“What are you talking about? Didn’t I call just now? I’m the one who kidnapped your daughter…”

On the other end of the phone, there was an emotionless voice.

“How… How can it be? The kidnappers have obviously been…”

Mr. Gu was surprised again, he felt that the number of surprises today exceeded the number of times in his life.

“Damn, you really have accomplices…”

Kogoro gritted his teeth and looked at Aso.

“I didn’t lie to you! I am really the only one who kidnapped Miss, please believe me! ”

Aso’s face was also incredulous, and he couldn’t understand the current situation.

“The young lady should have been ‘kidnapped’ by the Aso butler and then kidnapped by another kidnapper.”

At this time, He Yun stood up and explained, but before anyone else could agree with this view, a little girl’s shout came from the other end of the phone.

“Dad! Help me! ”

“Jing… Akiko! ”

The kidnapper: “Hehehe, I don’t have much patience, if I don’t hurry up and prepare 300 million yen, I’ll be stupid for this little ghost…”

Mr. Gu: “No, don’t!” I will try to do it, please don’t hurt Jingzi…”

At this time, Kogoro secretly stepped forward and whispered.

“Mr. Gu, find more topics to talk to him about, and try to find out the location of the kidnappers…”

The idea is good, but Mr. Gu doesn’t seem to be so smart, and for Kogoro’s words, he actually turned his head and asked with some uncertainty: “So… Location? ”

“Who? Who is there for you? Wouldn’t it be the police? If you mess around…”

The kidnapper was directly ready to threaten, but Akiko was not an ordinary little girl, and immediately called out clues at this time.

“Dad, I’m in the school warehouse! I don’t know where, but there are such big chimneys outside the windows… Hmm~”

“Hey, I’ll contact you again in an hour, you hurry up and get the money ready!”

After speaking, the kidnapper hung up the phone.

No matter how Mr. Gu shouted into the phone, it was just a busy “beep”.

Hearing the clue, He Yun was also relieved.

In this way, when you find people, it seems much more reasonable.

“Since the crime, it has not been long, and with the little girl, I can’t run far, where there are chimneys, either bathhouses or factories, there are five schools nearby where you can see the chimneys…”

He Yun immediately began to analyze.

Conan listened and nodded.

“Yunjun, you have only been in Tokyo for a month, why are you so familiar with the map of the vicinity…”

Kogoro listened to the five schools He Yun said with a look of disbelief.

These five schools, he doesn’t know without looking at the map.

“I read the map when I came to Tokyo, and I already have it in my head.”

He Yun nodded his temple.

“…… It’s really powerful, no, we will immediately split up to find the kidnappers, I will contact the police! ”

Although Kogoro usually looks unreliable, at the critical moment, he still knows what he is going to do, and while taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, he runs out.

Conan also immediately followed, and Xiaolan saw Conan running around, and quickly chased after him and lifted Conan up.

Only He Yun slowly walked out of the house, watched Xiaogoro get into a taxi, and also stopped another car, seeing Conan break free from Xiaolan and run up.

“Trouble to go to Erqiao Middle School, please hurry.”

He Yun didn’t bother to care about them, opened his mouth directly, and took out a 10,000-yuan bill from his pocket.

The taxi driver pressed the hat he was wearing on his head and went straight into the state.

“Wait, He Jun… Nihashi Middle School doesn’t seem to see the chimney! ”

Conan questioned directly.

“Conan, how can you call He Jun, you want to call brother.” Xiaolan directly opened her mouth to educate, and then also questioned: “Yes, cousin, you didn’t seem to say Erqiao Middle School just now.” ”

“Those five schools where you can see the chimney, Uncle Maori and the police will go to find someone, then we might as well make an assumption,” He Yun raised his finger: “What if Jingzi sees not the chimney?” ”

He Yun’s words directly shocked the two in their hearts.

yes, if it wasn’t a chimney to see, what would it be?

“The prisoner said that he would contact again when he was an hour, and he didn’t seem to be ready to transfer, so I think that either the prisoner thinks we can’t find him, or the information provided by Akiko is wrong.”

He Yun’s words made the two of them pause.

“Just, why did you go to Erqiao Middle School?”

Xiaoran asked the question Conan wanted to ask.

“You’ll know when you arrive.”

He Yun specially sold a pass.

The two held expectations in their hearts, until the taxi came to the gate of Erqiao Middle School, and after the two got off the bus, they understood what He Yun meant.

“That building…”

Conan and Xiaolan’s faces were full of surprise.

At this moment, Conan’s evaluation of He Yun changed.

Before this, he only knew that He Yun was an otaku with excellent grades, who would sleep when he was sleepy in class, and only when he slept could the teacher lecture a little fluently, and after school, he did not participate in any club activities, just went home to eat snacks and play games and watch dramas.

He and Xiaolan went to He Yun’s house once, and later came to the evaluation that he was an otaku who loves cleanliness.

Now it seems that he is not only excellent academically, but even a very strong reasoning master.

Conan understood that if it were him, he would definitely look for the five schools that He Yun mentioned at the beginning, and as for whether he would use the side of the building as a chimney, he was not sure that he could find it.

“Let’s go inside and take a look.”

Little Langliso jumped over the school wall, while He Yun and Conan climbed up from the railing of the school gate.

Conan glanced at He Yun with some contempt, his body has become smaller, resulting in a decline in physical fitness, so it is not easy to get in, but you are a high school student……** Aren’t people able to do kung fu?

“Don’t look at me like this, in the otaku, my physical fitness is good.”

After climbing over the railing of almost three meters, He Yun explained for himself.

Xiaolan is embarrassed to look at He Yun, in this month’s physical fitness test, He Yun’s physical ability is just passing among boys.

Sure enough, does being smart come at a cost?

Xiaolan found a reason for her results.

Without too much entanglement, the three sneaked to the outside of the warehouse in the school playground.

As soon as they got closer, they heard movement from the warehouse, the sound of cans falling to the floor.

Sure enough, there are people!

He Yun took out a small stick from his arms, estimated to be only ten centimeters long and two centimeters in diameter, with a red button on it.

He Yun’s right hand shook, the stick suddenly extended to half a meter, pressed the red button above, and only saw a trace of electric light flashing.

“Xiaolan, do you want to use this?”

He Yun whispered.

“No need.”

Shaking her head, Xiaolan pulled open the door of the warehouse.

Inside, a dealer wearing a hat and Jingzi with a rope tied to his body and tape on his mouth.


He Yun was embarrassed to open his eyes and look.

Meeting Xiaolan in the process of crime is the biggest misfortune in your life.

PS: Newcomers please take care! (ω)

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