After Megumin finished her food quickly while keeping an eye on him, the two walked out of the family restaurant and took the train together back to their place in this world.

An Luo changed into his casual clothes and glanced at the clock on the wall. Before going to the place where he worked, he looked at it as if he thought of something. He was also not allowed to work because he was not familiar with the history of this world. He was very interested. girl looking at history textbook.



Megumin responded without raising her head.

"Um, how should I say..." An Luo scratched his cheek, and stopped for a while before saying, "I'm sorry, you obviously have family, but I brought you here alone. .”

"What? Are you apologizing to me? Is this a serious topic all of a sudden? Or do you have some conspiracy?!" Megumin seemed to be startled, reflexively dropping the book in her hand and stepping back using her hands and feet. He took two steps and crossed his hands on his chest.

Chapter 16 Female Teacher Racing Late Night

Megumi's sudden defensive posture made An Luo very depressed and wanted to hit her on the head, but instead of taking action, she sighed, then reached out and put her head on it, messing with it at will. She had short hair and said depressedly: "What do you usually think of me? This time it is rare for me to tell you seriously."

"Don't mess with other people's hair, it's all messed up for you!"

Facing An Luo, who was rarely serious, Huihui, who was not very adaptable to the situation, seemed a little troubled. While protesting about having her hair messed up, her face was not very repulsive or even showed a distressed smile.

To be honest, it should be fine for her no matter where she is. Challenging the Demon King is really impossible from a practical point of view. To be honest, it would be a little lonely if she can't see her family. When she left home just to be independent and make a living, she would be Of course, adventurers should be prepared to never return home.

Therefore, in order to avoid An Luo's psychological burden, she rarely said in a serious voice: "Actually, it's nothing. Anyway, my family is very poor. With those ten million millets, I won't be hungry. It seems good to stay here, although There is no passionate battle, but... I can't be passionate about my battle."

"Yes, after all, you can only miss one blow."

"——Do you really want to quarrel?!"

Hui Hui, who was a little embarrassed before and was looking into the distance, suddenly raised her head, grabbed An Luo's collar and glared at him fiercely from bottom to top: "I happened to have eaten just now. If someone wants to quarrel with me, I will be very happy to accompany you." Oh! The Crimson Demon Clan is a clan that will always accompany someone if someone starts a fight!"

"It's just a joke, just a joke~ Anyway, calm down first."

"Don't you know what kind of jokes can be made and what kind of jokes must not be made?!"

"Put this aside for now. Don't you think your Red Demon clan has too many strange attributes?"

"Are you looking down on the Crimson Demons?! We are the most famous and powerful race in the world!"

"Yes, yes, but now you should go back and study hard. You can also watch TV when you are bored. I have to go to work almost, so you should take care of the house."

"Hey! How many times have I told you? Don't ignore me!"


An Luo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he seemed to be accustomed to the noise. Finally, he touched Hui Hui's head, turned around, waved and embarked on the way to work.

In this alien world where he actually had no friends, he only felt a special sense of security when he was with Megumin, a girl who had the same problem as him. It was as if he really had a naughty and cute sister. He couldn't help but He wanted to tease and love her... Of course, he would never tell Megumin about this, and he would do it more often when teasing Megumin.

After finishing teasing Huihui like a daily routine, An Luo walked for about ten minutes to the subway station. After taking the subway for a while, he arrived at the public toilet in the mall. He put on the wig that covered half of his face and put it on. With a thicker beard and a simple way to make himself look older, he entered a bar that normal students were not allowed to enter. He put on his work clothes and put on a polite smile and began to deal with one customer after another. The bottle of wine seemed to be alive in the exclamation.

That's right, his job is different from that of Shirogane Miyuki and others. It is a bar that is not suitable for a high school student to go to. The job content is also different from the waiter mentioned to Fujiwara Chika, who is a bartender.

According to the Labor Standards Act, persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to work after 10 p.m., so he lied about his age by cross-dressing.

Of course, he didn't know how to bartend before coming to this world. He just felt that this kind of acrobatic job was very suitable for his ability. Especially after he confirmed that using the ability lightly would not cause a headache, he read all the bartending videos on the Internet. Through the live broadcast and teaching of the bartender, you can basically understand the various bartending methods, and combined with the cheating ability of telekinesis, you can instantly transform into a seasoned fancy bartender.

