fang, Boss Di, etc. can't wait for a long time."


Mentioning these people again made Yoshida Ohno's nose crooked with anger.

When he was on Kauai, Lu Fei used these guys as a cover to deceive himself.

Now that the plot is mentioned again, Yoshida Ohno hates it so much that his teeth itch.

"Mr. Lu, in your opinion, what price should I offer?"

Barely suppressing the anger in his heart, Yoshida Ohno asked.

"This is it"

"If you want to bet against my shares, you should have some sincerity."

"How about this!"

"How about you gamble with cash at a premium of 20%?"

"Twenty percent?"

"Mr. Lu, are you going too far?"

"The price you mentioned is not equal at all. This is simply robbery!" Yoshida Ohno shouted.

"Mr. Yoshida doesn't agree?"

"That's right!"

“The price is outrageous

No, I can't accept it. "

"All right!"

"In this case, I can only express my regret."


"Wait a moment!"

"Is there anything else, Mr. Yoshida?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, the price you mentioned is indeed outrageous."

"How about I give you a 10% premium?"


"I'm not interested in bargaining with you."

"If you want to play, the price is 20% higher."

"If you don't play, you will be pulled down."

"If you take the initiative to provoke me, you must be absolutely sure."

"Now that you are sure, what are you worried about?"

"How about this!"

"I'll give you one day to think about it."

"If you agree to the 20% premium, please give me a reply before tomorrow."

"If you don't agree, the bet will be void."


Lu Fei hung up the phone, and Yoshida Ohno became furious.

He used all the most vicious words he could use on Lu Fei.

After venting, Yoshida calmed down and thought about it, but he was still unwilling to give up like this.

If Lu Fei is to be prevented from turning around forever, Boeing's shares must be taken away.

It is impossible for Lu Fei to go bankrupt just by making a profit from Dou Bao.

What's more, I have 100% confidence in winning. Even if Lu Fei's conditions are excessive, those shares are still in my pocket.

I asked the secretary to do some calculations. If Boeing's market value is 20% higher today, the total cost would be more than $7 billion more than Lu Fei's shares.

Seeing this number, Yoshida Ohno's heart was bleeding, and he gritted his teeth and asked someone to contact Lu Fei again.

"Lu Fei, I agree to bet with you at a premium of 20%!"

"It seems that Mr. Yoshida is very confident!" Lu Fei said.


"Of course I have some confidence, but you, Mr. Lu, are not just someone to take lightly."

“It’s not certain who will win in the end!”

"Mr. Yoshida, you are too modest."

"Since you agree, I will accompany you to the end."

"When the treasure fight begins, your cash check and my equity certificate will all be handed over to the referee team."

"You have no objection to this, right?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course I have no objection!"

"Okay, I'll announce it right away. If you have any questions, feel free to communicate with my people." ??


Just as Yoshida Ohno hung up the phone, his secretary jogged to him and said.

"Boss, I just received the news."

"Lu Fei's overseas assets include more than 30% of Boeing shares, and he also holds 10% of Coca-Cola shares."

"According to the current market value, this 10% share exceeds US$20 billion!"


Yoshida was shocked when he heard this.

"How can this be?"

"Lu Fei is just a rag collector. How could he get shares in Coca-Cola!"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Boss, this is a true fact."

"I don't know how it happened, but Lu Fei bought 10% of the shares held by Lu Qinzhai."

"Currently, Lu Fei is the third largest shareholder of Coca-Cola."

"Lu Qinzhai?"


"How could such a coincidence be possible?"

"Contact Lu Fei immediately, and I will bet with him on Coca-Cola's shares."

"I want him to have nothing and never get over again." Yoshida shouted.


"We don't have that much cash on our books!" the secretary said.


"You communicate with Lu Fei first and ask him not to release the news yet. I will raise the money immediately."


Driving the secretary out, Yoshida Ohno immediately contacted Murray.

Murray was also slightly surprised to hear that Lu Fei held shares in Coca-Cola.

As for Yoshida Ohno's loan, Murray agreed without hesitation.

Yoshida Ohno is a subsidiary of the Thomas family, and their family's property is Murray Gate Clear.

Even if Yoshida loses the treasure fight, he will not suffer a loss since his family has so much property.

After receiving Murray's promise, Yoshida immediately talked to Lu Fei and requested that the content of the bet be added to Coca-Cola's shares.

Lu Fei also agreed to this request.

The request was the same as for Boeing shares, but at a 20% premium, and Yoshida readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Little Dog and others were not calm anymore.

"What the hell!"

"Brother, you are hiding everything!"

"When did you get the equity in Coca-Cola?"


"Who doesn't have a little secret yet?"


"This is more than just a little secret of yours!"

"This is like a thunderbolt!"

"I went to the United States and not only got Boeing shares, but also 10% of Coca-Cola shares."

"The speed at which you make money is too abnormal!"

"Beat sex!"

"Are you making such a fuss?"

"This amount of assets is far inferior to your family's."

"Brother, you are too modest. It's almost done, okay?"

"Our family has worked hard for decades, and you only got so much from just one trip to the United States."

"The world's richest man can't make money as fast as you!"

"My admiration for you is as endless as the water of the Yangtze River."

"Get out!"

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