“I also received a call from a strange man the day before yesterday.”

Kogoro leaned against the side of the boat, remembering the phone call two days ago.

“There are still two days before the full moon, and the investigation fee of 500,000 yuan has been remitted to your tiger’s head, please be sure to come.”

“Wait a minute, who are you?”

“I am Keiji Aso from Tsukikage Island.”

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

“Gee! Don’t ask me if I agree or disagree first…”

Kogoro’s face was full of reluctance, but for the sake of 500,000 faces, he came anyway.

“But you can drop by the island, right, Conan?”


Xiaoran and Conan have backpacks and look like they are ready for a big adventure.

Only He Yun and Haihara Ai sat on the deckchair, comfortably waiting for the ship to dock.

“I don’t think there’s anything fun on the isolated island of Saddle…”

Kogoro couldn’t help but complain.

Tsukage Island, a small island within Tokyo, is the size of a village.

Tsukikage Island Village Office.

“I’m sorry! There is no such person here. ”

“Nothing? You see, he did send me a letter from here. ”

Office, Kogoro wanted to find the person who sent him the letter, but the staff of the office did not find the name Keiji Aso.

“However, there is really no name of this person in the island’s resident register, and I was transferred just last month, and I don’t know the island’s residents very well.”

The staff was also a little embarrassed.

At this moment, a man who looked like a leader passed by and was curious to smell.

“What’s the problem?”

“The gentleman said that a resident of the island wrote to him to come here.”

“Someone commissioned?”

“Yes, it’s a guy named Keiji Aso.”

“Well… Keiji Aso? ”

When the man heard this name, he shouted out in surprise, and when everyone present heard it, their faces were shocked, showing some scared expressions, and the entire office instantly fell silent, and everyone began to talk quietly.


Kogoro and they naturally felt strange.

“No, it’s impossible, because more than ten years ago, he was already dead!”

The man’s face was full of fear, as if he remembered something bad.


The three of Kogoro were taken aback, as was Ai Haihara, but she saw that He Yun, who was holding her hand tightly, seemed to have no reaction, and always felt as if he knew something again.

“He was born on this island, he used to be a very famous pianist, it happened on the night of the full moon 12 years ago, many years later, he returned to his hometown, held a piano concert in the village civic hall, but unfortunately after the recital, suddenly closed his family at home, and also set fire, it is said that he killed his wife and daughter with a knife, in the raging flames, as if entangled in something, holding the piano, it is Beethoven’s piano sonata – moonlight.”

In the room of the office, they heard the truth of the matter and opened here.

Walking down the street, Kogoro was puzzled by the letter.

“The letter sent by the dead man, who is making such a joke with me?”

Kogoro complained so.

“It’s not a joke.”

Conan answered directly.

“Because not only has the cost been paid, but judging from the postmark, this letter was indeed sent from Moon Shadow Island, and someone on the island must have asked his uncle to investigate about Keiji Aso.”

“Conan is right! It is very likely that Mr. Aso’s friend entrusted this matter, so I think it is better to ask the village chief first, maybe something new will be discovered. ”

Xiaolan also agreed with Conan’s statement.

However, He Yun shook his head.

If he can’t remember the other plots clearly, then he still has an impression of the plot of Moon Shadow Island.

The main thing is that he remembers that the murderer was a man dressed as a woman.

“Just now I heard that the village chief will be at the civic hall…”

Kogoro looked at the travel brochure of Tsukikage Island and prepared to go to the village chief first.

“Kenta must obediently take medicine, so that the cold will heal quickly!”


“Aunt Chengshi, bye.”

“Bye bye!”

At this moment, they heard a conversation at the door of a nearby clinic, and Xiaolan did not trust her father’s ability to recognize the way, so she went up and asked.

“Excuse me, may I ask, how to go to the civic hall?”

“Oh, turn right in front and go straight to the end… Are you from out of town? ”

The doctor, named Chengshi, suddenly asked.

“Well, we’re from Tokyo.”

Xiaolan answered truthfully.

“Really, I’m from Tokyo, too! You see, the environment of this island is much better than Tokyo! Not only is the air fresh, but the environment is also quiet…”

“In order to protect the fishing grounds on the island and the rights and interests of the islanders, please support the people’s advocate, Masato Shimizu.”

Just as she was speaking, a car whizzed by, the horn was so loud that it snapped in the face.

“I’m about to choose the village chief, so it’s been a bit noisy on the island lately.”

Dr. Cheng Shi explained with a smile on his face.

“Choosing a village chief?”

Kogoro said smoothly, and then regretted it.

“yes! There are three candidates, in addition to the fishermen’s representative Masato Shimizu, the current village chief Tatsuji Kuroiwa, whose popularity has recently declined, and Hideo Kawashima, the richest rich man on the island.

Well, judging by the content of the conversations of the patients in the clinic, Mr. Kawashima is the most likely to be elected…”

Dr. Cheng Shi suddenly began to gush.

“Miss Nurse, we have no interest in the election of village chief…”

Kogoro quickly interrupted in embarrassment.

“My name is Asai Chengshi, it’s a voice here, it’s not a nurse!”

Asai introduced himself.

“Ah! I really can’t see Tarzan…”

Kogoro quickly apologized.

He Yun watched with interest.

Haibara asked secretly in his ear.

“Yunjun, what are you thinking?”

In fact, Asai Chengji’s appearance is quite good, except that it is a little flat, it is indeed possible to attract men.

“The name Chengshi can be a man or a woman.”

In the pronunciation of neon, “chengshi” is two polyphonetic words, and He Yun whispered in Haiyuanai’s ear, without letting others hear it.

“Huh? Yunjun, what do you mean? ”

Haiyuan Ai was still so smart, and he immediately understood what He Yun meant.

“That’s what it means.”

He Yun secretly gave Haiyuan Ai a look.

“If you want to go to the Civic Hall now, you can meet the three people I just mentioned.”


“Because of the second anniversary of the death of former village chief Isamu Kameyama, this evening is held there!”

Asai said so.

“The former village chief…”

“Two anniversary?” _

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