Relying on the ability to make no mistakes no matter how hard he uses telekinesis, and his superb and magical bartending methods, he easily conquered the bar owner and exempted him from the internship period, and received a high salary that far exceeded the average part-time or even full-time salary.

In this way, I stayed in the smoky bar until two o'clock in the morning as a super popular new bartender. I also helped clean up when closing time. It was only at 2:30 that I walked out of the smell of alcohol, manliness, and cigarette smoke. A shop that never leaves.

The subway had stopped running at twelve o'clock and taxis were too expensive, so An Luo could only find a place to take off his disguise and relieve himself from the heat and discomfort, and just walked back with his shoulder bag.

"'s empty."

Holding the beer given to him after inducing the customer to buy it from the bar, An Luo drank while looking at the streets at night. He walked slowly on the streets with few pedestrians, enjoying the rare relaxation time and feeling better after hard work. Delicious cold beer on average.

It is normal for a social person to drink alcohol. However, now he is not a social person. He is a high school student who is only 16 years old. In Japan, you are not allowed to drink alcohol until you are 20 years old. Businesses selling alcohol to minors will have high fees. The fine has caused a lot of trouble for him to buy drinks, especially now that he has no money... This is one of the reasons why he goes to work in a bar.

In the middle of the night at 2:30 in the morning, the only people left on the street are drunkards with ties tied to their heads, as well as skinny dogs and stray cats rummaging through trash cans. At this time, Japan's nightlife community also went back to their hometowns. Each family has its own mother, and those who work overtime simply stay at the company all night or choose a nearby cheap hotel to spend the night.

But in this quiet night, a red vehicle that was rushing and rushing towards us came towards us.

It was obviously a straight road, but the red car was still drifting when overtaking, but for some reason it suddenly stopped suddenly when it passed him.

".....Is this guy driving a racing car??"

An Luo subconsciously turned around and looked behind him at the vehicle that stopped suddenly with a screeching sound.

The car that was used as a racing car was parked on the roadside less than twenty meters away from him, and the driver walked out for some reason.

It was a young woman wearing standard business attire and black stockings. She looked like an office worker at first glance. She was tall and slender, with waist-length cherry-colored hair, flush bangs, and hair on both sides of her hair in a twist.

In contrast to her lackluster hairstyle, the driver lady was unexpectedly pretty, but... her face was expressionless and inaccessible. She was like a textbook iceberg beauty.

"Female drivers are terrible."

After raising his head and taking a sip of wine, An Luo sighed a little, then stopped paying attention to the female driver who didn't know why he got out of the car, and was going to go back and sleep.

But just when he turned around, a woman's emotionless voice suddenly came from behind: "——You, come here."

"...Huh??" An Luo turned around subconsciously, glanced at the woman behind him, and then looked around, only to find that...there seemed to be no one else nearby.

"Stop looking, it's you."

Chapter 17: God’s calculation is worse than man’s calculation

"——Me??" An Luo pointed to himself in surprise, then as if he thought of something, he smiled and shrugged: "Sorry, if you are asking for directions, I am not familiar with this area."

"Question, what is that in your hand?"

"Of course it's beer? What's wrong?"

An Luo was inexplicably asked an unclear question by someone he didn't know, which made An Luo confused for a while. Then he looked at the can of beer in his hand, and soon realized: "Oh~! I understand, you Also want to ask what kind of beer this is? This is KIRIN’s summer limited edition and is relatively rare in convenience stores. If you want to buy it, you can try online shopping.”

"...You are a high school student, right? Why are you still outside at this time and still drinking? Are you from that school?"

The female driver... Kirisu Mafuyu frowned slightly in displeasure, and her face instantly became colder.

Although she was just a new teacher, she couldn't ignore the problem student who appeared in front of her, even though she didn't know yet whether he was from her school, so after staring at An Luo's face carefully, she looked at his hand. Beer on the table.

"...What school are you from? This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"I'm a teacher, so... educators can't turn a blind eye to student violations that happen right in front of them."

"Teacher? Oh...Hello, teacher~Good night~Goodbye~!"

