However, compared to the four people who were busy on their way, An Luo was still making up his own mind. He was only considering that the general environment might not be able to expel them from the island, so he unconsciously stared at the cicada that kept singing on the tree.

The moment the ugly cicada came into view, the devil seemed to be whispering in his ear, causing him to gradually capture it with telekinesis, and took the initiative to fly in front of everyone on this hot day, reminding them from a distance that this was the countryside. And there will be a lot of insects in the countryside.

But before he actually started to implement it, a bumblebee suddenly flew over from a distance.

The eye-catching bumblebee and the scalp-numbing buzzing sound instantly made the five people in the group go crazy.

To be precise...the three members of the Baiyin family, who were already half-dead from the heat, exploded.

"——Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Kei didn't care about the heat or anything else, he screamed and hid behind An Luo, directly burying his face on his back, as if to escape from reality and at the same time Avoid exposing your face to wasps.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!" Bai Yin's father also directly pressed down his hat, let out a shocking scream, abandoned the four of them on the spot, and fled towards the town at a speed of 100 meters. , and his voice came from far away: "——I'll wait for you at the hotel! Just take your time!"

"Mazu, Mamonosuke, prepare to fight!"

Megumin, who was not afraid of ordinary insects but was also afraid of wasps, quickly picked up Maunosuke who had just been thrown to the ground because of the heat. With a tight face, she pointed the cat in the direction of the wasps, just like pointing the muzzle of a machine gun at the enemy. As if, it keeps turning the cat's mouth, ready to make it spit fire.

Baiyin Yuxing is very quiet, even calmer than An Luo, but...if you look closely, you can find that he is not calm but the most exaggerated one, because his body is tense and stiff. He was still standing there with his eyes open and lost consciousness.

This extraordinary ability made An Luo couldn't help but sigh. There are indeed countless mysteries in the human body, and it can even do this kind of thing.

.....Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, but they fly apart when disaster strikes.

This sentence has a similar effect in Baiyin's family, but they have changed from a couple to a family, and the "catastrophe" has turned into a small insect.

Generally speaking, a friend in need is a friend indeed, but the Baiyin family seems to have fallen apart before even encountering a bug.

"... Being afraid of insects to such an extent is considered a family inheritance to some extent, right?"

An Luo looked at the last figure of Bai Yin's father in the distance, then looked back at the girl holding him behind him, and finally looked at Bai Yin Yuxing, who was the least resistant to bugs and the most exaggerated in Bai Yin's family. , I couldn't help laughing, but I also confirmed in my heart that these three people were actually a real family of three.

"Don't, don't talk about this! Hurry up! Hurry up and get rid of that wasp!"

The girl behind him heard his voice that seemed to have nothing to do with her, and started urging anxiously. An Luo looked at the wasp very calmly, and for some reason the wasp was spinning around them, and the corners of his mouth turned up to reveal a smile.

"It's probably because the cosmetics you use contain ingredients similar to wasp pheromones, or the chemically synthesized substances and smells in the cosmetics imitate the scent of natural flowers, and that's why it's ushered in. If so, I'll take action on your behalf. It’s time to wipe your butt, well, although as a brother I don’t mind wiping your butt, I have a little request before that.”

"What you described is disgusting! Act quickly!"

"No, you have to call me brother, so that I can have the motivation to act."

An Luo, whose favorite thing to do is to take advantage of others, has no shame at all and even takes advantage of others very skillfully. He is ready to use this opportunity to let the girl who always preaches to him understand that he is the real family. Lord!

"——No, it's okay!" Megumin, who didn't want An Luo to succeed, even though her whole body was shaking slightly, still held up Maunosuke and said calmly: "Kei! Don't trust An Luo! Just leave it to me. ! I am the greatest magician of the Crimson Demon Clan! How, how could I be afraid of a mere little bee!"

"Megumin, your voice is trembling, isn't it? And...don't you take a closer look at Maunosuke's situation?"


After listening to An Luo's voice, he observed Maunosuke's situation, and immediately discovered that an invisible force had blocked Maunosuke's mouth, making it impossible for him to open his mouth and breathe out fire to destroy the wasps.

