The moment the mask man turned around, Conan was frightened.

Especially when he saw the masked man walking towards him, he was even worse in the secret passage, and quickly lay back to his original position.

“Is the imp awake?”

Fumiyo Edogawa asked.

“Not yet, sleep sweetly, the medicinal effect seems to have not subsided.”

The masked man crouched down in the doorway and looked at it, so in response.

He Yundu, who was playing a field of vision on the side, was happy.

In the video, Conan lies on the ground with his back to the door, his eyes wide open and his appearance is completely filmed, and He Yun took a screenshot of it, ready to take it out later to have fun.

“But is he really Kudo Shinichi? It doesn’t look like it any way. ”

“Yes, I’m not entirely sure, but after Kudo Shinichi disappeared, the little ghost appeared in the detective agency, and since he appeared, the efficiency of the office has inexplicably improved a lot.”

Faced with the questioning of the man, Edogawa Fumiyo voiced his inference.

“Judging from his agility in escaping during the day, he looks like Kudo Shinichi himself, and he must have drunk the poison newly developed by the organization to become smaller.”

“Oh! You mean the medicine that the organization forced him to kill his mouth at that time. The mask man seemed to understand something: “But, isn’t that medicine a murderous poison?” ”

“So, I don’t quite believe that the drug can make people smaller.”

“Otherwise, let’s do an experiment!”

“What test?”

“The organization also has the exact same poison for me, as long as you give this medicine to others, you can find out if it will shrink people!”

The mask man took out a box from his pocket, and after opening it, eight capsules were neatly placed inside.

“Good is good, but who to look for?”

Edogawa Fumiyo also felt that it was feasible.

“Hmph, just find the object of tomorrow’s transaction, the organization wants us to solve that person immediately after the transaction is over, anyway, he will have to die sooner or later.”

The mask man’s words made Conan feel frightened.

This organization, as always, is still cruel.

“But what if this medicine really can only shrink the human body?”

Edogawa Fumiyo was still a little worried.

“It’s not simple, first slaughter the man on the spot, and then go back and clean up this little ghost!”

“Wait! Didn’t the superior say that this little ghost is a special case of the side effects of poison, and we want to capture it alive for testing? ”

Edogawa Fumiyo’s tone was different, as if he was worried about the failure of his mission.

“Hmph! How can you let the person who knows the secret of the organization live, anyway, sooner or later it will have to be dissected, and the living and dead are not the same, and if the superior asks him at that time, it will be good to say that it is to prevent him from escaping, so he shot and killed. ”

“But… But…”

“Less verbosity!”

The masked man directly pulled out his gun and aimed it at Fumiyo Edogawa’s head.

“That’s what I did, if I talk about it in Rory, I’m afraid there will be another corpse.”

“I… I understand! ”

“You are only a grassroots member of the organization, but you joined the organization relatively early, and the two people next to you can’t wait to watch your self-defeating behavior and give them the opportunity to climb up.”

The mask man said so, and Conan did not see He Yun and the two from the door hole before, but now he also knows the intelligence of the other party and knows the number of enemies.

“Did you contact his trading location tomorrow?”

“Contacted, in the old way…”

“The trading time is one o’clock in the afternoon, so rest well tonight!”

After that, it was quiet outside, only some footsteps and the sound of furniture moving.

After waiting a little longer, Conan heard no sound outside before tiptoeing up from the ground and coming to the doorway to look out quietly.

This time, he tried his best to see everything he could see outside.

The masked man was lying on the sofa, the mask was already looking terrible, combined with what he said before, it only made Conan shudder.

And the other two, Conan also saw, a man and a woman, but both with their backs to themselves, both wearing the driver’s clothes, presumably new members who had just joined the black-clad organization.

Just like the masked man said, looking for an opportunity to climb up.

All three sat in chairs, either on their sides or backs, but apart from Fumiyo Edogawa, the other two Conan did not know each other.

After searching the room, Conan found a wine bottle and couldn’t help but feel glad that his feet were not tied.

Wrap the bottle with a mat and smash it hard against the wall.


A muffled sound came out, Conan secretly said badly, carefully waited for a while, came to the doorway, found that they were not awake, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of this time, he quickly used glass shards to cut the rope tied to his body with difficulty.

It’s just that his current location is on the second floor, and with his child’s physical fitness, even if there is blood underneath, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not fracture.

Just when Conan wanted to hide in the refrigerator first, he suddenly heard a ticking sound.

A closer check reveals that it is the sound of wine leaking from the broken bottle seeping under the floor.

This is….

Early the next morning, it was just dim.

“What! The imp is gone! ”

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