Anluo, who knew that he encountered an officious teacher and that underage drinking in Japan would indeed rise to the level of illegality, smiled and threw the three in a row and turned around to leave; but Kirisu Mafuyu quickly caught up with him behind him. , put his hand on his shoulder: "——Stop."

"I said...Teacher." An Luo shook his head and turned around, looking at the beautiful teacher with a stern face, and suggested: "I am probably not from your school. Even if I take ten thousand steps back, I can't do it now." It's not your working time, so why bother meddling in other people's business? How about we just pretend we've never met each other?"

"Rejected, school, grade, name, said."

"How could you say that? Wouldn't it be very miserable for me if the school found out!"

An Luo, who did not hesitate to deny and did not want to pay attention to the teacher who spoke in a strange way, felt very depressed because of the other party's persistence.

"Now that you know, why are you drinking? Are you still wandering around at this time? This is very dangerous, don't you know? If the police see it, they will be taken to counseling."

"I know it's illegal to drink, but it's not illegal if you don't get caught!"

"Understood, I'll call the police right now."

"——No, no, no, don't call me so suddenly!"

An Luo grabbed Kirisu Mafuyu's hand as she was about to dial the number and stopped her from calling the police. After all, when high school students drink in Japan, it doesn't just get over with a curse, it's a really troublesome and serious problem.

Just when he was worried about how to get rid of this unexpectedly troublesome teacher, the passing drunkard staggered over with a dirty smile, grabbed Kirisu Mafuyu's other hand, and said with a vague smile: " Miss, you are so beautiful~ How about we go find a place to have a drink together?"

"Reject, let go!" Kirisu Mafuyu frowned, shook the drunk man's hand away with force, and took a vigilant step back, threatening: "If you touch me again, I will call the police."

Normally, this threat would make people fearful, but the other party is a drunkard and there are no pedestrians on the roadside. Even if there are a lot of people talking about it on the Internet, in reality, only a few people will come forward and act bravely. Otherwise, It won't be published in the newspaper or news.

Therefore, this strong refusal angered the drunk man, and he continued to pester him while yelling and cursing.

"——Oh~ I'm saved, I'm saved~"

When the drunk man who appeared to help him entangled Kirisu Mafuyu, An Luo smiled subconsciously and planned to flee the scene with oil on his feet. He also found a public phone to call the police for her and let the police handle the matter. things to avoid getting yourself into unnecessary trouble.


After taking only two steps, he hesitated again. He scratched his head fiercely and then turned around and walked back. He kicked the drunk man on the back knee, causing him to kneel on one knee uncontrollably. on the ground.

Then, An Luo, who was not prepared to give the opponent a chance to counterattack, raised his leg and hit him on the side of the head with a whip kick.

There was a sound of "Bang!", and before the drunk man had time to react, he flew out and fell to the ground, groaning in pain and squirming irregularly.

"I really didn't expect... I just learned Sanda a little out of interest before, but now I can still remember all the moves clearly. Maybe I will suddenly become very good?"

An Luo, who easily knocked out the drunkard from behind, murmured a little sigh. His telekinesis developed his brain and seemed to bring more benefits than imagined.

"you you....."

On the ground, Kirisu Mafuyu, who was suddenly relieved, kept glancing back and forth between the drunken man on the ground and An Luo, but as soon as he opened his mouth, An Luo had already walked over quickly and drank the remaining wine. He handed it to her and suggested naturally: "Come, drink some water to calm down the shock."

"Isn't this the time to talk about this?!"

"Don't be nervous. You're too nervous. Drink some water first and lend me your cell phone. I'll call home to report that everything is safe."

"haha a.....?"

After being harassed by a drunkard, Anluo deliberately shook her spirit and solved the problem of the drunkard being rescued in a rough way. Although she tried her best to calm down on the surface, Kirisu Mafuyu, who could not hide her panic, subconsciously listened to Anluo's words. .

So she reflexively took An Luo's beer and handed her cell phone over with her other hand. She instinctively raised her head and poured a sip of wine into her mouth due to her nervousness and dry mouth.

An Luo, who had just taken over the phone at this time, quickly called up the camera to take pictures of her drinking. Then he shook the phone and showed a proud smile: "Humph~ Teacher, right? You are still too young after all, and now you are drinking Yes, the car is still next to you, which means you are driving under the influence. You really need to go to jail. If you don’t want to be taken away by the police... eh? Wait?”

