Chapter 1286 Heraldic Porcelain

Lang Lijing was filled with joy after receiving the antique oak barrel, with a smile always on her face.

As she continued shopping, Lang Lijing's eyes scanned every stall.

It's a pity that something similar has never appeared again.

After wandering for more than half, Lu Fei squatted down again.

Lang Lijing thought Lu Fei had found the big baby again, so she hurried over excitedly.

Lu Fei was found playing with a plate.

This plate was colorful and beautiful, but it was not what she wanted. Lang Lijing couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Lang Lijing didn't know, but what Lu Fei had in his hands was a really good thing.

This is a piece of heraldic porcelain that has become quite popular in the collection market in recent years.

Heraldic porcelain is a kind of "export porcelain" in ancient China. To be precise, it belongs to "private customization" of "processing according to supplied samples".

It is painted and fired by Jingdezhen craftsmen according to the type, shape, style, decoration, construction period, etc. provided by the European orderer.

Therefore, the heraldic porcelain not only has the characteristics of China's traditional porcelain making technology, but also reflects the elegant decorative style of Western Europe at that time.

Because this kind of heraldic porcelain is printed with the emblems of European noble families, it is also called "emblem porcelain".

Starting from the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Portugal in Europe ordered heraldic porcelain from China.

The earliest specimen of heraldic porcelain discovered so far is a blue and white porcelain pot, decorated with the coat of arms of King Manuel I of Portugal.

In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Yuansou wrote about heraldic porcelain in his book "Tao Ya".

Referring to a large blue and white plate from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, he said: "The emperor's crown is painted on the plate, and there are two-winged lions and dogs on the side. It contains ancient Latin inscriptions and the Gregorian calendar year and month."

In fact, it was indeed towards the end of the Ming Dynasty that heraldic porcelain truly began to flourish.

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the export of heraldic porcelain reached its peak.

Many princes, nobles, wealthy businessmen, and corporate groups entrusted the famous

The East India Company came to China to order some Chinese heraldic porcelain.

The heraldic porcelain produced during the Kangxi period was mainly colored heraldic porcelain and blue and white heraldic porcelain.

During the reign of Yongzheng, pastel heraldic porcelain began to occupy a mainstream position.

The origin of painted heraldic porcelain also shifted from Jingdezhen to Yangcheng, a major foreign trade center.

Generally, good white body porcelain is bought from Jingdezhen and then brought to Yangcheng for firing according to the preferences and requirements of different foreign businessmen.

The overglaze colored porcelain produced in Yangcheng is called "Guangcai".

Heraldic porcelain is characterized by intricate and gorgeous patterns. It uses a large amount of gold, which gives people a sense of visual magnificence, so it is also called "zhijincai".

The Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty was the heyday of "Guangcai".

However, in the late Qing Dynasty, as the heraldic porcelain produced by each country gradually became more exquisite, the export sales of Chinese heraldic porcelain gradually decreased.

Since all heraldic porcelain produced in China is exported, the domestic stock is quite rare, and it is very popular among collectors in China.

Not only in China, in recent years, heraldic porcelain has become quite popular around the world.

At a special auction of Chinese export art held by Christie's in 2005, a pair of export porcelains with the coat of arms of Philip V made in the 1740s were sold for $310,000, setting a record for heraldic porcelain auctions at that time. The "Guinness record" of transaction price.

At an auction in London in 2008, a pair of 18th-century pastel goldfish-shaped soup basins with the coat of arms of the Spanish aristocratic Ochoa family were sold for a high price of 630,000 pounds.

Not only that, in the past five years, heraldic porcelain has hit new highs repeatedly, and the market prospects are quite good.

The plate Lu Fei got his hands on was twenty centimeters in diameter.

Open, bent at the waist, with rounded feet, the plate is full of Guangcai. The whole picture is mainly green and red, with gold color used to separate each part of the picture.

The outer circle is continuously consecrated, and the interior of the consecration is painted with patterns of flowers, birds, and miscellaneous treasures.

The inner waist is decorated with flowers, butterflies, the word "longevity", boys, copper coins and other patterns. The copper coins are inscribed with "Shunzhi Tongbao", "Daoguang Tongbao", "Tongzhi Tongbao" and "Guangxu Tongbao".

The center of the disk depicts the sailing Portuguese merchant fleet. The flags of the merchant ships bear the emblem of the Christian Knights, which means that the Portuguese merchant ships are approved by the Roman Catholic Church and protected by God.

A ribbon surrounds the voyage chart with a string of letters written on it.


Directly above the navigation chart is the coat of arms of the Portuguese royal family. .??.

Above the Portuguese royal coat of arms is a crown symbolizing royal power, and symmetrically in the middle is an olive branch symbolizing peace.

The central pattern below is a golden ancient navigation instrument-the armillary sphere.

The armillary sphere is a very important instrument in astronomy and navigation. In the 15th century, Portuguese sailors often used it to explore unknown seas, so it became a symbol.

There is a red coat of arms embedded on the armillary sphere. The seven golden castles in the coat of arms symbolize the area under the rule of the Portuguese dynasty.

The white coat of arms in the middle is the core of the coat of arms, with the "Atonement Cross" composed of five small blue shields embedded in it. This is an image of Christ's martyrdom. It also means that the Portuguese are defeating their enemies in the name of Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit. .

The royal coat of arms has witnessed all major events in Portuguese history and is a condensed history of Portugal. The current Portuguese national emblem and flag are inherited from this coat of arms.

This plate is well preserved and the overall look is quite beautiful.

After looking at Lang Lijing, Lu Fei asked in a low voice.

"Do you recognize this string of letters?

? "

Lang Lijing nodded and said.

"It's Portuguese and means four hundred years since the discovery of India."

"you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

"Okay, give me the money!"


"Why am I giving the money again?" Lang Lijing said depressedly.

"I'll give you the money first, and I'll explain to you later." Lu Fei said decisively.

"All right!"

After looking at the price tag of this plate, it was only 800 Malaysian dollars. Lang Lijing directly gave the money for the transaction without counter-offering.

I have to say that merchants in Kuala Lumpur are quite conscientious.

When you buy a plate, you get a gift box and a handbag, and the service is absolutely perfect.

After walking a few steps with the plate in hand, Lang Lijing asked impatiently.

"I don't want this thing, why do you need me to pay for it?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Your boss is looking for benefits for you, and you still don't appreciate it?"

"For my benefit?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Put this plate away and go back to China to find a bigger antique shop to sell it."

"No matter how the store deceives you, don't sell anything less than 500,000 yuan." Lu Fei said.


"Is such a fancy broken plate worth half a million?"

"It doesn't look like an antique to me, does it?"

Lang Lijing asked in surprise.


"This thing is not too old, it is from the reign of Guangxu."

"However, this plate is quite memorable."

"If it is auctioned overseas, the minimum guarantee is 300,000 yuan." Lu Fei said.

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