An Luo was hit hard by the unexpected answer, and he closed himself up with one hand on his forehead, feeling ridiculous for his previous joy.

His strange reaction made the girl very puzzled, but she just looked at him twice and said nothing. She focused on staring at the fishing rod again or...waiting for him to leave on his own initiative.


When the two of them didn't speak, the surroundings soon became quiet, and only the sound of the waves continued to echo.

An Luo was shocked and quiet for a while, sighed and was about to get up and leave, but the girl who was fishing raised her head and looked at him as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Glowing butterflies... I think I saw them last year."

"... Comics?" This time it was An Luo's turn, wondering if he was talking about comics.

"No, on the street."

"Eh, really?? Why didn't you say it just now??"

"I forgot, because...that kind of butterfly is very rare, but every summer, I seem to see one or two."

"Oh, oh! Is it true?" The unexpected surprise made An Luo couldn't help but confirm it twice. Bai Yu nodded slightly: "It's true, but... no one seems to know him."

When saying this, Bai Yu's expression seemed to become a little dull. It seemed that she had told people about this in the past, but no one believed it. That's why she couldn't help but look at An with an expectant expression. Luo: "Can you see it too? The glowing butterfly."

"I don't know, but I should be able to see it."


"To put it simply, although I haven't seen it, I think I should be able to see it...probably."

"I haven't seen it, why do you know?"

"I heard it."

".....It is said that?"

"Well, it doesn't matter how I know. What's important is that you can talk to me in detail about butterflies?"

An Luo simply put aside the girl's confusion, and with some unconcealed excitement, he bent forward slightly and stared at her, hoping to get the information he was interested in from her.

However...the girl who reflexively distanced herself slightly from him was unable to give him the information he expected.

Because this girl had a very vague impression of the so-called luminous butterfly. Not only had she not seen that kind of butterfly this year, but the location of the butterfly she had accidentally seen in the past years was also very uncertain. It could not give him enough reference at all. The only thing she brought The value of the visit is probably the fact that this butterfly does exist on this island.

But for now, this is enough.

An Luo, who planned to let this girl who could see butterflies come to help find butterflies, took a look at the girl who had started fishing again. After thinking about it for a while, he came up with a strategy that he thought should be good, and asked with a smile: "You Why fish here.”


"Really? So what do you want to catch."



The too concise answer made An Luo understand after two sentences. If this continues, the topic will not make substantial progress.

So he simply stopped laying the groundwork and directly planned to use the worst, most common and most effective method, that is, the power of money to impress the other party.

"Bai Yu, since you are so free, come and help me find the glowing butterfly. If you find it... um~ is there anything you want?"


"Then I'll pay to hire you? If I find it, I'll give you 50,000. How about that?"

"Not interested in."

"One hundred thousand? No, two hundred thousand."


"....Hey, can you give me some reaction?"

The girl always ignored her, which made An Luo, who kept raising the price, couldn't help but go crazy.

Chapter 2 Cursed by a witch?

"As long as I find it, I will get 200,000 yuan. This is definitely a very tempting condition, right?" In order to make the girl accept his money, An Luo tried to make her nod through analysis, so he said seductively: "I don't need you to give me the money." If you catch the butterfly, you just need to see it and tell me. You can kill two birds with one stone by killing time and making money, right? If you go part-time, you have to work 200 hours, and it will take nearly a month to earn eight hours a day. , and that’s the price at a convenience store in Tokyo, so you definitely won’t get such a high salary if you work part-time here.”


Although An Luo thought he was very sincere and analyzed all the interests and benefits to her, the girl still didn't give any reaction and even completely treated him as if he didn't exist.

This attitude made An Luo feel even more depressed, and he said as if he had made a major decision: "Okay, I understand, the price is 500,000, if it doesn't work, forget it."

After saying this, the girl finally turned to look at him, waved slightly at him and said, "Goodbye."

"...I'm talking about you..."


"Suppose I lose. You can make a price. I'll accept it as long as it's not too high."

"Huh?...Why did it become like this?"

Even though An Luo surrendered and gave up the initiative, Bai Yu showed a depressed expression and refused again without hesitation: "I don't need it."

"That two million! Isn't it a huge sum of money for a kid?"