Discovering that An Luo had used telekinesis to prevent Maunosuke from breathing fire, she couldn't help but point her trembling fingers at him: "You, you, you, you! What have you done! How despicable is this!"

"What are you doing?" An Luo slapped Huihui on the head without even thinking about it.

"It hurts!" Huihui, who had been educated, stared at him with her head in her hands: "Do you want to fight!?"

"Can you be normal? What on earth did you ask Maunosuke to do in broad daylight? Is your head okay?"

"——My head hurts! If you don't believe me, I'll give it to you too!"

Megumin, who was covering her head, stood up angrily and wanted to roll up her sleeves and give him a slap on the head.

"No...I'm not asking if your head hurts..."

An Luo was speechless. He put one hand on Megumin's head and pushed her away, while the other hand pinched the back of Maunosuke's neck and threw away the black cat that always caused trouble for him.

Before Megumin could express her grievance for Mamanosuke, the wasp turned around and swooped over again, causing Megumin to shout "Wow!", followed Shirogane Kei's footsteps, and hid with him. Behind his back.

"Oh, oh...Wasp, that's good!"

At the moment when the two girls were hiding closely behind him, An Luo looked at the wasp flying towards him, but found that it, which did not look very beautiful, seemed to become cute at this moment.

In the past, An Luo just wanted to scold a naughty kid grabbing bugs and scaring girls. How could this be fun? But now he discovered that - this is really fun!

"You two, don't worry! I'm my brother! Even if I sacrifice you two, I will never let it bite me!" Ready to show off, An Luo did it with a high mood. As an elder brother Declaration as it should be.

"Huh?" Shirogane Kei, who was still trembling, was stunned. Megumin grabbed his arm from behind and bit him: "You scumbag...what are you talking about?"

"Ah, I made a mistake. It hurts. Don't bite, don't bite..." An Luo, who was a little too used to cheating others, pushed Hui Hui's head away and coughed dryly and corrected: " It’s me, brother! Even if I sacrifice myself, I will never let it bite you!”

"——Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up!" Gui almost jumped in a hurry, but An Luo took out his mobile phone in a hurry, shook his head and said: "No, you haven't called me brother yet."

"You still care about this at this time?!"

"Of course you have to care. I am a principled man."

No matter what the girls behind him said, An Luo stuck to his principles, and the result goes without saying.

"...Brother, brother-sama!...That's okay!" Bai Yingui, who couldn't be stubborn in the face of fear, endured the shame and tightly grabbed his clothes and pressed his head against him Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for her to speak out even if she was beaten to death.


"It's not enough, Huihui has to scream too!"

An Luo refused without even thinking about it, which made Megumin behind him, who was trying to get away with it, wanted to give him a burst of explosive magic, but... She was much more unruly than Kei in the face of fear, but she It was relatively easy to hold on to the tainted shame and slowly said, "...Brother..."

"Louder! I can't hear you!"

"——You, you bastard, Onii-sama! Onii-sama!! That's it!"

"Very good! My lovely sisters! Let me protect them!"

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the wasp flew into his palm as if it had been sent directly to his door.



There is another precious recording in An Luo's mobile phone, and correspondingly...a life has also disappeared from this world.

"...I will definitely remember you forever."

He squatted on the ground, picked up the wasp whose life was taken away by him but whose body was still intact, and planned to make it into a specimen and take it back as a souvenir.

A normal person would be either stupid or masochistic if he caught a wasp with his hands, but he relied on telekinesis to wrap his palm so that the wasp's sting could not hit him at all.

Of course, he didn't flatten it directly, but used the power of his mind to form fine needles to destroy the abdominal nerve chain that was not on the head, but on the abdomen. The main part of the nervous system was rendered lifeless, and only then was it completely preserved. The corpse of this little insect.

And the way he looked very regretful and regretful after picking up the wasp carcass made Gui, who was already quite unhappy, couldn't help but feel disgusted: "What on earth are you doing? It's disgusting, hurry up and leave!"

