Sold the art museum that you couldn’t easily buy?

How could Shinaka do such a thing.

Although there are two beautiful chicks in front of him, he will not buy and sell at a loss because the other party is beautiful.

“Mr. Manaka, don’t rush to refuse, we can go to the office over there and talk.”

Haibara pointed to the nearby office, where they had already borrowed it from the museum staff when they came over.

After Shinaka looked at the office that didn’t even open the curtains, he didn’t know what was going on in his mind, and nodded with a bad smile on his face.

Haihara and another woman entered the office first, and Manaka asked the others to wait for him outside, so he followed them into the office and closed the door.

And then….


A sound of electricity flashed, and Machinaka became numb and fell to the ground.

“Assistant Haibara…”

The other woman who followed Haihara Ai was full of helplessness.

“Don’t worry, Secretary Ishibashi, I strictly follow the instructions to control, only paralysis, no other side effects.”

Saying that, Haihara Ai also called Machinaka again with a smile, and his fat body kept twitching, but his consciousness was still very clear.

“Boss Zhenchu, times have changed!”

Although it was only a slight expression on his face, how could Haihara Ai not see the evil look of Zhenzhong.

Makanaka wanted to reply, but he couldn’t control his body at all now, but he could feel that his body seemed to be slowly recovering, and the other party’s current didn’t seem to be turning on much.

After seeing that the other party could not move, the woman named Ishibashi took out a document from her bag and began to read.

“In May ’93, the owner of Fangxin Real Estate died mysteriously, and not long after, his company was acquired by the real boss you…”

“In July ’94, the owner of the Bahrain Hotel declared bankruptcy and sold the hotel to the owner of the real man…”

“In September ’95, the owner of Dongkao Villa left his family overnight and sold the villa to the owner of Zhenchu at a low price…”

One by one, the past deeds were told.

If you just listen to the first half, it seems to be the history of Zhenzhong’s fortune.

But after reading the second half, Zhenchu finally recovered a little of his body, and his face changed greatly.

“After the owner of Fangxin Real Estate died from the killer, the process of the transaction and the flow of the transaction amount, the killer has provided evidence, and the employer is the real boss you.”

“The owner of the Bahrain restaurant declared bankruptcy because the boss of Manaka you bought his cooks, resulting in a large number of diners suffering from food poisoning, which caused them to compensate a large amount of money and declare bankruptcy.”

“The owner of Dongkao Villa, Neon who left after receiving intimidation for a month in a row, the person in charge of intimidation has admitted that he did this under the instructions of your boss of Manaka.”

One by one, the evidence of the crime is not just lip service, but really out the documents.

Shinaka, who barely got up from the ground, looked at the electric baton that Haihara pointed at him, and then looked at the evidence they showed him, there were photos, there were audio recordings, there were bank transfer records.

The charges were densely written on seven or eight pages of A4 paper.

“Boss Zhenzhong, if you sign this contract, we will hand over these charges to you, if you are not willing, we will hand these charges to the government, and when you are imprisoned, we will obtain this art museum in the form of a conference auction.”

Ai Haihara threw a contract into Machinaka’s hands.

Machinaka opened the contract with trembling hands, and after sweeping it at a professional speed, he could be sure that this was a very serious acquisition contract, there were no loopholes on it, and if the amount was aside, there was no other place to pit him.


“500W yen to buy my museum? Why don’t you go rob? ”

Manaka felt like he was crazy.

When he bought the museum, he spent 100 million yen, not just to transform it into a hotel to make money.

But now, is the other party ready to directly evaporate his more than 90 million directly in the world?

“Look what you said, how can we do such a thing as robbery.”

Ai Haihara is embarrassed to say that she has snatched 1 billion.

“You only have ten minutes to think about it, and if you don’t decide soon, the information will soon be in the hands of the police.”

Fumiko Ishibashi is not prepared to talk nonsense with this Manaka.

She is actually just a graduate of Mihua University secretarial major this year, and she has just walked out of college, and she has a passion in her heart to contribute to this society, but she did not expect that as soon as she came out, she encountered a social scum.

She actually wanted to send this person directly to the police station.

But what Ishibashi Wemiko admires more is her boss who she has not met until now.

It was possible to get this evidence overnight.

“Hmph, pen for me, I’ll sign!”

His body had probably recovered, but Machinaka did not dare to act rashly.

If this information were obtained by the police, he would have been shot a hundred times, just losing some money.

People under the roof, wait for the end of the matter here, and then go to take revenge on these two people.

Yunhe Technology? What an art museum a tech company buys!

Manaka violently signed his name on the contract, got up and sorted out his clothes, left the office very angrily, and slammed the door.

And Ai Haihara and Fumiko Ishibashi looked at each other and smiled, the task was completed!

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