"...That's not the problem." Faced with An Luo's stubbornness, Bai Yu understood that he would not give up easily. He couldn't help but look very troubled. At the same time, he also paid attention to revealing his true thoughts: "I don't need to use it." Where there is so much money, even if you give it to me, you are just causing trouble."

"Huh?....What stupid things are you talking about??"

An Luo was quite surprised by the speech that was completely inconsistent with his own values. Especially when he could see that the girl really felt that he was causing trouble to her, he felt a feeling in his heart that he wanted to complain but didn't know how to read him. The mood is full.



Are there people in this world who are not swayed by money, or who only feel trouble when too much money is in front of them?

Of course there is.

But most of them are people who have had no worries about food and clothing since childhood and are not familiar with the world, as well as rich people who don't care about money at all, and young and ignorant children who have no concept of money.

Generally speaking, they are already in junior high or high school. Although they generally do not worship money, they are already attracted by it... So what is the situation of the girl in front of her?

An Luo unconsciously stared at Bai Yu, which even made him shrink back in fear, but he still insisted on showing a kind smile, and pressed his hands down to comfort him: "Don't worry, I just want to discuss a deal with you. That's it. You may not be interested in money, but I think your family is still interested in money, right? Don't you want to use 2 million to reduce some of the burden on your family? For adults, 2 million is possible. It's not a lot, but it's definitely not a small number... If someone is very rich, just treat this as if I didn't say it, and we can talk about other things."

"No, my home is very ordinary, but...there is nothing where money is needed."

"Isn't there any use for the money... Then you can use the money to go to the mainland and buy a lot of clothes, or travel to Hawaii or something to have a good time?"

"Not interested in."

"...Okay, assuming you have no desires or desires, are there any elderly people at home?"


As Bai Yu spoke, he stepped back, but An Luo turned a deaf ear and continued: "Then you can imagine... First of all, your grandfather should be quite old. He is always in his sixties or seventies. Yes? Well, although it’s not good to say that, people tend to have more problems as they get older. It’s normal to break a bone after a sudden fall. Then you need to go to the hospital. Going to the hospital costs money. At this time, if Wouldn’t it be great to have extra funds to reduce the burden on the family?”

An Luo tried to help Bai Yu establish a good concept of money. At the same time, when he said these words, he felt like a salesman.

.....And to be honest, this was the first time he felt that it could be so difficult to give people money to do things.

However, although he does feel that he has worked hard,...

"No, grandpa's health is better than mine. Even if he fights with someone, it's hard to imagine losing. And he has medical insurance so there's no need to worry."

"Uh... are you getting stronger with age?"

"Probably...stronger than a bear."

Bai Yu was a little troubled and gave an answer that people didn't know how to evaluate.

She was not lying. When she was speaking, she also thought of the 77-year-old fisherman in her family, who was still an active fisherman. His muscles were bulging all over his body and he was so strong that it was intimidating just to look at him. I heard that he had been with Grandpa who fought with wild boars and bears.

Even if she could imagine it, it was hard for her to imagine that her grandfather, who was a little too strong, would suffer fractures due to a fall.

This situation had not happened for a long time, making An Luo feel that it was difficult to advance the topic, and seemed to have fallen into a strange dead end. Money is obviously so useful to him, but it seems to have no meaning to this girl. This probably makes the topic a fundamental conflict. Simply put, it is a conflict of values.


Just when An Luo was lost in thought, Bai Yu took the initiative to talk to him for the first time, which made him overjoyed and immediately said: "What? Are you ready to accept it?!"

"No." Bai Yu shook his head gently and whispered: "You may be interested in that kind of strange things, but I really can't help you. In addition, my words may sound a bit strange, but you still It would be better if you don’t have anything to do with me.”

"What's the meaning?"

"...If you don't want to get hurt, please listen to me."


"That's it anyway, goodbye."

After saying that, Bai Yu put away the fishing rod, turned around and left here.


An Luo, who was left in place, looked at the girl's retreating back, but felt confused.

At first, he thought that he was too pestering, so Bai Yu said such words on purpose, so that he would not pester her anymore, or maybe the words were just a simple warning, a subtle way of saying that if he didn't listen, he would ask his grandfather to teach him something. the meaning of.

But...when Bai Yu said these words, there was no feeling of boredom on his face. Instead, he looked a little sorry for him.

