Didan National Primary School.

“Hey, have you heard? Today there are transfer students in our class who are going to transfer in! ”

In Year 1 Class B, Ayumi was very excited to talk about this information.

“Oh? It’s true? ”

Mota was also a little happy.

Perhaps for these students, as long as it is something other than studying, it can make them happy.

“Well, what Teacher Kobayashi said in the office just now.”

Ayumi said.

“I haven’t been a transfer student since Conan.”

Mitsuhiko also had some expectations.

“I don’t know what kind of person it is?”

“It’s better to be cute.”

“No, it’s important to have a good personality.”

“Conan, what kind of person do you think it will be?”

Ayumi took the initiative to come to Conan, who was sorting out his school bag on the side.

“Me? I don’t know, maybe it’s a nerd who can only read. ”

Conan supported his chin with one hand and said a little speechlessly.

“Ayumi, didn’t you see that person in the office?”

Motata asked.

“No, I only heard the surname Haihara.”



Conan instantly came to the spirit.

This surname is not common, so far, Conan only knows one person, and that is Ai Haihara, who Akemi Miyano uses to hide her identity.

At this time, the class bell also rang, and everyone returned to their seats.

Hearing the footsteps at the door, everyone got excited and looked at the door excitedly.


The door to the classroom was pulled open, and Haihara appeared at the door of the classroom along with the teacher.


“So cute!!”

“This is Haihara Moi, who is going to study with everyone from today, everyone should get along with her!”

The teacher smiled very happily.

If nothing else, the person who sent Ash Yuan Mourning gave her a membership card and a latest mobile phone, and asked her to take good care of Gray Plain Sorrow.

Even if she is so sensible to her parents, it is impossible for her not to be responsible.

“Then the member classmate is sitting…”

“Teacher, over here! Next to me…”

Mota couldn’t wait to point to the empty seat beside him.

“Next to Conan.”

This is the meaning of the parent, let her help arrange it, sit next to a well-behaved classmate, and the most well-behaved and sensible in the class, only Conan, the others are troublemakers.

Haibara walked down in a big stride, without looking at Yuantai, directly pulled away the seat next to Conan, sat down, sorted out his books, and looked at the blackboard and said.

“Please advise.”

“…… Ahhhh

Conan replied stunned.

And the children in the entire classroom were also shocked by her aura.

“How proud you look!”

Mrs. Yuan looked unhappy, and the beating had not yet come to him.

“It’s cool.”

Mitsuhiko sighed with emotion.

“It must be too nervous.”

The kind-hearted Ayumi explained for Haihara.

“Snap… All right, guys! Now start the class! ”

The teacher applauded, attracting everyone’s attention.

After the day, it was finally time for school.

Unlike other children who traveled with him, Haibara barely communicated with his classmates all day, and even after school, he walked out of the classroom alone.

Surrounded by noisy children, noisy children hurried past her, as if to hurry up and play.

In the crowd, the figure of Haiyuan mourning seemed a little lonely.

“Haihara, let’s go back together!”

At this time, Ayumi ran up enthusiastically.

Haibara glanced back at her, not interested in her, and without saying a word, he continued to walk with a “click”.

“That kind of smelly fart person better ignore her.”

Yuan Tai put his hands behind his head, looking unhappy.


Ayumi still thinks that Haihara is too nervous.

“Where do you live? Is it new? ”

“You’re welcome, we’ll send you back.”

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi remain enthusiastic.

“Lane 41 of Yonekacho, I live there like now.”


This aura can be felt from Haihara.


Conan, who was walking behind, was flustered.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Conan’s expression, Genta asked curiously.


Conan said perfunctorily, touching his chin and thinking.

Lane 4, isn’t it He Yun’s home?

“Haibara Love is yours…”

Conan felt that he wanted to confirm it, so he quickly ran up and asked in a low voice.

“It’s my sister.”

Haibara replied with a grudge.

“That means that…”

Conan suddenly thought of something.

“I live in He Yun’s house.”

Haibara said so, and Conan suddenly felt speechless.

But then the reaction came.

Wait a minute, Haibara loves her originally not surnamed Haihara ah hey.

It’s just that looking at Haihara’s back, it seems that she has no intention of answering.

“Young detective team? I know, He Yun asked me to have less intersection with you. ”

At the shoe cabinet, hearing them introduce themselves, Haibara said that he knew.

And she also knows that Conan is also in this so-called juvenile detective team.

She still remembers He Yun’s precautions for her.

Teenagers as death groups! If you follow them, your life will be in danger at any time, especially if there is a fat man who always makes things worse.

Although he has always been this character who refuses to be thousands of miles away since he was a child, Hai Yuan can still see that Yuantai, a fat man, is a guy who loves to show off, and such a person is not very stable in doing things.

Watching Haihara change into shoes and walk out of the teaching building, the juvenile death group stopped in place.

“He Yun, is it just…”

Genta felt like he remembered a not-so-good memory.

“Yes, the same guy who taught us backstage at the TWO-MIX concert last time.”

Mitsuhiko nodded and said.

“It’s actually him… Abominable…”

Yuan Tai wanted to scold two sentences, but he couldn’t find a place to scold, mainly because He Yun had already made the seriousness of the problem clear when he taught him.

The most crucial thing is that they have been taught by their parents once because of He Yun.

“Forget it, or don’t get involved with that person, huh? Pregnant! It’s a power of attorney letter! ”

When Genta finds a letter of entrustment from his writing, the Young Death Group embarks on a journey of death again.

And at the school gate, Haibara Ai was there, waiting for his sister’s first day of school.

“I’ll go home myself.”

When Haihara was received, he said lightly.

“I’m not assured, you’re a schoolboy now.”

Ai Haihara was obviously in a very good mood, and even stretched out her hand.

And Haihara rolled his eyes, looked at Haihara’s hand hanging in front of him, hesitated, stretched out, and held his sister’s hand tightly.

They knew that from now on, they would not be separated again. _

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