Halfway through his words, An Luo suddenly realized that something was not right. He had been prepared to take the initiative and tell the teacher to get out because his cunning plan had succeeded. However, the situation seemed to be developing in an unexpected direction. .

Although he just took a relatively strong sip of beer, Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly lost it completely. Even maintaining his previous stern aura seemed to become difficult to stand, as if he drank not a sip but a box.

"...This, this"

"——Hey, hey! You're not trying to trick me, are you? I won't fall for your little trick."

An Luo cautiously put the other person's cell phone into his pocket, and carefully observed the teacher to see what tricks she was playing, and was prepared not to be fooled like the other person.

Chapter 18: Stealing chicken but losing rice

Although he thought it was impossible, based on common sense, people who get drunk after one sip of beer would theoretically not exist, but such an impossibility appeared in front of him...

Kirisu Mafuyu, who was still an iceberg beauty before, had not passed a few seconds under his observation when the beer in her hand fell to the ground, and her whole body was shaky as if she was about to fall to the floor in the next second.

"...It always feels like it's not acting - hey, be careful!"

An Luo frowned and observed carefully, but couldn't tell the difference between this Kirisu Mafuyu and the previous drunk. When he noticed that she was about to fall, he reflexively stepped forward to catch her, and in the sudden fragrance When Yu was full of her arms, she only felt a severe headache, and couldn't help complaining: "Why is it like this?"

"...Um...Ugh...I'm sleepy...Good night..."

Kirisu Mafuyu, who was already tired after working overtime, no longer restrained his desire to sleep under the influence of alcohol. He rubbed his face against Anluo's body like a child, then simply closed his eyes and planned to get ready. Slept like this.

"Huh? No... you're asleep? Don't go to sleep just talking to yourself! I don't care what happens to you if you sleep here! Get up quickly and go back by yourself! No, give me a ride by the way!"

I originally planned to plot against this teacher who owned a car, create a handle on her and then seize the threat. While telling her not to meddle in her own business, I also had to serve as a free taxi for myself and save some money for him by sending him back. sleep time.

But now...

It seems that plans can never keep up with changes, and human calculations can never match the calculations of God. This teacher's drinking capacity is so funny that An Luo can't laugh.


"What the hell have I done... Why do I have to send a drunkard home after getting off work late at night?"

As a representative figure who steals chicken but loses rice, An Luo complained to himself while picking up the drunk Kirisu Mafuyu, walked towards her red car and put her in the passenger seat. .

Out of basic safety awareness, he helped Kirisu Mafuyu fasten his seat belt very carefully, and then shook his hand vigorously, secretly feeling depressed that his youthful body seemed to have not been exercised enough, and he spent the whole night in the bar. Now that I'm holding another person, the load has exceeded the normal load and the pain is unbearable.

Even though the torment of sleepiness made him want to go home and sleep, his conscience that had not yet been extinguished left him with no choice but to leave the person he had drunk on the roadside.

Therefore, Anluo, who was forced to clean up the mess for himself, searched in Kirisu Mafuyu's handbag, found the car keys and driver's license, and looked at the address written on the driver's license. He simply checked the route on his mobile phone and got there. He was in the driver's seat, preparing to drive this incredibly drunk beautiful teacher home.

Although he does not have a driver's license now, An Luo, who had a driver's license in the past, did not think that the police would be around in the middle of the night, so he turned the key and started the car, praying for a moment not to encounter them. After the police, he drove the vehicle in the direction that should be Kirisu Mafuyu's house.

Judging from what was found in the car, he could basically guess that the teacher had worked overtime at this point because he wanted to review all the test papers at once. Even so, there were still some unfinished papers, so he planned to take them back. deal with.

As for the drunkard who was knocked down just now and was still lying on the roadside, he had completely forgotten about it. Anyway, it would be nothing for a man to sleep on the roadside all night, and the drunkard was indeed shouting in pain. After a while, he simply lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

"...Oh, when can I get home?"

An Luo, who was talking incessantly, held the steering wheel with one hand and tried to keep his eyes open to prevent himself from being defeated by the Sandman. He also stared at every sign on the roadside to avoid accidentally taking the wrong road.

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