“Anyway, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me, I was on a business trip and I was in Ryukyu.

I took the first flight from Naha and arrived at Haneda Airport three hours ago, and when I departed from there, I took the last flight at 8 o’clock in the evening

It was 11:30 yesterday night, and I couldn’t have been in this villa in Izu.

If you don’t believe me, you may wish to check the passenger list of the plane. ”

Tatsuji Tomizawa was the first to say his alibi.

“Check it now!”


Henggou has never believed the suspect’s one-sided words, and must be confirmed before making a judgment.

And after He Yun and Conan listened to his alibi, they immediately felt that something was wrong.

He Yun directly lowered his head and raised an eyebrow at Conan, and Conan also nodded, indicating that he also thought of it.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Police, I had a message yesterday…”

Tomizawa Taichi also said immediately.


“On the answering machine at the villa, I don’t know if it’s an alibi.”

Tomizawa Taichi said with some uncertainty.

“Answering machine?”

Yokogou was a little puzzled, but they went to the Fuze family’s villa to confirm.

“We’re not home right now, if so, please leave a message after the beep, beep –

Strange, 3 o’clock should be enough? Beep – it’s 3:10 p.m. ”

“Is that it?”

Officer Henggou asked.

“This is what I hit.” Kenzo Tomizawa stood up and admitted: “I called from the beach yesterday afternoon with my mobile phone. ”

Xiaolan and several people also came forward to testify.

“Hey… Feed! Feed! I’m Taiyi… Beep-”

“Ah, this is mine.”

Tomizawa Taichi heard the sound of the answering machine again and immediately stood up.

“Great, Falcens won with a goodbye home run, and sure enough, it was a credit to the same home run that hit the lamppost in the second half of the sixth inning! Dad is right, Mu Twilight is indeed an amazing beater, then I will go over tomorrow, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone.

Beep – it’s 11:34 p.m. ”

“At 1:34, it was the time of the crime.”

Officer Henggou also admitted.

However, He Yun raised an eyebrow at Conan again, and this time, Conan did not nod.

He just thought it was strange, but he didn’t find anything suspicious.

“Big brother, you also watched that wonderful game of 9-8!”

Tatsuji Tomizawa said.

“Well, I’m writing and reading in my apartment in Osaka.”

Tomizawa nodded in response.

“Did the murder really happen around 11:30?”

Officer Henggou reconfirmed.

“Well, He Jun just walked out at that time, and we looked at the time.”

“If it’s 11:34, I think it might have been the time my cousin stopped the prisoner, right, cousin?”

Ayako and Ran also came forward to testify.

“But the time of the answering machine can be from itself.”

Yuanzi suddenly stood up and said.

“But the time is not wrong now, and the time of Yuzo’s rumors seems to be correct.”

Officer Henggou compared his watch with the time on the answering machine.

“My eldest brother doesn’t seem to be a prisoner anymore, because the game was broadcast directly by satellite, and the game ended after 11:25, and there was no sports news on either station during that time, so you won’t know the result without watching the game.”

Tatsuji Tomizawa stood up and made an alibi for Taichi Tomizawa.

“You really know.”

Yokogou said.

“Well, because I want to see Twilight swing a home run again, spinning around, so I know, and the adjuster of our satellite broadcast is broken, and the only person who can see the game nearby is their villa.”

When Tomizawa said this, he also glanced at the garden.

“Indeed, the prisoners who were here at half past 11 could not see the game.”

Tomizawa Taichi also touched his chin and analyzed.

“It won’t be you who called him to tell him, would it?”

Sonoko decides to become a detective.

“Me? How can it be! I say this to prove that I watched that game. ”

Tomizawa said proudly.

“Anyway, let’s check the situation of the broadcast program first, and don’t forget the radio station.”


Henggou still asked the police to investigate first.

“What’s going on? If it’s not me, it’s not…”

“Well, I stayed here all night… Male three! ”

Both Taichi Tomizawa and Tatsuji Tomizawa turned to look at Yuzo Tomizawa.

“Second brother… No, no, I didn’t kill anyone…”

Yuzo Tomizawa shook his head.

“Let me ask first, your alibi around 11:30 yesterday.”

Yokogou began to confirm the last person’s alibi.

“Alibi? I’ve been in the studio… That’s right! Yesterday I asked my illustrator friend to call me up, and the time should be after 11:30. ”

“Call you up?”

“Yes, I will take a nap from 9:30 to 11:30 because I have to stay up late to catch up with work.”

“Then just ask that person and there will be an alibi.”

Sonoko heard the conversation between Kenzo Tomizawa and Yokogochi and immediately answered.

“Hmph! You just have to collude with that guy beforehand. ”

Tatsuji Fuze didn’t believe him at all.

“What did you say?”

Yuanzi immediately became angry.

“He Jun, what do you think?”

He Yun was stunned when he saw Henggou suddenly turn his head and ask himself.

Why do you ask me that too?

However, seeing the heat in Henggou’s eyes, He Yun suddenly thought that this product seemed to be Maori Kogoro’s number one fan.

“Mr. Kenzo’s words, let’s not consider it first, Mr. Taichi, Mr. Tatsuji, your alibi is fake.”

He Yun voiced his inference.


Everyone except Conan was taken aback.

“Henggou sir! It’s about passenger lists. ”

At this time, a police officer just ran in and said a few words in Henggou’s ear.

“What’s going on? There should be mine on the list…”

Fuze Tatsuji’s confidence in speaking is a little inadequate.

“It does have your name.”

“That’s fine, why is my alibi fake.”

“The problem is the time of arrival of the plane …”

Yokogou now has all his admiration for He Yun, who is worthy of being the person who follows the famous detective Maori Kogoro, and knows that Tomizawa Tatsuji is lying before his subordinates confirmed the flight.


“The flight you took should have arrived at Haneda Airport 30 minutes ago.”

“How is that possible?”

Yokogou’s words frightened Tatsuji Tomizawa.

“But that plane…”

“It must have been delayed because of the hurricane.”

Conan said this to Xiaolan.

“By the way, it seems to have been mentioned in the news report yesterday.”

Xiaolan also suddenly remembered the news from yesterday’s baseball game.

“Haneda to Izu, no matter how fast it is, it will take 3 hours, why are you here now?”


“Mr. Tomizawa Tatsuji, space teleportation technology is still in our company’s concept, don’t talk nonsense.”

He Yun suddenly opened his mouth to warn.

“Now tell me, where the hell did you go to the end of the night? Say it…”

Yokogou’s face was almost attached to Tomizawa Tatsuji’s face, plus his appearance was already a little terrifying, so no matter how he looked at it, his actions and words were like catching a traitor, which scared Tomizawa Tatsuji to tremble. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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