"...This beast that takes advantage of people's danger..."

Huihui was also mercilessly attacking from the side, but her condition at the moment was quite bad. To be precise, she seemed to have lost her soul. Her eyes were looking at the distance with empty eyes, and she had no intention of looking at An Luo.

It was clear that the crisis had been resolved, but she still couldn't be happy. Even when she called An Luo "brother," she felt that she had lost something important.

"Yes, let's go, let's go."

He didn't care about the hostility between the two sisters. He just felt that all the grievances in the past had been settled. He felt refreshed and walked in front of him with high spirits. Of course... before leaving, he kicked her to freeze her state. The silver royal line of consciousness.

"Hey, hey??"

Under the intervention of external forces, Baiyin Yuxing regained consciousness, staggered and almost fell down, but after looking left and right for a while, he didn't understand what just happened. He just breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the crisis seemed to have been resolved.

"I don't know what happened, but has the wasp run away? It's great~" Baiyin Yuxing patted his chest, smiled and took deep breaths to ease his nervousness.

But as soon as he said these words, he noticed his two sisters, whose eyes seemed to be particularly cold when they looked at him, as if they were looking at An Luo in the past.

"What, what's wrong? Xiaogui? Huihui? Did you get me and An Luo wrong?" Baiyin Yuxing looked confused, like a passerby who was shot innocently, while An Luo acted more innocent and dissatisfied. 's retort: ​​"Yu Xing, are you going too far? What do you mean by making a mistake with me??"

"...What do you two have to fight about? One is timid and the other is despicable. They are a perfect match! You should just get married!"

Bai Yin Gui glared hatefully at An Luo who was taking advantage of the situation, and at the same time glanced at Bai Yin Yuxing, who was useless at the critical moment and allowed An Luo to sneak in. He left them behind and walked toward the hotel. I'm going to talk about the adult who left them alone and ran faster than anyone else.

Megumin, on the other hand, had an empty smile, and after glancing at the two of them, she simply followed Kei with a vacuous pace that made people feel no trace of life. It was obvious that she didn't even want to pay attention to the two of them.

The attitude of the two people naturally made Baiyin Yuxing as confused as a two-foot-tall monk. He could only look at An Luo for help: "What happened just now? Why are the two of them like this?"

"Well... it should be that uncle left us and ran away, so he took his anger out on us, right?"

Without even thinking about it, An Luo transferred all his firepower to the man who escaped first. He would never say from his own mouth that most of the people who really made the two of them so angry were actually him.

"——Wha, what?! That bastard dad actually asked us to take the blame?!"

Because this kind of thing was so similar to what his father would do, even though he didn't see it with his own eyes, Baiyin Yuxing immediately gritted his teeth and wanted to teach his father a lesson like his sister, who had never been reliable.

Of course, he also heard An Luo being accused of being despicable, but this was almost all An Luo's label, so he didn't think too much about it.

In response, An Luo just turned his face away, turned his gaze to the distance and looked at the surrounding grass, pretending not to know anything, and lamented the heat of this summer.


Tiaobai Island is not big. With a map, as long as you don't run into the forest or wander around the town, you won't get lost unless you are a real road addict.

Therefore, An Luo was not worried about getting lost with the Baiyin family who had a map for everyone. However... what made him more depressed was that the person following him closely was Baiyin Yuxing. , and the frightened bird was even more frightened than before, and would immediately hide behind him if there was any movement in the woods.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a half-naked man with a bare upper body walked towards him.

"Isn't this An Luo? It's really rare that you are not with Bai Yu."

Mitani Ryoichi, who was used to wanting to take off his shirt when he was half-naked everywhere, seemed very surprised when he saw An Luo, because recently when he met An Luo, he always saw Bai Yu's figure.

But while he was surprised that Bai Yu was not there, he also found Bai Yin Yuxing who was next to An Luo. For some reason, he seemed to be very wary of him, even half-hiding behind An Luo. He couldn't help but wonder: "This is .....Who? Not from the island, right?"