This made him puzzled, because he could not imagine the reason why the other party was apologetic to him. Could it be that the residents of this island are actually xenophobic, but this was not seen at all from Ryoichi Mitani, so what was the problem? Parents in Baiyu? Is it because Bai Yu's parents don't allow her to associate with strangers? Are you going to beat him up when you see him?

While thinking about it, An Luo had no intention of letting the other person go just like that. After all, judging from Bai Yu's previous words, it should be really difficult to meet the second person who can see the glowing butterfly. In this case, rather than spending a lot of effort To find the second person, it is better to focus on Bai Yu and let her assist him.

"If you are too soft, let someone threaten you with a gun... No, you don't have to do this kind of thing. It's really not harmful to a child who has no grievances and no grudges. But in this case, should you communicate with her parents? Give me some advice. Money allows them to arrange a summer vacation mission for Bai Yu?"

After all, An Luo, who still used telekinesis to drive his wheelchair, was talking to himself as he followed Bai Yu like a stalker, trying to understand the other person's preferences through long-distance observation.

Of would be humiliating to compare him to an ordinary stalker. He relies on telekinesis to detect and follow him unnoticed from 300 meters away. Even if he can see him, there is no way to tell that he is On track.

However, while following him, the girl about 300 meters in front of him suddenly stopped. After standing motionless on the spot for a while, for some unknown reason, she quickly turned around and walked back again.

Faced with this strange situation, An Luo thought about whether he should avoid it, but then he came up with a good idea. He stopped and used telekinesis to push the cart, and instead used his hands to push the outer frame of the wheelchair and drive the wheelchair with his hands. Wheelchairs, just like ordinary wounded people.

At the same time, he also stimulated the surrounding particles, causing the surrounding air to begin to distort, and the surrounding temperature immediately increased significantly. After pushing the wheelchair in the high temperature for a while... it was natural to meet the girl who had returned.

Seeing An Luo driving the wheelchair with both hands in the distance and sweating profusely at the same time, Bai Yu naturally thought from common sense that he was pushing the wheelchair with both hands all the way, that's why he was sweating so much, so he couldn't help but feel quite surprised.

When An Luo saw her, he pretended to be surprised: "Why are you back again? Have you changed your mind?"

"Compared to this... your feet are fine, aren't they?"

"I never said that my legs were fine, and I also said that I had a car accident not long ago, right?" An Luo, letting the sweat flow down his face, deliberately gasped and sighed: "Although I also want to I tried to walk out of the forest on my own like you, but... after just pushing the wheelchair, my feet hurt so bad that I could only sit down. And although I occasionally exercised before, I couldn't do it in the hospital. After lying down for too long, my body suddenly became weak, which is simply the interpretation of being powerless. Even if I drive the wheelchair with my hands, it seems that I can't go back by myself."

"...Is this so?" Bai Yu hesitated on the ground for a while, then walked behind him and said slowly: "I will push you."

"No, isn't this bad?"

"It's okay, and...I can't leave you here alone."

"Okay, although I'm very sorry, I'm still at your mercy, thank you."

An Luo, who had his back turned to the girl behind him, was full of apologies, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

The situation was exactly as expected, which made An Luo couldn't help but sigh. Although it was a bit troublesome to communicate with this type of girl, it was quite easy to take advantage of it.

He doesn't feel any guilt at all for deceiving a simple girl, or he has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. He is planning to have a good time in this environment where the conversation can last for a long time, which he has personally created. When he chatted with this girl and tried to find a way to get her to help him... the girl pushing him behind him actually spoke first.

"...When are you leaving?"

"Huh? Your question is really abrupt."

"...If you're looking for a butterfly, you'd better give up. It's hard to find. It's better to go back to the hospital to get your legs treated."

"No, no, no, why did you suddenly urge me to leave??"

Before he could start the next act of persuasion, the girl behind him persuaded him to leave this point. An Luo was caught off guard and had no idea what was going on. Why did his flawless plan have such a strange lapse?

"I just said it."


"It would be better if you don't have anything to do with me."

"So, why?"

"...Because, I will let bad things happen, and you will get hurt if you get too close to me."

"Oh..." An Luo stretched out his voice, and then couldn't help being speechless: "...Is this rural superstition?"

"No, you were too clingy just now, and you were too close to me for too long, so... it will probably happen soon."

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