"This is my brother, Baiyin Yuxing. He just came to this island for a trip, but he probably won't stay for long."

"Oh...your brother is here for a trip."

Thinking of the rumors on the island, that An Luo's cousin and uncle would force him to drink, and even make An Luo addicted to alcohol, the smile on Ryoichi's face disappeared, and he directly chose to avoid them, and passed by Shirogane When Yu Xing was beside him, he spat on the ground, his face full of contempt and shame.

"...Why did that person just now have his upper body naked?" Shirogane Mikado, who already knew that he was not welcome, was not surprised by this behavior that was obviously disgusting with him. He just carefully looked at Ryoichi's back, It's weird why he's seriously thinking about being shirtless after a while here.

"Because he feels comfortable that way."

"haha a......"

Baiyin Yuxing silently equated the weirdo in his mind, and this time... An Luo did not lie, nor was there any mixed and twisted information.

In addition, regarding Baiyin Yuxing's innocent situation of being ostracized, he could only say that it was not his fault. It was really an unlucky time for them to come, or they should not have come here.

Fortunately, they didn't meet anyone else and arrived at the only hotel on the island normally.



The hotel is still the same one when Anluo landed on the island. After all, there is only one like this on the entire island. The price is quite affordable. Even the Baiyin family can afford it... Of course, it must be when you are rich. The important thing is that one of the rooms was paid for by An Luo.

In order to prevent his situation from being exposed and not to say that he was living in a girl's house, An Luo deliberately checked in again in the morning. It was still the same room as when he came to the island, which was originally intended for Huihui. , now Megumin and Shirogane Kei live together.

The other two men had to check in and get a new room. However, when Shirogane Yuxing went to fill out the form, Shirogane's father was scolded by Shirogane and shut himself up for a while, but quickly recovered. I looked around confusedly at the entrance of the store.

Comparing the situation of Baiyin Yuxing, he found that the people on the island were obviously strangers, but for some reason they looked at him in a wrong way. They were even harsher than the generally cold look at his son, and could even be called contempt. .

"...It's so strange. Is my trendy outfit so ugly?"

In order to have fun on this island, he specially changed into a red and white checkered beach shirt on the boat. Although Kei's taste in this dress was very contemptuous, he had always felt good about himself. Now because of everyone's His eyes were really shaken by his own taste.

An Luo, who was just beside him, was speechless about his preference, but as the only person who knew the truth of the matter, he still had no intention of telling the truth. After all, the problem with Bai Yin's father was not just a rumor he inadvertently spread. What was more, it was his own speech at the port. It was entirely his fault that Bai Yin's father underestimated the island's rumor spreading ability and speed.

While An Luo was silently watching Shirogane's father, who was not at all like an adult, Kei, who was used to being angry and venting his anger through his father, suddenly pulled him from behind and looked up at him as usual. He said in a calm tone: "Let's go to the room first. I want to take a shower."

"Understood, come with me."

Knowing that girls definitely hate being covered in sweat, An Luo smiled and nodded in understanding, grabbed Megumin, who was still as if she had lost her soul, and just dragged her and Kei towards them. The innermost room on the second floor.

When An Luo took out the key and opened the door, Gui behind him asked thoughtfully: "Speaking of which... I didn't seem to see any restaurants when I first came here. If Brother An Luo has been on this island recently, Where should we go to eat? It won’t all be solved by cup noodles, right?”

"How come, there is a delicious restaurant not far from here, it tastes very good? You can go and try it later."

"Then what do you usually eat?" Kei asked casually while packing his luggage as he walked into the room.


An Luo, who had never actually been to that restaurant, didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, he had only passed by a few times and it was difficult for him to guess what was in the restaurant without any sign.

"What's wrong??"

"Just ordinary curry or something~"

"Do you eat curry every day?"

"The curry is good! Although it is Indian food, it has already become mainstream in the Asia-Pacific region!"

".....What nonsense are you talking about?"

Although An Luo was often led away, it was not that Gui was stupid but that An Luo was too cunning. However, this time Gui's clever little mind sensed the smell of deception, because his words were a bit too deliberate.

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